Broken Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 What Eulogic said. That looks like an epic tourney though. You got to play some of my favorite players and some of the most well known in the competitive smash community. My condolencese on having to play against the asian onslaught that is h2yl. Chillindude by himself is bad enough. He's always showing everyone in Blacksburg what's up when he's over at Tech. Man, I really want to go to a big tourney now! argh, I gotta get off of my ass and just go.
Arek the Absolute Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 So, at the biggest tournament of my life, I played the worst that I ever have.Crews Our crew only had one person left, and the opposing crew had two people. Our crew member Turnip then proceeded to perform the greatest comeback ever seen, taking eight stocks while only losing two, winning the battle for us. He definitely saved our asses. After that, we had to play Ha Ha You Lose (H2YL), which consists of Doll, Chillendude, Azen and Chu Dat. Man, it was ugly. Doll, by himself, took our FOUR of us. I only got one stock off of him. Turnip finished him finally, but Azen finished us off. Crews was fun, it was just a little disappointing to be owned so thoroughly. Teams Teams actually went pretty well. My partner and I finished 3-2. We lost to Cort and PC Chris in one match, and then we lost to Brookman and Kiwi in the loser's bracket. We managed to beat Omgegawhitemage and KevinM, so that was cool. And once again, Rainbow Cruise proved itself to be an utterly gay teams stage. Pools ...Do I have to talk about this? I'll let the record speak for itself. Pools were 3-stock, best two out of three: vs. Jarc (Jiggs): 1-2 (he slept me off the side of the stage, and I went flying off the top and he fell first, that's the only reason I won} vs. Pat/Pro (Fox): 0-2 vs. Mathos (Falco): 0-2 vs. M2k (Marth): 0-2 (I actually managed to get two stocks off of him once. Yay!) vs. HBK (Marth): 0-2 (He owned me harder than M2K did. Strange.) vs. Malcolm (Zelda): 0-2 (Zelda! FUCKING ZELDA! What's wrong with me?) Needless to say, I played like complete and utter crap. Maybe I wouldn't have made it out of my pool anyway, but I expected better from myself. No johns though, I suck. Random -Got to play Chu Dat in a money match. He 4-stocked me with his Gdorf, but I actually got his Pikachu down to one stock (he SD'd once). He's a really cool guy. -I played some cool friendlies with people from all over the East Coast, so that we alot of fun. Final Thoughts Despite wasting almost $60, and playing worse than a noob, I really had a good time. I wasn't so disappointed that I didn't make it out of my pool, since I got to go home to see my wife and son. However, I just wish I'd played a little better. Oh well, there's always VLS 2, I'm sure. Screw the money. It is the experience that matters. You played with awesome smashers, and even if you weren't on your "A" game, I know that you had to have had a blast there. It is all about fun after all, right?
Jam Stunna Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Yeah, it was pretty damn awesome. Chu is cool as hell, and M2K is a giant asshole. Results as far as I know: Singles: 1.Azen 2.chu Dat 3.Korean DJ 4. Mew2king 5.Pc Chris 5.Drephen Teams: 1. azen/chillin 2. m2k/vidjo 3. kdj/chu 4. pc/cort Crews: 1. pc/cort/kdj/hayato 2. drephen/jiano/sliq/vidjo/dope 3. h2yl and team ben (tied)
Bigfoot Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Was M2K not a good sport about losing or something?
linkspast Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 It is all about fun after all, right? So were going there again.... what is a comp like? I never been to one, Is the atmosphere a lot different than just playing with people you know?
Arek the Absolute Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 nothing we already haven't seen So were going there again....what is a comp like? I never been to one, Is the atmosphere a lot different than just playing with people you know? Wow, way to rape my words. I was not doing the whole game for fun not for tourny arguement there dude. I was saying tournaments are a blast. Reading comprehension + 1 HOWEVER, if for some reason by quoting that portion of my post you were just curious to if tournaments are fun and NOT meaning what I said above, then it is really hard to explain in words. Tournaments are an experience you either love or hate. No real gray line. If you really enjoy having fun while also competing in a "serious" environment, then tournaments are for you. As long as you enjoy competitions without taking them TOO seriously, then you will be fine. Also, there will be a lot of shit talking *note: depends on who is there*, so you got to be able to not take words too close to heart.
eternal Zero Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Agreed. Quite a boring final smash. Then again, Aether is pretty badass.
Mastertoku Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 All this fuss about Aether is rekindling my hopes for the Black Knight... ...but, if there's going to be any more new Fire Emblem characters at all, it'll probably be Sothe...
Strike911 Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 When I saw this Final Smash in the videos a few weeks ago I was blown away. It was ridiculously bad ass. Tons of swipes and total rapage. Sakurai makes this Final Smash seem way less epic than it is...
Eulogic Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 another yawn update hopefully we'll get a character or something soon
Neo Samus Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Wow, the update came early? Or does it alwyas show up around this time now? Still images do nothing for the awesomeness that is Ike's FS Great Aether.
Majin GeoDooD Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Wow, the update came early? Or does it alwyas show up around this time now?Still images do nothing for the awesomeness that is Ike's FS Great Aether. We had DST, Japan has no DST, so they now update at 2 EST.
Neo Samus Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 We had DST, Japan has no DST, so they now update at 2 EST. Oh that's right. For some reason I was thinking 3 am CDT and then 2 am CST for me. oops. OK I think it's time for me to go to bed.
linkspast Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 nothing we already haven't seenWow, way to rape my words. I was not doing the whole game for fun not for tourny arguement there dude. I was saying tournaments are a blast. Reading comprehension + 1 HOWEVER, if for some reason by quoting that portion of my post you were just curious to if tournaments are fun and NOT meaning what I said above, then it is really hard to explain in words. Tournaments are an experience you either love or hate. No real gray line. If you really enjoy having fun while also competing in a "serious" environment, then tournaments are for you. As long as you enjoy competitions without taking them TOO seriously, then you will be fine. Also, there will be a lot of shit talking *note: depends on who is there*, so you got to be able to not take words too close to heart. Yeah that was sarcasm, I would like to go, but there are never any close enough to me... and its been a while since I played a human... So I think the day this comes out we should start a tourney... using the wifi...
Bigfoot Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 It'd be cool if Nintendo made little mini videos for these final smashes. We've all already seen Ike's, it's badass, but still it'd be a cool feature.
Antipode Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Whoa! That looks hot! It’s dangerous to touch it. "Let me in!" "I’m not letting YOU in!" Oh! Is he grabbing the edge with his rope snake?! PA-SHEEN! That feels gooood... It’s exciting and exhilarating!
Mastertoku Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Whoa! That looks hot! It’s dangerous to touch it. "Let me in!" "I’m not letting YOU in!" Oh! Is he grabbing the edge with his rope snake?! PA-SHEEN! That feels gooood... It’s exciting and exhilarating! I see what you did there.
BardicKnowledge Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Is anyone else getting the feeling that they had planned out what things they were willing to release before launch against the original release date, and are screwed now that it's been delayed until February?
Mastertoku Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Is anyone else getting the feeling that they had planned out what things they were willing to release before launch against the original release date, and are screwed now that it's been delayed until February? Time will tell. Come January, if we start seeing updates like "Unlockable Characters!" or the finest intricacies on "How to Smash", we can all feel sorry for the fine people at Sora hunting down things to reveal.
Jam Stunna Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Was M2K not a good sport about losing or something? He just has this total "I'm better than you so don't look at me" air about him. Pretty much every other person there that I talked to/played has a better personality than him.
L.T.W. Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 He just has this total "I'm better than you so don't look at me" air about him. Pretty much every other person there that I talked to/played has a better personality than him. That sucks, why does he even bother to play this game then, or any game for that matter? If the main goal is to have fun. How can someone like that have fun?...
Azul v2 Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 That sucks, why does he even bother to play this game then, or any game for that matter? If the main goal is to have fun. How can someone like that have fun?... Sadly there are douches in the world who have been heavily spoiled during childhood. They could all use some manual labor.
Neo Samus Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Sadly there are douches in the world who have been heavily spoiled during childhood. They could all use some manual labor. I really dislike those kind of people. They have the personality of a grapefruit. Too bad you didn't kick his ass Jam. I would have loved to see the expression on his face.
JackKieser Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 Ugh... I feel for you, Jam. We play a LOT of Smash at school between classes (we rent the game and a couple of Cubes from the library almost every day), and we have assholes like that ruining the fun at all times. This one guy plays an arguably mean Samus... but he treats everyone else like shit, making sure to verbally point out that he's better than us. It's actually quite impressive, though. We have a guy who mains Fox; brings his own Wavebird to school and everything. We hate playing him because he destroys us all, but sometimes he actually seems apologetic that he can whip us so handily. Even if is Fox is cheap, he's fun to play against. Smash needs more guys like that in general, so I can only postulate about the tournament community (I've never been to a tourney, although I would love to try sometime). --Jack Kieser
eternal Zero Posted November 12, 2007 Posted November 12, 2007 I've done the whole being apologetic cause you're too good for your playgroup bit, but really it shouldn't matter. I main as Samus and can play another two or three characters to a close level, so I just play as other characters until I feel like winning (I'm a bit of a jackass) then I pick one of my better characters. You just have to be smart about playing so that your playgroup won't hate you. Not to mention, if you do have someone like that who doesn't give an honest effort to make up for it, kick him the hell out. Don't waste your time not having fun with a game like Smash.
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