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Oh neat, I almost missed this entirely. Sure, I'm in - there are some pretty sweet tracks I would love to remix, and I've been looking for an excuse to use my new headphones to make some music.

I'll list my picks later today.

1. Dracula X - Stage 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44u87NnaV4Q (Yeah, it's an arrangement of CV3 Stage 1, but I always like this version better...)
2. Dracula X - Stage 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGYEm_1MoOA
3. Symphony of the Night - The Tragic Prince https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuSa2k5UEXs
4. Bloodlines - Stage 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKJsfwHObvw
5. Bloodlines - Stage 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BVFbBXuYtI

Also, not a pick of mine, but I found it while searching and thought it was pretty cool.


Alright, let's do this. Nice to see an elimination compo come up in here - while it's sad to see good artists fall after a single round, it DOES significantly reduce remixing fatigue that occurs on the longer sort of compos. One of the big reasons I'm up for it, in fact. :)


10 signups so far.  I've tabulated the selections so far here.

Some of these are slightly modified from what people posted.  Selections that were not stage/location themes were removed (but added to my list of special themes).  Whenever someone gave me a YouTube link to a remix that appeared in a later game, I used a link to the original.  One or two source names were changed to their official name.

Fortunately, there are currently no duplicates for first choice, so as it stands, everyone gets their pick.  I was very surprised at how few people chose the iconic themes of the core games--the popularity of Aria of Sorrow in particular was something I didn't expect.  Awesome, but unexpected.

5 more days until signups close!  Still hoping for picks from wildfire, theshaggyfreak, and Gario at least.  Hopefully we can drum up a few more so we can have a proper bracket of 16!  (Though I'll make it work in any event.)

On 12/22/2015 at 2:04 PM, wildfire said:

I might be able and interested to be in this, but I've never played a Castlevania game and know nothing about the music.

Are there any playlists or info on what all the available sources or games are?

I'd start with the masterpiece that is Symphony of the Night and work your way from there.  If anyone else has recommendations, feel free to post.

5 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

I contacted BMC_WarMachine (who worked on VV3) and he'll try to enter! :) Just waiting for him to register lol

Thanks for the heads up dude :) Hey guys, here's what i have to throw into the fray:


1st choice - The Fury Within - Heart of Fire from Castlevania -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcZpu4ClZ28

2nd choice - Hidden Treasures - Treasury Room from Super Castlevania 4 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx-UYli3rOk

3rd choice - The Road to Destiny - Beginning from Castlevania 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78706bv98S8

4th choice - Eternal Conflict - Battle of the Holy from Castlevania The Adventure - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbgGxQGd4I4

5th choice - Successor of Souls - Ruined Castle Corridor from Aria of Sorrow - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abD92rOl90Y

On 1/2/2016 at 11:30 PM, Chernabogue said:

Alright, alright, make my 4th choice "Pitch-Black Assault" (Lost Village) from DoS, and "An Empty Time" (OoE) my 5th. :)

I don't think you'll need those, since everyone's getting their first picks right now, but I've added them anyway.  Took me a little while to find YouTube links, since both names are a little off.

On 1/3/2016 at 11:43 PM, orlouge82 said:

I'd start with the masterpiece that is Symphony of the Night and work your way from there.  If anyone else has recommendations, feel free to post.

No one has Beginning as their first choice yet, and it's one of the all-time classics.  But really, at this point all you need to do to find awesome sources is to go to the signup roster and choose a few that aren't anyone's first picks.  This guy has a not-totally-unreasonable point about Treasury Room.


I was actually considering to join and place that one at the top of my list (and add in Wicked Child somewhere too). But unfortunately the coming weeks are pretty darn busy and unpredictable already so I'm unable to join :( Pity, because I like the choice of game a lot!

2 hours ago, MindWanderer said:

I dont't think you'll need those, since everyone's getting their first picks right now, but I've added them anyway.  Took me a little while to find YouTube links, since both names are a little off.

No one has Beginning as their first choice yet, and it's one of the all-time classics.  But really, at this point all you need to do to find awesome sources is to go to the signup roster and choose a few that aren't anyone's first picks.  This guy has a not-totally-unreasonable point about Treasury Room.

Well If you guys feel that strongly about It, you could always make my first track treasury room Instead lol


Too late, I switched mine to it. Mwahahahaha...

I was actually thinking about switching today, but now that Mind Wanderer actually pointed it out I knew I had to move it from bottom to top (always did love the track, myself).

@orlouge82 You can also pick a track you like that you KNOW would be crazy hard to remix for one reason or another, then watch others cry when they get paired up with you. Kind of a dick move, actually, but it always gave me a chuckle whenever I did it... :twisted:

Waitin' for someone to get down on Discolored Wall and watch everyone else suffer, lol.

13 hours ago, Gario said:

Too late, I switched mine to it. Mwahahahaha...
I was actually thinking about switching today, but now that Mind Wanderer actually pointed it out I knew I had to move it from bottom to top (always did love the track, myself).

That was in reference to "Treasury Room," which is still up for grabs as a first pick!  I'm going to list the original Castlevania III version as the official source for "Beginning", but if you want to make your mixes more directly inspired by the Rondo of Blood version, that's fine.

On 1/1/2016 at 0:20 PM, Gario said:

Nice to see an elimination compo come up in here - while it's sad to see good artists fall after a single round, it DOES significantly reduce remixing fatigue that occurs on the longer sort of compos. One of the big reasons I'm up for it, in fact.

I'm hoping that the optional losers' bracket makes up for that failing.  I'm just really hoping for as many good matchups as possible.  There may not have been as much turnout for this as for DarkeSword's Mega Man compos, but there are some amazing remixers with some amazing source selections that I really, really want to see happen.  Kind of wish I had some reasonable and fair "seeding" method like what they have for sports tournaments.

13 hours ago, Gario said:

@orlouge82 You can also pick a track you like that you KNOW would be crazy hard to remix for one reason or another, then watch others cry when they get paired up with you. Kind of a dick move, actually, but it always gave me a chuckle whenever I did it...

"Den" (your second pick) kind of falls into that category, IMO.  It's mostly a medley of Vampire Killer, Bloody Tears, Beginning, and another source I can't recall the name of at the moment.  Mixing that with something else while making "Den" specifically a recognizable source would be one hell of a challenge.

In other news, since I haven't been able to get the forum calendar fixed, I'm extending the signup deadline 24 hours, just in case someone was counting on the midnight deadline.

15 hours ago, Gario said:

Waitin' for someone to get down on Discolored Wall and watch everyone else suffer, lol.

 Theres bound to be some wild eyed remixer who could turn something listenable out of that source. 

On 1/5/2016 at 0:49 PM, Esperado said:

 Theres bound to be some wild eyed remixer who could turn something listenable out of that source. 

I'm most certain there is one!

@MindWanderer I would be careful with a "Losers Bracket". While it CAN work, it's better to keep it simple. If I recall correctly, Darke's first Mega Megaman compo some time ago had a loser's Bracket, and it pretty much fell to pieces by the end. Good music still came out of all of it, but the compo became quite muddled.

Honestly, save for the first round, people who lose midway into the compo are mostly experiencing fatigue, so having an elimination style tourney keeps the quality relatively high (mostly allowing remixers who are pumped to keep going to move forward vs those that are out of steam). Elimination has its perks.


A little behind on my schedule but I wouldn't want that to be the reason I don't join. I have 5 songs picked out, but I never Played a castlevania game at all, so I don't even know if some of my choices qualify. So before I set out any kind of order I 'll just state the 5 songs I speak of to see if they qualify for this compo.


Castlevania 3 : Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgg9yjI3q2k


Castlevaina 3 : Evergreen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC_3dukPq1M


Castlevania SON : Requiem of the gods  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hH_3Q87Z40


Castlevania SON : Rainbow Cemetery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnSae6t5-8o


Castlevania Dracula X : Opus 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jG91UawBKI



9 hours ago, Supercoolmike said:

A little behind on my schedule but I wouldn't want that to be the reason I don't join. I have 5 songs picked out, but I never Played a castlevania game at all, so I don't even know if some of my choices qualify. So before I set out any kind of order I 'll just state the 5 songs I speak of to see if they qualify for this compo.

Castlevania 3 : Riddle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgg9yjI3q2k

Castlevaina 3 : Evergreen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC_3dukPq1M

Castlevania SON : Requiem of the gods  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hH_3Q87Z40

Castlevania SON : Rainbow Cemetery https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnSae6t5-8o

Castlevania Dracula X : Opus 13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jG91UawBKI

"Evergreen" is the only ineligible source (it's the CV III end sequence).  You'll undoubtedly get your first pick anyway (which is a personal favorite of mine).

Final reminder: If anyone has any upcoming schedule conflicts--vacations, exams, etc.--please let me know so I can put you in a bracket that avoids that conflict.


dang, I was hoping a lot more would've been uneligible so my decision could be easier to make lol. Nah but jokes aside I'm gonna say this is my list.

  1. Castlevania 3 : Riddle
  2. Castlevania dracula X: Opus 13
  3. Castlevania SON : Requiem of the gods
  4. Castlevania SON : Rainbow cemetery.

Also if possible, Could I be one of the last people to go. I'm already a lil behind on other things and I want to make sure I have as much time as possible for those things so I can hopefully be in a better position for this compo. Other then that Can't wait to get started :grin:

30 minutes ago, wildfire said:

I used this video to find some songs, because I'm know nothing about the Castlevania series.

  1. Abandoned Castle
  2. Wandering the Crystal Blue

Please someone let me know if both of these songs are ineligible and I can look for some more sources. Also, if anyone happens to find midi files of either of these, you'll be my best friend throughout the compo!

They are eligible. You can find a MIDI of Wandering the Crystal Blue at VGMusic, but not for Abandoned Castle.

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