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OoT was also something of a shorter/smaller game than TP. TP just FEELS too huge to replay from my standpoint, though I do intend on playing it once more for a speed run.

  Back_Lit said:
OoT was also something of a shorter/smaller game than TP. TP just FEELS too huge to replay from my standpoint, though I do intend on playing it once more for a speed run.

Quite true, there's that as well.. It's much easier to play through a 15-20 hour(first run) game that's made fairly solid, than it is a game like FFT or TP, that can -start- at 30 hours, even after playing through it a few times, for completion sake.

There's as much room for games that you can pick up and play, as there are games you have to devote days, weeks, or even months to.


Think of two carnivals: one fits inside a small field, the other is spread out over a half dozen square miles. They both have the same rides and attractions, but the one that is tighter together seems more fun because it's packed up so much tighter. Think of how a carnival would look if each ride was a twenty minute walk from each other.

That's how I see the worlds of OoT and TP. They both offer the same things (TP actually offers a little more), but since OoT had a smaller world, is just seems more jam-packed with stuff.

TP is still a very good game, though. I'm going to play it again in the future, maybe during one of those times when new releases are slow.


Okay, gentlemen. I'm home until Saturday. My little brother has the GCN version of Zelda. I've beaten the Wii version.

The question is, do you think I can beat the GCN version, with only three hearts, in the time allotted?

I don't think I can, especially if I decide to go outside or something. But I'm going to try, darn it.

  Steben said:
Okay, gentlemen. I'm home until Saturday. My little brother has the GCN version of Zelda. I've beaten the Wii version.

The question is, do you think I can beat the GCN version, with only three hearts, in the time allotted?

I don't think I can, especially if I decide to go outside or something. But I'm going to try, darn it.

With practice, probably. I beat Oot with only three hearts, and with nothing that's not required to complete the game. Granted, TP is a bit harder...but the three-heart challenge is far from impossible.

No way in hell you'll beat the Cave of Ordeals, though.


I got TP for Chirstmas, and played it like crazy until I beat it, which was three days ago. Very pleased with the overall game, and all I haven't done yet is the Cave of Ordeals.

I just have one question...


Am I the only one who thinks Stallord is the most fun boss fight ever?


  Cynical said:
No way in hell you'll beat the Cave of Ordeals, though.

Perhaps with 1000 Rupees and good use of the Magic Armor it'd be possible.

But it's not exactly a high priority, considering it took me 30-40 hours to beat it the first time (without getting all the stuff, obviously), so I'm kind of in a rush to finish within three days.

  Geoffrey Taucer said:
Holy fucking shit.

The boss of the snowy mountain mansion... that has got to be the coolest fucking boss entrance ever.

Maybe not coolest EVER, but still way up there.


Hmm... I haven't really tried the cave of ordeals yet. Maybe I'll give it a go tonight, or just play more Toe Jam and Earl. :D

I do have the magic armor and plenty of hearts and all of the bottles, I believe, so it shouldn't be that hard to get through... right?

EDIT: Wow, over 120 pages now. Wasn't it like 60 the other day?


Spoiler (not a spoiler if you are past water temple)!

Just beat the water temple, and saw that cutscene etc. I knew Midna probably had some affiliation with Zant, so that wasn't a surprise. But when I flopped out of the sky into Hyrule field with pink Midna (wtf?) and as wolf link (is the coloration slightly different?) and the piano background music, I was in awe. My brother was going to sleep though, and I wanted to have full sound, so I saved. I'll play through it tomorrow. I really love these post-dungeon story driven segments.

End spoiler!


Personally, I didn't find the Cave of Ordeals all that difficult (aside from the rooms where you can get frozen). The ball and chain pretty much wrecks any bit of difficulty most of the rooms had, there's no bosses and if you get lucky with that purple chu jelly, you can find free life refills every few levels.

That said, it's probably the most difficult thing in 3D Zelda, aside from getting that goddamn heart piece in the Goron section of Majora's Mask's moon.

  KakTheInfected said:
That said, it's probably the most difficult thing in 3D Zelda, aside from getting that goddamn heart piece in the Goron section of Majora's Mask's moon.


  Cecilff2 said:
I love mortal draw and use it on pretty much anything I can. Even if it means I get hurt a few times, just so I can do the fancy sword sheathe afterwards.

Y'know you CAN do that WITHOUT using Mortal Draw.

Just sheathe like, RIGHT after killing stuff.

Most times you'll do that needlessly awesome little move.

  WesPip said:
Y'know you CAN do that WITHOUT using Mortal Draw.

Just sheathe like, RIGHT after killing stuff.

Most times you'll do that needlessly awesome little move.

quickly enough to sheathe before the creature completely explode.

and yup, qfe, that kick ass.

  Geoffrey Taucer said:
Holy fucking shit.

The boss of the snowy mountain mansion... that has got to be the coolest fucking boss entrance ever.

It's certainly the coldest.


Finished playing through the game. Beat the Cave of Ordeals too! (17 hearts, used two bottles of blue potion, used the magic armor for a while on the room with 2 iron knucles but ended up getting my wallet back to a full 600 rupees by the end, and didn't need to use the armor again on the 3 IK room)

Is it just me, or was the imp form of midna insanely cooler than the human-ish form? Hotter too... but not a OGMSEX! sort of hotness. The humanish form just seemed too dead and expressionless to me, and just wierd in general.

  BigBoss said:

But it's true.

Also... did anyone else get really tired of Midna swatting/patting wolf link's rump all the time? If the game allowed a bit mroe versitality, I would have had wolf link snap around and bite that stupid hand off loong before the end of the game. D:

  Carci said:

Also... did anyone else get really tired of Midna swatting/patting wolf link's rump all the time? If the game allowed a bit mroe versitality, I would have had wolf link snap around and bite that stupid hand off loong before the end of the game. D:

I'll take that over "HEY, LISTEN" any day

I'm only at the winter palace place right now

And although I really love this game, am I the only one that misses the instruments? The flowers just ain't doing it for me, and the howling isn't musical at all and the high howls are usually flat

Also what was up with the 3rd dungeon boss

Are you even supposed to lose a heart?

4th dungeon was an improvement but still a bit easy

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