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I felt that for almost ALL of the tracks remixed, there were already better remixes out there. Most of these are satisfactory at the least, the rap was better than most of the lyrical remixes ive heard, but much better remixes already exist.

just my 2 cents


You know there's no rap in this, right? ;) And since there's only one other remix of this I can only assume you're saying that Star's is better, something that I'd probably agree with, but I think mine stands pretty well on it's own. I didn't take the same approach as he did despite the fact that we both used mostly electronic sounds.


So I come on OCRemix to see what's new. Lo and behold, a SF project is complete! Joy!

So I download--I wait patiently. I think of SF, I think of fighting and dragon-punches. I think of green beasts and and kung-fu fighters. I think about them fighting.

Then the download is done. Joy!

Then frown. 'What is this?' I ask myself. I am introduced to something I wasn't expecting. This is not the kick-you-in-the-balls sort of music I was expecting for a game as famous as this or for a game of such a genre.

Then yawn. 'Boring.' I think.

But wait! Vurez does something intriguing and entertaining. Hope is restored!

Then crash, my spirit is broken by more snooze-tunes. The pain!

Aha! Dhalsim's tune starts out nicely. Aw, it fails.

Woo! Ken's song is more like it. That's the kind of stuff I was hoping for. The angels sing.

Then follows something even better and more entertaining! The AB, BC collab brings the energy SF needs. The angels dance.

Then the angels and I go home, the fun has ended. The remaining songs bore us.

You get the picture. This could have been more, but it was simply too boring to be anything but average. There were some songs that had their moments, but they ended up unsatisfactory as a whole. Less than half-way through the album I started to just listen to the first 10 seconds or so of each song. If it didn't sound like it was going anywhere, I skipped to the middle. If it sounded like it hadn't progressed much by then, I went to the next song. Unfortunatly, I did that quite a lot in this album. There were few songs that merited a complete listen.

Doesn't come close to other projects in this site, I'm afraid. I'd rank this album with the sonic and doom albums. I certainly wouldn't rank it with CS, RotC or KiC.

I'm sorry it turned out this way. It could have been a whole lot better.

EDIT: BTW, forgot to say that zircon's remix of Fei long's theme rocks.


This the shit. Plain and simple. You all did an excellent job re-interpreting the songs. I like the gritty street feel in "Rock the Asphalt" and such. 8)

I can only hope you'll make a Sonic colab next.


I have to say Blind and Leifo's Sagat stage and Zicon's Fei-Long stage are my favourite tracks. Everyone put quite a bit of work into the project and I think it's turned out really well.

What interests me the most:

Who engineered the project. It's crisp, sometimes a bit "too crisp" (and the bass abit missing, aways a matter of preferences of course), which tells mere the was some editing taking place, also in terms of volume, cause all tracks seem to have a decent loudness level.

Well I boosted the volume of two of the tracks and converted quite a lot of them into mp3 format. However, there was no final eq'ing applied to any of the tracks, and so there was no real overall engineering as such.



Turned out completely awesome! Despite what some people think, I think the whole album sounds entirely coherent.

Props to everyone involved, and especially to Shael, Malcos, Richter.

It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of this project, and a big thanks to BrainCells for collaborating with me on Overdrive... was truly awesome dude!

Turned out great!



Bloody good job guys. Been lookin for some good upbeat stuff for a while, looks like I finally found em. In terms of which tracks I can't stop listening to, they're zircon's Flying Heaven, AkumajoBelmont & BrainCells R U Overdrive and Sixto Sounds Made in USA.


I was waiting for the unveiling of this site so i could update my own site. Ta... da, then.

Head to bronxrican.com if you'd like lyrics and instrumentals for the two tracks I've done. And speaking of lyrics, I thought I'd hear more of them on this project besides mine and the two BotAs. It's all great, however; this whole thing's a keeper. Sagat, Dhalsim and Fei Long tracks are something else.


Am I really the only one trying to use torrent here? :/

Seems dumb but I don't find neither any seeder nor leecher... And I'm too lazy to download 'em all manually atm :P


Aight after two listens of the album I thought it was aight. Not bad at all. An few questions that I wanted to know, are you guys planning to do an King of Fighters one next? Any chance that you guys will allow someone or yourself to do the missing endings? Thanks for the album and nice job on it!

Well I boosted the volume of two of the tracks and converted quite a lot of them into mp3 format. However, there was no final eq'ing applied to any of the tracks, and so there was no real overall engineering as such.

I really gotta check that, cause overall it was... okay in terms of loudness. Okay I was working at the same time, so it might have fooled me. But I stay to the opinion that most of the stuff just lacks certain "oomph" as in form of "bass". Like I said... some tracks were just too crisp.

All in all, now that I'm through the album, there're some good tracks, but I have to agree with some opinions, OCR had better tracks already. Which doesn't mean that this project is a failure. It's still an interesting stab at this soundtrack, like I said before. But I wouldn't call it totally "urban".


I've been looking forward to this one for awhile. I think the opening two tracks were really good considering the length of the original tracks. Stage theme wise I felt some of them came off a little slower than I expected, but I guess that's cool too. My favorites were "Thank You Dee-Jay", "Tokyo Slapdown", "Made in USA", "R U Overdrive", and "Urban Uppercut". It also took a couple songs I didnt orgianlly like (such as Ryu's stage) and made me love the newer arrangement. Overall I think the project is pretty good and I hope a lot of people like it.


The vocals are extremely awesome. This applies to the back to back ones at the end and the Brooklyn DJ. Awesome work. I usually only keep one or two songs from these soundtracks...i ended up keeping over 10 from this one.

side note, if you put Richter/Shael and Aetherius' song back to back and do an ending crossfade of about 10 seconds, the transition is flawless. Sounds like one ten minute song.


Thanks for all the great feedback guys! Please keep it coming.

About the torrent -- there should be plenty of seeders, so if there's a problem, it's likely on your end. I've been seeding since go time and have upped over 5GB already. I will continue to seed for ... as long as I'm alive and employed ;)


I was following the developments from the forum, from the beginning when Shael announced that he propopsed to create a SF2 project. So my expectations of it were a lil high! But you know I have to agree with a few peeps out there that the album was a lil disappointing. But not entirely as sometracks just blew me away. Jose's take on Deejay's and Vega's themes was just tight! More of that please Jose!

But as a side note to Shael... it is true that this album has even more potential to shine. Instead of treating this album as a 'complete' version, why not try to make it a bit 'open-source' where other artists can contribute to key tracks that may have been missed or were not included here (such as Ryu's ending, that would have been a good one). I'm not involved with the production or any other aspect of this project at all, just making a lil suggestion. U lot can decide if its valid, I wouldn't know lol.

In the end it was a decent effort from everyone and I am pleased with it. Just perhaps not the outcome of what I was expecting but a worthy addition to OC Remix!


Wow, I didn't think this would be out so soon. That might be because my eye was on the other projects. This was a very cool project you guy's put up. Will there be another Street Fighter project (Alpha or SF3)cuz, this came out good? Oh well, This goes on my iPod right away. Good jod to everyone in this project.


After giving this a listen all the way through again, I still find that the genre of music doesn't fit the genre of the game. I still find many songs boring, unfortunatly.

I listened all the way through all the songs and was hit by the singing in the two Guile ending mixes. Ouch, that was painful. I didn't notice just how bad it was until I actually listened to them all the way through. Whoever sang in the first song needs voice training before attempting that again. Sorry, but that singing was =< karaoke. The second one was more stylistic, but in the end was uninteresting and ultimately boring.

Jose's two vocals were ok. Personally, I am not a big regge or hip-hop guy myself, but I know that the music in both mixes could have been much better. I couldn't understand most of the lyrics in your first song in the album, but that's a regge thing it seems. The second could have done without the cussing, but I guess that is the nature of hip-hop.

I tried to give this album a second chance, but even upon further evaluation I still find it to only be average.

Sorry to make another post about this, but I felt it necessary to give the album another chance before setting my opinion in stone.

Hot guacamole, that's the fastest I've ever seen a torrent move! (500 kbs!) I'll get some comments up in a moment.

Hellz yeah, mine moved almost that fast the whole time!

But great kudos to everyone on this project. Nothing at all stood out to me as bad, every song was enjoyable, which to me makes this one of the best projects OCR has seen.

Great stuff guys.

You know there's no rap in this, right? ;) And since there's only one other remix of this I can only assume you're saying that Star's is better, something that I'd probably agree with, but I think mine stands pretty well on it's own. I didn't take the same approach as he did despite the fact that we both used mostly electronic sounds.

well where applicable, my post applies :D lol. Yours is fine, the album in general wasn't as upbeat/attractive as the preexisting ones, thats all im saying.

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