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It's not bad. The sounds are kinda borderline between bomb-chiptunes and lame-PCM. Like, the whole time they're kina teetering on sounding really bad. Except for the bassline; that's just fat.

The rhythm section is totally dig. I mean, the drums, the syncopation and silent inferences: it's all good.

I don't hear alot of contrast or dynamic range. My ears yearn!


damn. i like this mix okay, but it seems like it could have used more energy or something. too bad really, as i totally love rellik's other pieces here, and the zelda 2 overworld theme as well.


Excellent, professional production. I wouldn't have minded it if the mix had expanded on the melody as well as just dicing it up with the (admittedly awesome) effects. Some of the phrasing could have been cleaned up a little, for instance, even if it was like that in the original.

Well above the bar.


I rarely comment, but I wanted to put in my $0.02 here. The mix itself sounds pretty good to me as a nice simple electronica sort of sound. But the biggest thing about this mix for me is the background.

Using one program, FL, one can make some quality remixes. I've been wanting to try my hand at remix making, but to be honest it's very overwhelming. Even glancing at the "Remixing for free" topic in the forums leads me to a long list of words that I don't know (even though I do have a decent knowledge of music). A list of free software is nice, but it would be good to know what they are all for too. :P

Anyway, the mix is great, and I hope the fact that FL was the only software package used will help people like myself and my brother (who is also interested in remixing) take that huge first leap into the world of remixing.


I'll be putting this one on loop for a while. I found it really catchy, and it's funny how I can recognize just about every synth used in this mix. :lol: Great job Rellik!


Pure awesomeness in simple form, I like it alot. I know to a certain limit how the FL samples actually sounds like, but now that I listen to this, I'm amazed how Rellik makes them work together to create something different.

I'll keep this one. :D


I like this mix, it's reminscent of old game music itself, because its got that primitive sound to it, but at the same time its original and got its own funky beat to it. I really love it =D


I was tottaly about to vote for you in the remix compo.... I just, well I didn't. :(

Well, anyway this song is still great. I love the intro into :39 because it's so mysterious. You just can't tell where it's taking you until you're there, I suppose. The main theme or motif that starts around :42 is interesting too, and I guess you just changed keys at 01:10 and kept the rhythm about the same. I liked that as well.

I didn't like all the distortion you put on things about 3/4's through the piece though. It seemed like a little too much, but that's about my only gripe. I mean, the fact that you made something this awesome on fruity loops is reason alone to by happy. 8)


Wow, very cool remix! I especially like the rhythm and how this piece never gets boring. I typically don't like these types of remixes with the lower quality sounds, but you rocked my boat with this one! I'm not sure what else to say other than it would be cool to do the robot-dance to this :-D.

Money can't buy talent. Great stuff!


Maybe this isn't too new for Rellik, but to those of us who only hear your OCR's this is a bit of a branch off... and it branches off in the best possible way.

EDIT: Growing on me like hair. At this rate it could be in my top 10 by week's end. The section at 2:09 tears up my soul.


For me... these sounds are too bright and the soundscape is too thin/limited. Nice groove and effects though. The ending felt kinda lacking.

The composition ideas seem neat, but I'd need you to beef up and fill out alot more of the frequency/stereo range to actually "feel" this; personally.

I guess that could be a reason why this song is called "Transparent". [insert questionable google-eyed emoticon here]


Way too freaky. Didn't like this one.

I guess people more easily comment the remixes they like, rather than those they don't like.

Not bad. I wonder why no one is complaining about this like they did about See Sixty Funk.

I don't know about that one, but it's more easy to go with the flow, and if there aren't any negative comments, it's more demanding to make a new negative post. So, the comments that happen to come first count the most.

For example...

I didn't really like anything until 2:10 ish but after that it was all pretty enjoyable. Not bad.

You didn't like ANYTHING before 2:10 but still the remix was "not bad"? Is it just me, or might your comment have been influenced by the previous posts?

I didn't really like anything until 2:10 ish but after that it was all pretty enjoyable. Not bad.

You didn't like ANYTHING before 2:10 but still the remix was "not bad"? Is it just me, or might your comment have been influenced by the previous posts?

Radiowar's comments make sense to me. I read it alot differently than you do, I guess. By "didn't really like", I think he was meaning "wasn't really impressed". Things like "pretty enjoyable" to me aren't as positive as "really enjoyable", I'd say it means above neutral to the point of fun but not too far beyond, and "Not bad" would fall into a category a little lower. So a mix of "didn't really like" and "pretty enjoyable" would logically amount to a conclusion of "Not bad". You see?

But this is pretty off-topic...


Once again, Rellik cements his place as one of my favorite OCRemixers. This has a similar 'Spacey' feel to his other remixes - For me, it's definitve and instantly recognizeable as Rellik.

Way too freaky. Didn't like this one.

I guess people more easily comment the remixes they like, rather than those they don't like.

Not bad. I wonder why no one is complaining about this like they did about See Sixty Funk.

I don't know about that one, but it's more easy to go with the flow, and if there aren't any negative comments, it's more demanding to make a new negative post. So, the comments that happen to come first count the most.

For example...

I didn't really like anything until 2:10 ish but after that it was all pretty enjoyable. Not bad.

You didn't like ANYTHING before 2:10 but still the remix was "not bad"? Is it just me, or might your comment have been influenced by the previous posts?


jogilius, official spokesperson for reading way too far into things


The beginning made me feel good. Then a questionable synth comes in. I thought it was very questionable at first, but after a second listen, all I could remember is how okay/good it sounded teamed up with everything else going on, and a lot of the grating went away. I could even hear some of its beauty. Anyway, then I had the thought, at :59, that the sample could benefit from being an octave or two (or whatever the range is for the note at :59) higher, and continue doing its melody from there, like how djp works it into his M.U.S.H.A. remix. It actually starts to get old at such a low octave all the time. There are certainly many other things going haywire, so why not that main sample?

Other than that, I love chopped up music. Just that one sample gets too much of the highlight. Ugh, it's actually getting annoying again, in a different way than when I first heard it. I better listen to some of these other recent mixes again. They all have an experimental approach to them. Bonsai Garden, this, Concerto for Velociraptor. Good memory building time for OCRs!

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