CE Posted December 13, 2006 Author Posted December 13, 2006 Bow-shmow. It's the same as using the slingshot, only now, you can kill enemies. Seriously, my favorite moments with the game have been in Hyrule Field and Lake Hylia. Fishing is just so fun and escorting Ilia was AWESOME. escorting ilia was no fun to me No fun for me either, as soon as I realized I'd be doing an escort mission I groaned. Escort missions is one of those things, like stealth, where unless the game is built around it, it sucks. EDIT: So then by that logic CE, your remote was broken through the first two dungeons. Not really. They were just ill designed. The first one was a mishmash between a tutorial dungeon (think Deku Tree) and a regular dungeon; each fine on it's own, but when put together, they're just unsatisfying. The second dungeon was again, far too simple, supported by the gross underdevelopment of the Gorons and things like a piss-poor easy miniboss, linear dungeon design (WHOAMG MAGNETS! Like they were used enough.) and the easiest Zelda boss I have ever fought, ever. He did not even begin his first attack. God. Quote
atmuh Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 and the easiest Zelda boss I have ever fought, ever. get ready for more Quote
Calpis Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Speaking of difficulty, I remember Eiji Aonuma (I think it was him) saying something about there being a hard mode in Twilight Princess after you finish it for the first time. I've already finished it but nothing. Did that ever happen? Quote
atmuh Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Speaking of difficulty, I remember Eiji Aonuma (I think it was him) saying something about there being a hard mode in Twilight Princess. Did that ever happen? I wish Quote
CE Posted December 13, 2006 Author Posted December 13, 2006 and the easiest Zelda boss I have ever fought, ever. get ready for more i don't mind the easiness, it's more the satisfaction of defeating it. and while that is partially correlated to difficulty, other things like the scope of the battle, the fighting field and the killing method also contribute. with that in mind, the 3rd boss was also easy, but one of the most fun zelda bosses i ever fought. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Eh, you really can't complain about the easi-ness of TP's boss fights. There hasn't been a single difficult boss fight on any 3D Zelda. I had more fun fighting Iron Knuckles than I did any boss, including the final one. By the way, this has probably been said before, but an Iron Knuckle whipping his weapon at you is just pure badass. Quote
The Mutericator Posted December 13, 2006 Posted December 13, 2006 Bow-shmow. It's the same as using the slingshot, only now, you can kill enemies. Seriously, my favorite moments with the game have been in Hyrule Field and Lake Hylia. Fishing is just so fun and escorting Ilia was AWESOME. escorting ilia was no fun to me How is that even possible? Unless your wiimote is fucking broken or something, escorting Ilia demonstrated everything you could do on horseback: keep going in a straight line while turning back and shooting off enemies with the bow, then quickly swivel to the front and deliver a spin attack on the four rider bokoblins (are they?) around you, then quickly catch your pace to gale the caravan, switch to your bow and pick off a couple of archers. Non-stop action. Way fun. The escort mission was probably one of my favorite parts of the game. Get this: I was at the very end of the mission when a bird hits me while I'm in front of the carriage. Because of the speed both were moving, Link flew back and landed on the carriage. He got up, and I was standing on the carriage, like no glitching or anything. I whipped out the bow and started swinging around, going, "Okay, who's next?" If only it had happened in the beginning instead of the end of that mission, it would have been badass. Eh, you really can't complain about the easi-ness of TP's boss fights. There hasn't been a single difficult boss fight on any 3D Zelda. I had more fun fighting Iron Knuckles than I did any boss, including the final one.By the way, this has probably been said before, but an Iron Knuckle whipping his weapon at you is just pure badass. Seconded. Didn't a Wind Waker enemy do that, too? Quote
The Damned Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 A minor puzzle. There's this chest at Castle Town's south gate, where you eventually meet the bug girl, that is out of reach. I've tried the various items, and even found that you can climb up other areas nearby, but I still can't get to it. I can see a lower section of ground behind it through the rail, but I can't see enough of it to determine what I can do there. Help? I'm just trying to tie up the loose ends before I complete the game. Quote
kidThunder Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Zelda: TP is an awesome hit...people been waiting like a fucking loooooooooong time to play this game...when and if I get the Wii, I will get this game, along with Red Steel and it's obvious Wii Sports will come with it... Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 and the easiest Zelda boss I have ever fought, ever. get ready for more i don't mind the easiness, it's more the satisfaction of defeating it. and while that is partially correlated to difficulty, other things like the scope of the battle, the fighting field and the killing method also contribute. with that in mind, the 3rd boss was also easy, but one of the most fun zelda bosses i ever fought. Heh. Don't worry, man. The third boss fight ought to do it for you. Think Shadow of the Colossus. BTW, I'm stuck on that chest out the South Gate and the final freaking two Poes. Any ideas? As for the game itself, well... Best game ever, let alone best Zelda. Ocarina has been dethroned. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 I thought Ocarina and Majora's Mask bosses had some challenge to them. Mainly because some of the boss fights relied on actual strategy instead of simply finding weak spots. Namely the likes of Majora's final boss and OoT's shadow Ganon. Those were classics and actually had some difficulty to them. Nowadays, I think Nintendo is more worried about getting in as many casual type of gamers as possible, so that could be why they have eased a bit on most difficult edges of their Zelda games. You just won't find the near-death moments that was prevalent in the older titles. If you get hit and lose health, just whack a few bushes or jars and you'd be 100%. Quote
atmuh Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 I thought Ocarina and Majora's Mask bosses had some challenge to them. Mainly because some of the boss fights relied on actual strategy instead of simply finding weak spots. Namely the likes of Majora's final boss and OoT's shadow Ganon. Those were classics and actually had some difficulty to them. Nowadays, I think Nintendo is more worried about getting in as many casual type of gamers as possible, so that could be why they have eased a bit on most difficult edges of their Zelda games. You just won't find the near-death moments that was prevalent in the older titles. If you get hit and lose health, just whack a few bushes or jars and you'd be 100%. OK...that's pretty much what I've been trying to say but I'm terrible at saying things. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 I thought Ocarina and Majora's Mask bosses had some challenge to them. Mainly because some of the boss fights relied on actual strategy instead of simply finding weak spots. Namely the likes of Majora's final boss and OoT's shadow Ganon. Those were classics and actually had some difficulty to them. Nowadays, I think Nintendo is more worried about getting in as many casual type of gamers as possible, so that could be why they have eased a bit on most difficult edges of their Zelda games. You just won't find the near-death moments that was prevalent in the older titles. If you get hit and lose health, just whack a few bushes or jars and you'd be 100%. Really? Maybe my first play through TP I'll try and beat the game without getting any heart containers - that's bound to be more fun and rewarding... Quote
Laughy Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Best game ever, let alone best Zelda. Ocarina has been dethroned. Hmm..I'm going to have to disagree (and this likely will be debated to no end). It is the best Zelda ever, but I feel Zelda 64 to still be the best game ever made. Twilight Princess is evolutionary, wheras OOT was revolutionary. This is evident by TPs use of the locations, music, and gameplay from OOT. Another example is Tetris vs Tetris Attack: Tetris Attack is simply a much better Tetris game, yet few will argue Tetris is one of the best games ever made. If one gives large weight (which I do) to the impact and mainstay of a game in the gaming industry, then I believe Zelda 64 slightly pulls ahead in the "best game ever" department. Quote
Ebichuman Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 A minor puzzle. There's this chest at Castle Town's south gate, where you eventually meet the bug girl, that is out of reach. I've tried the various items, and even found that you can climb up other areas nearby, but I still can't get to it. I can see a lower section of ground behind it through the rail, but I can't see enough of it to determine what I can do there.Help? I'm just trying to tie up the loose ends before I complete the game. you need the clawshot and spinner. hit the clawshot target on the left-most tower (looking toward town), but don't climb up, (there is a chest up there as well, if you change into a wolf and cross the rope, then shimmy along the edge, then walk across the 2nd rope to the 2nd tower) instead let go and fall onto the ledge, and use the spinner to move back and forth between the 2 towers and jump when you feel nesicary to land in the right spot. Its really a huge shame that the spinner is used at like 3 places outside of the 4th dungeon, counting here :[ (hyrule castle for 5 feet doesn't count)The hardest "puzzle" in this game is definatly the ice block grotto where you need to smash the ice to get in. EVERYTHING else is pansy. Quote
parasoul Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Best game ever, let alone best Zelda. Ocarina has been dethroned. Hmm..I'm going to have to disagree (and this likely will be debated to no end). It is the best Zelda ever, but I feel Zelda 64 to still be the best game ever made. Twilight Princess is evolutionary, wheras OOT was revolutionary. This is evident by TPs use of the locations, music, and gameplay from OOT. Another example is Tetris vs Tetris Attack: Tetris Attack is simply a much better Tetris game, yet few will argue Tetris is one of the best games ever made. If one gives large weight (which I do) to the impact and mainstay of a game in the gaming industry, then I believe Zelda 64 slightly pulls ahead in the "best game ever" department. We have similar thoughts. TP is probably a better game but I won't say it's in my top 10 games ever, whereas OoT and LttP are. In addition to being more revolutionary, OoT also has that nostalgia value for me. Quote
The Damned Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Yeah, and in five years, you'll feel the same about TP. Nostalgia works like that. solution for that chest Thanks. I was so pre-occupied with the ropes there that I didn't even notice the ledge or track there. Quote
RealFolkBlues Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Best game ever, let alone best Zelda. Ocarina has been dethroned. Hmm..I'm going to have to disagree (and this likely will be debated to no end). It is the best Zelda ever, but I feel Zelda 64 to still be the best game ever made. Twilight Princess is evolutionary, wheras OOT was revolutionary. This is evident by TPs use of the locations, music, and gameplay from OOT. Another example is Tetris vs Tetris Attack: Tetris Attack is simply a much better Tetris game, yet few will argue Tetris is one of the best games ever made. If one gives large weight (which I do) to the impact and mainstay of a game in the gaming industry, then I believe Zelda 64 slightly pulls ahead in the "best game ever" department. I see your point, and it is a valid one. I actually had basically the same argument with a good friend of mine a few days ago. I have two main counterpoints; one, I myself don't put that much weight on the innovation factor of a game. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see something new done well, but a lack thereof isn't so bad, especially when the other aspects of the experience are spot on (as I imagine you can agree is the case with Twilight Princess.) Secondly, innovation always strikes me more as it relates to a game's genre, rather than its own series of the industry as a whole. When Ocarina came out, there were plenty of adventure games to behold, and none could compare. Nowadays, true adventure titles are few and far between. With the exception of Okami (also a badass game,) I can't think of a great example within the past half a year or so. Quote
Zombie Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 I want to play TP right now but my Wii-mote is completely sucked dry of battery power right now... I already used my TV remote batteries for the controller also. Quote
Linkjing Donuts Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Fought Ganon 3 times, just because I love the ending and I wanted to see Ganon's badass hair do. Also, to see hot Midna.The first time I beat him, I had no clue that I could use the Chance attack, so I found a pattern to kill him easy. The second and third times, I tried to lose as little health as possible. I wasted a fairy in a bottle just so I could use it to fight Zelda Puppet. Then I lost a heart in the Beast phase because he ran so fast that I was rammed after I shot him with the arrow. I healed myself so I could attack with the Great Spin, then lost a quarter heart in the horseback battle, and lost nothing in the final sword phase. The Chance attack made the battle so much easier than the pattern I used. Quote
Blake Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Ok. I'm REALLY REALLY thinking about getting Gamecube component cables now. Is this a good idea? Will it improve textures at all, or just improve clarity? Quote
parasoul Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Yeah, and in five years, you'll feel the same about TP. Nostalgia works like that.solution for that chest Thanks. I was so pre-occupied with the ropes there that I didn't even notice the ledge or track there. Nah. I was not at all blown away by TP, whereas I was amazed by LttP and completely blown away by OoT. I will still look back on TP as a great game though. Quote
Drack Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Ok. I'm REALLY REALLY thinking about getting Gamecube component cables now. Is this a good idea? Will it improve textures at all, or just improve clarity?If you do, make sure you have a revision 1 cube. (DOL-001)After a while Nintendo removed the component port on the back of the cube. Quote
Bigfoot Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Ok. I'm REALLY REALLY thinking about getting Gamecube component cables now. Is this a good idea? Will it improve textures at all, or just improve clarity? Do they even sell Gamecube Component cables anymore? S-video will work just as well. Quote
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