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OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues


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Now that I think about it I think it would be good to have a smart way to access remixers remixer-page from their forum profile.

As it is now you only get their ID and no link, for a link you have to click it in a post they made.

It's a minor thing but it helps

I'm still trying to figure out how to access individual profile fields from within the user profile template in vB... Hate to sound like a broken record, but they changed forum profiles A LOT in 3.7, so customizing it now would mean having to redo it soon.

3.7 Beta 4 was released recently, though... they're getting close, and once we've upgraded, this is DEFINITELY on my list...

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I'm still trying to figure out how to access individual profile fields from within the user profile template in vB... Hate to sound like a broken record, but they changed forum profiles A LOT in 3.7, so customizing it now would mean having to redo it soon.

3.7 Beta 4 was released recently, though... they're getting close, and once we've upgraded, this is DEFINITELY on my list...

Sounds fair :) thanks

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Is there/will there be an option to disable this in the User CP?

It doesn't come with the plugin, so no. I'll request that as a feature for the plugin, but that's up to the author. If tons of people hate it, I'll just disable it; otherwise, Greasemonkey, etc. could probably be used to disable it - it's pure Javascript, AFAIK.

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Indeed, very useful, and sleek, too. I noticed, though, that while viewing a profile, holding your mouse over someone's avatar doesn't show the image path and filename as it does in forum posts. The avatar's real name would be better still, but that's a whole other story.

EDIT: Er... ok, I don't really know where to post this, but this thread is about the site, so here goes: everyone keeps complaining about bandwidth, right? Normally, web hosting is rather expensive, but this one is a real jawhanger. http://www.servage.net/ - 510GB of space, 5010GB monthly data transfer limit, and at roughly $10-$15 a month. Wtf? Well, if you ever need another mirror, you should consider this... I'd get an account myself if I ever needed more than a few hundred megs of space. I'm trying to find the catch, if there is one. I'll be back...

Ok, lol.

Are there any hidden charges?

Absolutely not! Everything is included in the price shown on our website, unlike most other companies your domain (including yearly renewal fee) is included in the low monthly price.


Can I host adult content?

Yes. At Servage.net we believe in freedom of speech and do not censor customer content in any way. We do however not allow illegal content on our servers - no exceptions.

Yay, OCPorn! No, seriously, I don't know what this site's running costs are as of right now, but again, if you need more bandwidth, this would seem like the place...

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Page looks pretty nice now at 1024x768. I'll see what it looks like at 1280 when I get home again. And thanks a ton for the Comp. spot.

EDIT: One thing occurred to me about the timestamps: there's a little confusion inherent in displaying the time of post regardless of whether that time is today, yesterday, or last week. Maybe anything that's not the present day should display the date rather than the time? Not sure how tough that would be to wiggle in.

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