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The first screenshot has Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario (probably?) and Jigglypuff in a row. The second shot has Ness, and what looks like Peach.

Anyways, this is awesome:


I'm guessing that it's Ness and Lucas (since a lot of stickers are franchise-sensitive). For example, the first shot looks like Trainer, Lucario, Jiggs, and Pikachu (although it looks a lot like Pichu to me), all from Pokemon, obviously, with a Groudon sticker selected. I'm saying that since the other shot has a Mother character sticker, it makes sense for it to be Ness and Lucas. Kind of like here, where a Kirby game sticker can be put on Kirby, Dedede, or Metaknight.


I don't think we can be sure of Lucario. It's really blurred, and there's not much in the way of distinctive features for him. Jigglypuff is definite, and I can definitely see Ness in the unzoomed screenshot. It's possible it could be Pokemon Trainer, though. The second figure in the zoomed one looks like Lucas to me.

Also that's Zelda's FS? Really? Cause that won't hit anyone ever.


As I'd said in the Smash thread months ago, I'd heard from what seemed like a fairly reliable source that Lucario was gonna be playable, so I'm pretty much convinced here. That same source at the time had also said that Marth would be returning, which seemed more dubious 'cause it'd mean two FE guys of similar builds with blue hair, blue capes and swords, but seeing how it looks like Ness is back despite Lucas' presence... I dunno.

So, is there any game worth purchasing that have come out recently?

(I know about no more heroes, I just want to know about something I may have missed.)

I've just picked up Fire Emblem, which is awesome, and am waiting for Endless Ocean (I ordered it on Amazon; boy, they take forever!)


Picking up Endless Ocean after my recording session tonight. I'm going to get an SD card and put lots of 311 and ambient music on it. Hmm, gotta cycle through my OCR library and see what I can find.

By the way, what's the best way to get music onto the Wii games? I've never worked with SD cards before.

Picking up Endless Ocean after my recording session tonight. I'm going to get an SD card and put lots of 311 and ambient music on it. Hmm, gotta cycle through my OCR library and see what I can find.

By the way, what's the best way to get music onto the Wii games? I've never worked with SD cards before.

If you don't have an SD slot on your computer buy an USB adaptor. then just drag and drop the songs like you would on any non-iPod MP3 player.

Does that help?

Endless Ocean was released yesterday. Not sure if it's worth the buy but user reviews on gamespot averaged 9(scoring averaged 8.1).

After reading various reviews and the fact that it's only $30 I'm definitely going to be picking up Endless Ocean this weekend. Plus I could sure go for something nice and relaxing unlike most games out there where you just blast everything. It'll be a nice change for once.

Anybody wanna scuba dive with me when I get it?

After reading various reviews and the fact that it's only $30 I'm definitely going to be picking up Endless Ocean this weekend. Plus I could sure go for something nice and relaxing unlike most games out there where you just blast everything. It'll be a nice change for once.

Anybody wanna scuba dive with me when I get it?

Hell yeah. I ditto that relaxing thing; I definitely need to get relaxed after resetting for the fifteenth time on Fire Emblem.


Things are going to get really spoilerific pretty soon, so I think I may just have to avoid the internet when they release it in Japan.

The whole Jigglypuff thing was pretty interesting, but I don't want to know anything more about Brawl now that isn't officially announced.

On a side note: when will Fire Emblem be released in Europe?

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