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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume I - History


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I'd just like to toss out a few more ideas/suggestions/inspiration sources/etc.:

1. There's a platformer for the SNES that was never released stateside until recently called DoReMi Fantasy: Milon's DokiDoki Adventure,

which is the sequel to Milon's Secret Castle on the NES, and it singlehandedly has one of the best soundtracks of any game on the SNES.

, example, boss fight example.

But what bothers me most extreme is that I can't find any quality example of the Boss Music I'd like you to hear. :banghead:

It's the boss of the forest world (the first world), and its the music for the Wood Robot.

2. The concept of "Vs."

Why limit each track to a single boss theme, why not meld or mix two (or more) together?

e.g. Who would win in a fight: M.Bison or Ganondorf?

What if Dr. Wily and Dr. Robotinik teamed up to make the ultimate robot of destruction?

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2. The concept of "Vs."

Why limit each track to a single boss theme, why not meld or mix two (or more) together?

e.g. Who would win in a fight: M.Bison or Ganondorf?

What if Dr. Wily and Dr. Robotinik teamed up to make the ultimate robot of destruction?

Nobody says it's not allowed. If you can mix these themes together in good way, you're free to do so I think

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Interesting how many are eager to point out boss music that should be remixed but so few actually join the project and want to remix anything.

plenty of people have memories of boss music. plenty of people don't have musical experience.

its a pretty simple concept

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plenty of people have memories of boss music. plenty of people don't have musical experience.

its a pretty simple concept

This. Just this. I love video game music, but I don't know the first thing *about* music, let alone composition and execution. Short of actually taking a class or being taught by someone else, I don't think all the online tutorials in the world would help me out here. It's why I've not attempted to mix anything at all. XD

But for the overarching project, I think this is a really good plans. And might I say that I'm especially looking forward to seeing what Joker does with Gruntilda's theme from the Banjo series? That was one of my very favorite villain leitmotifs out there.

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Yeah, so get those wips in!

The Coop, would you be interested in doing a coop with someone polishing up the production side? I listened to your posted ReMixes and your arrangements seem solid enough (actually, your PS4 ReMix is quite fantastic, I really appreciate the restraint in it).

I might also whip up a wip.. I'm concerned about my ability to produce something worthy too, so you're not alone. :D


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Yeah, so get those wips in!

The Coop, would you be interested in doing a coop with someone polishing up the production side? I listened to your posted ReMixes and your arrangements seem solid enough (actually, your PS4 ReMix is quite fantastic, I really appreciate the restraint in it).

I might also whip up a wip.. I'm concerned about my ability to produce something worthy too, so you're not alone. :D


Thanks for the comment on Wounds of the Past.

Regarding a co-op, as much as it makes me sound like a control freak, I prefer to work on my remixes myself. I'm all for feedback and everything, but when it comes to actually working on them, I keep it "in house" as it were (for better or for worse). I do appreciate the offer though.

If you're interested, I have an updated version of Bio Tech (v3, less reverb-laden and distant, a bit louder, a few other tweaks), as well as some other, newer remixes on my site (click my sig). I intend to put up similarly tweaked versions of "Wounds" and "Fallen's" as well at some point in the not too distant future.

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Regarding a co-op, as much as it makes me sound like a control freak, I prefer to work on my remixes myself. I'm all for feedback and everything, but when it comes to actually working on them, I keep it "in house" as it were (for better or for worse). I do appreciate the offer though.

Yeah, I can understand that. Personally the best experiences in making music have been collaborations, but I can definitely relate, there is sometimes a feeling of loss of control or it just doesn't gel.

If you're interested, I have an updated version of Bio Tech (v3, less reverb-laden and distant, a bit louder, a few other tweaks), as well as some other, newer remixes on my site (click my sig). I intend to put up similarly tweaked versions of "Wounds" and "Fallen's" as well at some point in the not too distant future.

Thanks, I'll check them out. Bio Tech, playing now, sounds pretty nice, definitely an improvement over the earlier version.



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Like I said, there is jo list. Those bosses are just off the top of my head. I'd really like for artists to have the flexibility in this project to remix a boss song of their choosing, from any game, as long as it's a boss fight. Like, say, if they ever wanted to remix that mini boss theme from SMB3, they could do it. It's not on the list, but it's a boss theme, so it's good.

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