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So, in the highly likely event I don't make it to MAGFest in time for the actual OCR meetup, what do I do to meet OCR people?

I've never been to one of these before, do they tend to walk around in a big group? Or do I have to go and track people down?

Damn school and 4-hour driving times :|

Just find one of us and we can introduce you to the others.

So, in the highly likely event I don't make it to MAGFest in time for the actual OCR meetup, what do I do to meet OCR people?

I've never been to one of these before, do they tend to walk around in a big group? Or do I have to go and track people down?

Damn school and 4-hour driving times :|

The OCR panel is at 4:00 pm on Friday, and there will be an official meetup in the lounge after that, so 5:00. If you miss that, too, just look for someone in an OCR shirt! It's pretty tight-knit, even though it's technically a "convention" of sorts. As Taucer said, we can just introduce each other to other OCR folk.


Those of you attending Magfest:

I humbly apologize for not being able to attend. But I do request one small favor:

Please, please do not pat Pixietrick's sweet, milky-white bottom. That's for me when she gets back stateside. Thank you for your time and consideration.

--John "The Wingless" Burnett


I'm leaving now for it.

My away message (in reference to my work attire):

i tore off my clothes so fast you'd think i'm preparing for sex.

...might as well be. :-D

Those of you attending Magfest:

I humbly apologize for not being able to attend. But I do request one small favor:

Please, please do not pat Pixietrick's sweet, milky-white bottom. That's for me when she gets back stateside. Thank you for your time and consideration.

--John "The Wingless" Burnett

i love you for this


MAGFest 5 was the most awesome community experience ever. Everyone was incredibly cool. I'm lucky this year, because I moved to DC and was only 45mins away, but I'd recommend to ANYONE who enjoys the game music arrangement community to somehow try and make it next year. Definitely the greatest meetup of all time.


Thanks for a fucking RAD weekend, nerds! I had a blast running sound with norg and SnappleMan for all of the freakin' concerts (so many!!!).

There were so many awesome moments (pixie, where's the virt, Mustin, djp pic?!?), but my favourite would have to be after the last concert on Saturday - Joe_Cam taking myself, Richter, Snapple, norg, etc. to get McD's and just getting back to the hotel to sit down and eat in slow motion (like the end of Harold & Kumar). It was just so good and a great time to reflect on all of the awesomeness (I had been up and working for close to 24 hours at that point, which is something I don't usually do).

Thanks again. It was great to buy djpretzel a beer after all of this time.

Can't wait to see you all next time.


As you may or may not know, MAGfest 5 was awesome. With OVER NINE HUUUUUNDREEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD attendees including virt, DjPretzel, Mustin, Ailsean, AE, ShawnPhase, and countless other musicians, remixers, and enthusiasts, this MAGfest was jam-packed with excitement. I had a blast at MAGfest. It was my first time and it will not be my last. As more OCR members return from this most epic of festivals for the music and gaming community, they will share their experiences and post tons of pictures from the events!

(lol 4 image limit)

i though there was a no photo policy?

Nope! ThaSauce I guess took a bunch of video and pics [where the fuck are they?] and of course theshizz guys probably have a treasure chest full of wonderfully bizarre pictures.

The "no photos" thing was just for Ayres, who was apparently only there to mock the festivities.


There was also a policy at MAGfest that no pictures or video could be taken without the consent of the filmed, I think. This wasn't really enforced to the extent that you had to like sign something before having your picture taken, but if you saw someone take your picture at a really embarrasing moment, you could legally make them delete that picture from the camera.


That was fuckin' awesome. I didn't get to hang out much with the OCR people(I had a guest from England who kept getting himself lost), but Saturday night was really fun.

Thanks for the pizza, Jeremy, I'm glad I FINALLY got that CD to you. And Y HALO DER BAHAMUT, it was cool to meet you.

It was really fun hanging out with all the OCRians! I can't wait till M6!

The "no photos" thing was just for Ayres, who was apparently only there to mock the festivities.

Not to prod this topic, but from what I can tell, he only went because it was close to his house. After he got there, he posted saying that he wasn't impressed with the con, so he got the bright idea to insult everyone there. And my favorite message board was shut down because of it. Thanks alot. :/

But anyway, back to the topic. Year after year, I've been unable to attend, but I always look forward to seeing the pictures, video, stories, and concert bootlegs. Those will start coming in after people get back home (and get sober again... ;) )

Ah...glad everyone had fun. I wish I can attend one of these things, but currently I live far, far away. Someday, maybe...

I wanna see some cool pictures and videoes of you guys and the panels.

David and Jake finally meet up and get a beer together, eh? That must've been a kodak moment. :)


What was best was when they first shook hands. Jake walked into the room without knowing dave was there, Dave didn't realize jake had walked in, but EVERYBODY else knew. The room went briefly silent, then immediately there was a buzz of murmering and whispering from everybody in the room. We even sent Jill to the other side of the room so she could take a picture that might include both of them. It ended up being unnecessary; the two eventually shook hands, and immediately the room erupted in applause. We'll post pics.

As far as I can tell, their feud appears to be over.



wacky, stop being a whiny bitch. if you really care that much about a friggin messageboard, you need to chill out and get a life/girlfriend/hobby instead of stroking your intarw3b dick.

magfest (this was my first one) was absolutely fantastic. i really enjoyed myself in everything that i was doing, whether i was going out to eat with some judges, playing original smash brothers with d-lux (dk dive REPRESENT) jamming with luiza, darangen and the like (look for a remix soon in the wip forum), rocking out with djsammyg, or just hanging out at taucer's house watching the snowpeak mountain boss entrance four times in a row =) it really was a lot of fun this whole weekend, and the panels that i attended were really awesome as well. it's good to see the amount of progress vgmix has.

i really hope i can go again next year!


Thanks for the hefty helping of off-topic posts, folks.


Glad to say that I was once again able be at MAGFest for a rockin' good time. The company was wonderful (and oh so amuse-- oooo, pretty green laser!), the bands were pretty sweet (despite the requisite level issues), and the times were all around quite fun. Hey, and even the musicians that never had a concert were awesome to hear... like listening to Darangen, Taucer, Mephisto, and LuiZa just jammin' it up. And I've got a couple new CDs waiting to be listened and ripped. Squee! ^^

Always interesting to see the costumes people create, although unfortunately, there seemed to be much fewer than in the past (despite the higher number in attendance). But those few were notable, from a well-done WoW-eared elf to a skimpy moogle girl to a red shirt officer from ST:TNG! The last was a bit of a neat surprise, and unfortunately the other Star Trek fans I knew weren't anywhere around when I saw him. D:

Also... not to dis OCR, certainly... but virt's VGMix 3 plans look wonderfully ambitious. Would make for a great complement to the community if everything is implemented well.

So many memorable things. Who can forget, late at night, the 10 or so people standing at the McDonald's drive thru, all while Shael insisted on the illegality of such a indisputably immoral action. :P Or the OCR panel's own "insensitivity" towards its own man of another color! Letting an Oji hand out white T-shirts... really! Must ye be so degrading? ;) Or seeing Mustin, virt, and djpretzel all get together without any malicious drama. :) And of course, meeting -- some again, some newly -- so many other fellow OCR fans and participants... sharin' the love of some good music.

The company was wonderful (and oh so amuse-- oooo, pretty green laser!)

Jiggles McPuff is quite funny in real life. me, fivre, and him split a set of three super smash bro's matches at some point on saturday. that guy can PLAY, and fivre's damn good at ness. stupid psychic kid.

i will say one of the highlights of last night's activities was when Don/Jiggles was playing with the laser pointer, and this hot chick (dressed quite nice too) comes up behind him and tries talking to him...and he ignored her. i lolled.

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