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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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Welcome to OverClocked ReMix's new design. It's been a long time in the making, and still isn't perfect. There are features that were left out, and I'm sure there are also bugs or problems that will come up as everyone starts using it. Please post ALL discussion related to the new design here. Liontamer will be keeping a master log of any technical problems / errors you encounter by monitoring this thread. Thanks for your patience, thanks for helping out, and I hope you enjoy the new design and other features/documentation that have been added!

Cribbed from djp's redesign on May 23, 2004, only with my handle added in, welcome to OC ReMix v4.2 (so-to-speak).

This design questions and issues thread continues where the old one left off. Please direct any and all questions and issues regarding OCR's current site design and interface here for djp to eventually attend to. Thanks for your help, and we all hope you enjoy the continuing development of OCR.


To Do:

  • Add Folding@Home group to sidebar
  • Implementation of new avatars & mascots
  • Revision of torrent listings (sent to aubrey)
  • Expanded Site History
  • Add publishers for Guild Wars (NCsoft), Max Payne (Gathering of Developers) and Pictionary (LJN)




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2nd to last post in the old thread :( I'll just repost it:

Hey, I like the chipamp, very cool! I don't think it necessarily needed to become a TAB on the remix pages though...

Also, you forgot one thing, that I think is essential to WinAmp!


"Plays XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX and MO3 modules using BASS Sound System"

It's a solid player that will play XM and IT files properly, as well as adding UMX [The Unreal engine's music format] and MO3 [ogg-compressed module] support. I believe it's also necessary since the default winamp mod playback is horribly designed, it does not support midi macros or even the note-off command, which is DANGEROUS as it creates a wall of winamp-crashing noise :(


If you feel that you need only UMX support, here is a plugin that will only play UMX:


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Any idea if/when the new avatars will be implemented?

Site looks good, by the way.

Good? It's great :D I love the tabs, and the search, and and and...-

Sorry if that sounds like sucking up, but I truly do love the new design. I'm ecstatic that the torrents are fixed, the front page looks nicer, it's all great. ...almost makes up for the travesty that is the Sidebar. :wink::P

Can't wait to try out Chipamp and torrents. (My intnernet speed gets uncapped in another two days 8))

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Might wanna highlight that download tab. I had to look for it for about 30 seconds.

Same here. I thought it was going to be in the same place as before. STOP MOVING THE DOWNLOAD :P

Anyways, the words run off the side on the main site too, just fyi.


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Might wanna highlight that download tab. I had to look for it for about 30 seconds.

Same here. I thought it was going to be in the same place as before. STOP MOVING THE DOWNLOAD :P

Might wanna get a template ready to ctrl+v for the inevitable "WHAR TO DOWNLOAD?"

I disabled Rama's black-OCR to check out the main site properly. It all looks great except for the Site Projects being lined up next to the thread highlights and latest remixes, which I think looks a little untidy. Otherwise good.

I still prefer black-OCR, which is kinder on my little eye-bowls.

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Might wanna highlight that download tab. I had to look for it for about 30 seconds.

Same here. I thought it was going to be in the same place as before. STOP MOVING THE DOWNLOAD :P

I found it straight away. You're all retarded.

Yeah, I was like "where's the download button" then remembered how everything's on tabs now and went "duh, over the write up" and there is was.

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I never really saw the problem with the old download button, because it was a BIG FUCKING ORANGE BUTTON that said download on it. The new one kind of blends in. And Watkinzez: Don't make fun of people just because they're at a lower spiritual plane than you. Cheeky bugger.

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Any idea if/when the new avatars will be implemented?
Liontamer]I'm de facto in charge of quality control and accepting new avatars, but want to make it clear that AFAIK nothing is going to get added to the avatars until AFTER the vBulletin forums migration, which could be anywhere from 2 weeks from now, to God only knows when. So please don't worry about it if we get backlogged and stuff isn't added immediately.

also, there are several ones that still need to be checked

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Yeh, I lost the download too, found it pretty much straight away though. Good idea using the tabs, could use a bit less camouflage maybe. Site Projects and ads look a bit out of place (especially the ads) but I'll get used to them. When I heard about design changes, I thought the site was gonna come back fluoro pink or something. Wonder what colour is in store for us in the future?

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Im not entirely too keen on the Goolge Ads being between sandwhiched between the Remixes and Projects. I liked it better when the ads were on top.

QFE. Can't scroll past them now because they're right there in the middle. I think if they were moved back to the top, that would allow more space for the site projects links. As is, everything there looks a little crowded. (And having the ads in the middle of the remix writeups is kinda distracting, too.) Is there any reason why they have to be there? Does it bring in more money?

Everything else looks awesome, as to be expected. The tabs are very functional.

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