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A gladly met improvement on the percussion for Game Over. I find it harder to listen to Little Mac's Confession and Cataclysmic Clash these days, but these drums don't draw so much attention to them. Nice work.

I liked the song overall. Some of the vocals were a little quiet, but still I enjoyed them. Loved the touch at the end with the one heart left beeping sound, found that really clever. Not convinced it had to be as long as it is though.


at first I was like:


Then 1:25 happened. Then I was like


for about 5 seconds...

then I was like


then 1:57 happened! and I was like



When this song rocks, this song rocks.

There needs to be better vocal placement before I will even pretend the lyrics sound good.

Whatever exciter they put the audio through its not working, and is making everything sound very hollow.

There is a very indy quality about this song and while the actual music is pretty sweet, it certainly lacked



It lists the Song(s) remixed as being just "Title"... the dungeon theme is in there too for like the last two minutes.

Oh, and I thought the vocals were good :-)


I've been listening to a lot of swedish metal video-game-inspired music lately, and I think this track fares favorably well against "pro" renditions (i'm speaking specifically of machinae supremacy), though not so much as Game Over's previous two submissions.

I like the track a lot, but it's definitely much rougher around the edges than their other work. Perhaps that was intended, but nevertheless...


On first listen, the first verse gave me a bad impression. By about 0:45, things picked up, and from there on it was pretty damn awesome. I still don't like the first verse. I don't think it tops your previous efforts in terms of song writing and production, but for some reason that I can't put my finger on, it's my favorite work of yours so far. Rawkin'.


Blablabla... production quality blablabla... The remixing scene has changed quite a bit since I started rearranging vg music. Sound quality seems to be the most important thing these days. Anyway, our previous release was mixed and mastered (note: not recorded) in a million dollar studio, while this album was made entirely in home studios. Plus these new arrangements have twice as many channels and real drums, which requires a lot more complicated work.

Blablabla... production quality blablabla... The remixing scene has changed quite a bit since I started rearranging vg music. Sound quality seems to be the most important thing these days. Anyway, our previous release was mixed and mastered (note: not recorded) in a million dollar studio, while this album was made entirely in home studios. Plus these new arrangements have twice as many channels and real drums, which requires a lot more complicated work.

Yeah, to hell with sound quality (as long as its moderately good). I don't even notice anything wrong with the sound. If not perfect, but rawk n' roll is supposed to be a little nasty. Hell, what matters is that the song kicks ass, which it does. In fact, I listen to it every time I take a shower now. :wink:


It's funny, the first time I listened to it I couldn't stand the vocal part so I stopped the track. Several days later I came back to it, and to be honest the first verse is my favorite. It has a sound to it that I just like, not to mention the lyrics are really good.

I've been a casual fan of Game Over since hearing Cataclysmic Clash and Little Mac's Confession. Those are some great tracks, and I feel that this one is right up there with them. Maybe it's my extremely poor sound set up on this system but I can't notice any huge drop in sound quality. Over all what's important is that the track rocks and is an enjoyable listen. Excellent job GO.

My biggest "complaint" about this track is the same complaint I have about all vocal remixes I like... I remember the lyrics too well and find myself singing them when playing the games or listening to the OSTs. :P


Wow, I like this song really!! It is so great, the lyrics are fantastic and the music is always compatible to the great lyrics! I like the alternation and variety of the song, too! Very big compliment from me!

Blablabla... production quality blablabla... The remixing scene has changed quite a bit since I started rearranging vg music. Sound quality seems to be the most important thing these days. Anyway, our previous release was mixed and mastered (note: not recorded) in a million dollar studio, while this album was made entirely in home studios. Plus these new arrangements have twice as many channels and real drums, which requires a lot more complicated work.

The change on this site is that everyone has gone from a lighter attitude to being overcritical. Don't worry I think the song is kick ass!


Well now...a very nice rock mix. I'll admit the first vocals put me off a little bit, but the rest of song kicks some certifiable ass.

Nicely done. :)

The change on this site is that everyone has gone from a lighter attitude to being overcritical. Don't worry I think the song is kick ass!

It's not that, it's that comparing this song to their first album marks a huge difference, therefore everyone is going to notice and point it out.

The sound quality was just such a complete jump, everyone was surprised. If the first CD sounded the same quality as this, nobody would have batted an eyelash.

The change on this site is that everyone has gone from a lighter attitude to being overcritical. Don't worry I think the song is kick ass!

It's not that, it's that comparing this song to their first album marks a huge difference, therefore everyone is going to notice and point it out.

The sound quality was just such a complete jump, everyone was surprised. If the first CD sounded the same quality as this, nobody would have batted an eyelash.

I kinda agree, but this CD is definitely more wellrounded talking about the songs. Siege in Monsteropolis, zelda and Transylvania Temptation are all amazing tracks.


So being as new as i am i can still show an intresting view. The love stain kinda didn't fit translated through my brain. Regardless as always i enjoy a mix of the zelda theme. It having words just makes the imagination more controlled into some intresting pictures. the girls voice completed the drama of how much link has resting on him alone. With a sense of emotion and the power of the theme it grabs you to listen over and over again. I know little about great instrumentals and harmony but i believe it was fluent and intriguing. pretty sweet vocals...didn't feel the cave theme at the end..pretty cool but outside of the song, kinda mixed feelings on that. overall a new and intresting mix.

It's not that, it's that comparing this song to their first album marks a huge difference, therefore everyone is going to notice and point it out.

I think much of it is in your head. It sounds different, yes, but it's not a "huge difference" and some people think the sound quality on NESperado is a lot better than on Nintendo Metal. As I said, real drums and 20 tracks for each song produce more frequencies below 30 Hz which leads to more noise. But, take the rhythm guitars for example, they sound a lot more like guitars on this new CD than on Nintendo Metal (unless you really like the sound of SoundBlaster Live).


The successful use of in-game noise at the very end is a real nice touch.

Take the following with a grain each of salt and "this guy's been listening to too much Luca Turilli lately":

I think my biggest problem with this track is that the lead singer is holding back. With lyrics like this, you really can't do that. When your lyrics are super-epic, and you're already accepting the mocking for attempting to use the word 'thy' in your song... you've got to go all-or-nothing. If I hear you sing "forever faithful to the land of legends," I had best believe that your blood is literally on fire.

Yeah, I'd love it if the production was cleaner, but it's not necessary.


It was extremely well done. I'm not usually a fan of this genre of music either, and I really like this version. The lyrics fit perfectly and have a very patriotic tone to them, which I also really like. The ending music-only area is where it also really peaked. Altogether this is an excellent OC Remix and I'm hoping you make more in the future with this type of style.

I think much of it is in your head. It sounds different, yes, but it's not a "huge difference" and some people think the sound quality on NESperado is a lot better than on Nintendo Metal. As I said, real drums and 20 tracks for each song produce more frequencies below 30 Hz which leads to more noise. But, take the rhythm guitars for example, they sound a lot more like guitars on this new CD than on Nintendo Metal (unless you really like the sound of SoundBlaster Live).

There's other differences too, but then it's just turning into splitting hairs.

I still love the new CD, and you guys still kick craploads of ass, but the full-out million-dollar studio did something right with Little Mac's Confession, Grim Reaper, and Cataclysmic Clash. Something about it just sounded raw.

But, as just my opinion, I didn't mind the rythm guitars in the first CD not 'sounding like real guitars', because it felt more appropriate to the 'metal' aspect, methinks. So, yeah I suppose I do like Sound Blaster live. 8)

Anyway, conclusion - I really do like the mix. It was different and tough to get used to, but I gradually came to understand it would be impossible to improve on Nintendo Metal and that I should stop bitching about little things.

So, yeah. I'm a whiny bitch. Don't listen to me anymore. Great second CD, and Nintendo Metal shall forever live on as unable to be topped in my mind.


I found this remix to be rather awesome, but i did notice one thing in particular. The music is clearly from the first Zelda game, while the lyrics point to the second game in the series. Especially since the first verse verse explains a comatose type state:

"Her skin, white as the cleanest snow

Eyes closed in tranquillity

Her heart is calm, her breathing slow

On the altar, sleeps for eternity

The Valiant will be their sacrifice

To breathe life into the cursed remains"

And during the Chorus:

"Your Highness will you ever wake?

Or will you sleep till the end of time?"

I have listened to their other songs on this site and found this one to be the most lyrically sound. Especially since you can write more solid lyrics about an epic story than say... a boxing game and not sound somewhat clichéd. The arrangement was also beautifully done, it complimented the lyrics well AND set a comlimenting mood for the rest of the song. Wonderful work all around in my opinion.

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