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OCR01505 - Metal Gear Solid "Legend of the Snake 2: Snake vs. Dragon"

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Excellent. One of the best remixes on the site by one of the best remixers. The production quality and arrangement of this song is better than your previous MGS mix, however I should note I still prefer the emotional power of the previous mix, especially towards the end of the song.

Keep up the great work Reuben.


Very beautiful first off. I also love the fact that the mix continues to change throughout the song. It goes in many different directions and is done a way in which it works perfectly. Besides that, it's just plain awesome.



That was...epic, I think, would be a fitting word.

Definately going into rotation on my playlist.

I can just imagine the atmosphere a battle scene would have with that playing in the background.


Hmm... I must say this is comparably better than the original Legend of the Snake remix... the original had a bit of a blank spot at the beginning and felt a bit "empty" most of the time, but was still a good remix that I have on my playlist.

This remix, however, is excellent! All the elements of the song blend well together, there's nothing that's particularly hard on the ears, dynamics are well thought out and the melody is never over-dominated by anything while each instrument is still clearly audible. No real balance issues that I can hear at all.

Probably one of my favourite spots is at 1:44 where, after a gradual introduction, it goes into a much more epic and exciting part after the peaceful opening.

I've never heard the Metal Gear Solid soundtracks... so I can't really compare this to the source material, but that doesn't stop me from really liking this remix.

All in all... this remix is pieced together wonderfully and will be finding a long lived spot on my playlist with its ancestor.


10/10 .

The piano part was nice(nothing special though), but the best here is the orchestral part, which resembles to Terminator theme. Very nice.

And then, the drums?!! What the? (suprised)

Excellently writted drums, i liked them . This kicks ass.

Some taiko drumming, then orchestral again. Congratulations, this is excellent.

i will be honest, this kicks ass


It has been sometime since I have downloaded an OCRemix. You sir have a great mix on your hands.

The beginning is wonderful in that it does not prepare you for what is to come. Correct me if I am wrong but I can sense a little influence from MGS3 which is blended perfectly in the piece. My favorite part is at the 3:48 mark. It reminds me of the 2004 TGS MGS movie where The Boss tells Snake that she has nothing left for him and that he must kill her. Immediately afterward you can feel the emotion of such a moment.

I salute you good sir. This is a wonderful piece that goes on my iPod.


Ah, so this finally got posted.

After coming back to the song having last heard the WIP a few months ago, I've got to say; it still sounds great.

Cheers Reu :wink:


WOW :) I am thinking terminator 2 (one of the versions with violins, and well anyway the terminator main theme is really something that it reminds of too) :) Jurassic Park, and also a bit The Rock (oh well that isn´t that far fetched anyway), but also something I can dream too, and well I think it is a fucking great classical piece :) and it is something I can listen to alot :) thumps up :) it reminds of some of the best kLuTz has made too. very beautiful, and I am astounded by it :)

FUCK I have just listened to most of his composistions, and covers, we have just got another very fucking talented musician on board this community :) damn I don´t care if I swear but Reuben Kee and kLuTz aka. Gregory pak are some of the most talented piano players, and I would love to hear them both in Copenhagen, if they ever got the oppurtinity to play in Denmark , just listen to Legend Of The Snake and , the rest of their compositions, and then you will know they both are VERY talented artists, and damn good musisicians :) thumps up :)


Holy shit. Reuben Kee, this is beautiful. This makes my spine tingle, LOTS. Let's not just say this SOUNDS like it was professional made, it WAS professional made. Reuben Kee, you sir are professional. Plus many emotional moments, GOOD emotional moments, and as DJP would say, "money" scenes. Man. OCReMix just becomes more and more legitamite for great music with mixes like Dragonsong, Pillar of Salt, and this.


Not trying to be to harsh, but I think you guys give him to much credit. I've spoken to him a few times and I have to say I'm amazed how humble he is, giving that you guys praise him this much.

You guys keep talking how professional this sounds, altough I disagree, he knows my opinion and respects what I say about his remixes, so don't be like: you're just full of bullc**p.

First: Altough the composition is very good, I was a bit disapointed about the sound. It does sound good, but it could be better. It doesn't sound realistic enough to fool me. I know Reu uses a lot of soundfonts, but the whole piece would sound better with decent samples. Of course everyone could disagree with me and say that you can make every sample sound as realistic as you want. Well, then you should teach Reu.

My biggest problem with this piece was the piano. The final segment where he plays those glissandos sounds very very bad (in my opinion). The piano doesn't stand out and sounds very compressed. Also, where he used reverb on all the other instruments, he didn't on the piano, so it doesn't blend in with the whole arrangement.

I followed the progress on this piece and in the first version he didn't have the orchestral hits at the end. Eventough they add some power to the composition, I don't find them very suitable. They just don't seem to fit there. This is of course my opinion and most of you probably will disagree.

I surely don't disagree Reu is very talented, it's just a shame he never attended some sort of classical music training. He could have gotten way better than he is now. His piano compositions for example have no variation at all. If you listened to one, you've almost heard them all.

I'm not trying to bring him down (he knows), I'm just giving him very strict criticism. I think he has more to a lot of criticism than to a lot of praise.

Oh, and if you say this sounds like the rock, it's pretty normal as the composer of MGS2 and 3 (Harry Gregson-Williams) wrote the biggest part of the ost of the rock :P

Also, even if I was pretty hard on Reu, the composition is very very good.


Wow... this certainly reaks of high quality, and I absolutely love it. However, to be honest, I think I enjoy the first version better, perhaps it's the fact that the melody is more distinguishable in the first one that it is in the second one. However, I must say Reuben, the piano rendition of MGS3's main theme at the start and at the end is absolutely fantastic, great job.


Pictures say a thousand words, but this...there aren't enough words to decribe this beautiful song! I laughed. I cried. I can't get enough of this! Excellent engineering, nice, large palette of emotions, and great ending! 10/10!


Wow. All right, I am seriously impressed. I lack the commendations or technical knowledge to give my opinion any weight, but I can say from a pure enjoyment perspective, this mix has sincerely made my morning. And woken me up, too. Listening to this while running will up my speed half again, I am sure. Thanks for this fantastic work.

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