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Online games are good, I always need my sexuality questioned by random people.

It keeps you on your toes.

The only experience with wacky platformer battle games is Digimon Rumble Arena 2. But I had a blast playing it. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume SSB is a better series, so I think I may get this... after I get a Wii.

Hey snapshots, now that is an idea. I can't think of how many times I wished I could take a photo in Melee but couldn't.

Well, there was camera mode. I still have some shots saved, stuff like Peach playing golf off her castle rooftop with pokeballs/morph ball Samus, and Fox hanging from a parasol with the whole of Corneria down below...

I don't know if anyone's spotted these yet, but have a look!

The announcer sounds... less menacing.

And yes, more are on the guy's profile.

Oh yeah! Advance Wars assistants!!!


I knew it!!! .... well kinda. Since we heard of zero suit samus I always thought something would happen to samus that would make her suit fall off, and I was right, its the final smash.

I wonder if zero suit will be a playable character from the start or not

That is why an ambiguous release date may work just as well. The only people who would be miffed are those who stake themselves out on preorders. If a game is finished, it's finished. A lot of games in the past year have only have their release date finalized only a month or two before release. I think that is way more effective and not as misleading/disappointing.

Yeah, you're not getting the point here.

The release date is not just to get you excited and shut up the people demanding one (retailers, customers, reviewers, etc.). It is also a goal for the developer to meet, and a good way to retroactively plan the software's development. Just because the company doesn't tell everyone their release date until a month before does not mean it wasn't set years in advance.

And the higher demand for the game, the more likely they're going to release the date far in advance for a whole host of reasons that I'm sure if you think about you can figure out on your own.

I doubt it is about complexity. The ability to put out an earnest release date or even a gross estimate that doesn't lead into constant delays are not about complexity. Though I think the part of it is how the SSBB development team is trying to add new things constantly and they probably haven't finalized it a long time ago. It just seems to me they're adding things as they go. Especially from reading the blog.

Uh, hell yes it is. The more complex the game, the more ways the timeline can go askew to the point of needing to adjust the release date. With a game like Smash, you also have higher-level issues that go beyond simple bugs, such as balancing characters.

And yeah, they probably are adding new things as they go, as well as fixing existing things. I mentioned how that happens did I not?

Except not all EA games are buggy as well as there are a lot of Nintendo, Sega or any other game developers who put in some bugs in there. Mario Kart snaking anyone?

Hello, I'm Mr. Example. Have we met?


Do you guys know what would be incredibly cool, but doubt that will really happen.

If Nintendo offers the demo of Brawl in all the Super Mario Galaxy's copies.

I think I'd actually play the demo more than SMG. At least for a while.

Also the demo would probably keep me busy until the actual release of the game.

blah blah blah...

and beat him up

and I'll occasionally see this dude in game rooms and have a good laugh as I slaughter him and he speaks his unintelligible american teen dialect

this stuff is part of the essential online experience

don't steal it away Sakurai

use the delay to add this

Listen, online competition (specifically rankings) with Nintendo's bad online network is a bad idea. Just try playing Phantom Hourglass, once someone thinks they're going to lose they disconnect. They need a better system. It won't work right now, maybe in the future, maybe in an update, but right out of the box it will be flawed, just the way Phantom Hourglasses point based online ranking system is. The incentive is for good players to DC right before they lose to keep their points.

They need a simple way to set up a lobby, meet up with people and play them, but they need to keep rankings out imo, because it just screws with the entire online mode, especially since Nintendo has demonstrated they don't want to show the number of disconnects a player has done. Seriously, you should be penalized for disconnecting in ranking modes.

Anyway, that's my two cents. In an ideal world, online modes make me happy where you can just create a game lobby, have player's join then start the game. It's simple, allows the games to stay friendly, and still gives those online gamers their bragging right for beating people.

How often are you actually gonna use his up+b on the stage?

Did I read it right that there's no jump button for sonic? Presumably that's the only way to 'jump' from the stage

Hell, if you've ever played an EA game you can tell those folks have just decided to let patching take care of their problems after a point.

Except not all EA games are buggy as well as there are a lot of Nintendo, Sega or any other game developers who put in some bugs in there. Mario Kart snaking anyone?

Hello, I'm Mr. Example. Have we met?

Ha, internet discussion at its finest! I-n-j-i-n, your valiant yet doomed attempt to teach software developers about software development is quite amusing, please continue!

Here Mr. Example, have a trophy! =)



I doubt it is about complexity. The ability to put out an earnest release date or even a gross estimate that doesn't lead into constant delays are not about complexity.

Ah, another gem! I'm genuinely curious: is that sarcasm? Please tell me it's sarcasm...

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