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Why were the messages we deleted from way back get saved? Over the last several years? How/why were those messages saved instead of deleted?


Also how come we're getting messages now from the past that never went through? I really don't understand that -- they didn't reach their destination until now, what kept them from going through? But despite that they were saved :P


The ipboards mobile version is complete ass. Is there a better way to view these boards on a mobile device?

Different strokes for different folks. It works well on mobile devices, and that's what really matters.  It might not look nice (imo), but it works a helluva lot better than attempting to navigate the vBulletin boards on mobile


I wonder why I can change my display name and you cannot change yours? I am not aware of any special permissions I might have.

You must have some extra permissions then, because I'm getting the same error as Timaeus.


Different strokes for different folks. It works well on mobile devices, and that's what really matters.  It might not look nice (imo), but it works a helluva lot better than attempting to navigate the vBulletin boards on mobile


The only problem with the mobile version is not being able to skip to a specific page on a thread. If you get sent to page 1 of a 76 page thread, you have to click next on each page to get to page 76, or switch to the full version. I was looking on this on an iPhone.


The only problem with the mobile version is not being able to skip to a specific page on a thread. If you get sent to page 1 of a 76 page thread, you have to click next on each page to get to page 76, or switch to the full version. I was looking on this on an iPhone.

Yeah... I was looking at this on my iPad, and on switching to the mobile version, I get that too. I guess you could go to the URL and change the page number there, but that's just a workaround. Alternatively, before you go into the topic, you could click the link right below the latest poster to get to the latest post.


We're probably not going to do that because there's value in having videos embeddable. Plus the video is still loading anyway, it's just hidden, which doesn't do anything to improve page load. Also, embedded YouTube videos don't tax the site's resources; any extra time that affects page load come from your local browser, not on OCR's servers.


I don't mean to be dismissive, but Dave's already weighed in on the subject of YouTube embeds and his inclination to leave them as they are for the time being. We can revisit this topic again once we upgrade to IPS 4.x, but at this point in time I'm going to table this discussion. We're not planning on getting into installing a lot of extra plugins and custom BBcode with IPS 3.x (the current forum software version).

Fair enough.  It's a minor issue anyway, and it's just personal preference.  That said, it incentivised me to learn how to make Chrome extensions!  Now all YouTube videos on ocremix.org/community/ are shrunk down to just control bars for me.  If anyone else would like that feature, I've made the extension available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/h0hli3silop0uk4/OCR_musicifier.crx?dl=0.  Guaranteed clean, source code (really easy now that I know how to do it) available upon request.


Edit: Just in case anyone runs across this post again, I had to modify this due to changes in either the API or the forum.  Good news is, now you can see the title of the video.  Bad news is it's twice as tall.


We're trying to fix some skin caching issues. You will see some weird things while Dave tests and fixes.


EDIT: Poop is gone. Carry on with your lifes.

The full answer though was the skin caching wasn't working right, and since it was behaving like poop, that became the test word to see if changes were taking or not. The issue was poop.

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