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I thought there was a rule about bringing up other consoles in console-specific threads (to avoid fanboy fights). And to see a mod doing it... shameful, it is.

Something I've noticed is.. we've actually gone well past the point where fanboy fights actually happen in this thread. It's been going on for about a year, and now we're actually having discussions about the systems, pointing out shortcomings in all 3 approaches.

Honestly, it's strange to see a Nintendo thread where the downfalls of each system can be pointed out with a fairly level head. :dstrbd:

NGS is a remake and VF5 is coming to 360 with online play. I haven't played Motorstorm, but judging from reviews it's not real spectacular. And Resistance may be good (if you can consider FPS with that uses dual analog good), but does that even come close to making the $600 investment worth it?

A $600 console should have AAA games coming out of it's ass, not ones that are merely passable, remakes or not even exclusive. So far, most of what we've seen is very good looking games with shallow gameplay. I'm well aware bigger games are coming (guranteed hits like MGS4) but it seems everytime we hear "x is the game that's going to revitalize the PS3", it ends up being a dissapointment to many, like Lair or Motorstorm.

From what I heard, Motorstorm was bad mainly because of the lack of variety - it supposedly did the racing well, although I haven't got to play it yet despite owning it (goes to show that my game backlog is PS3 HUEG).

Of course $600 is a lot to pay for the console, but that's why I didn't pay full price (even before the clearance of the 60 GB models). :wink: Plus I consider the PS3 an investment for the game site I want to start up.

Something I've noticed is.. we've actually gone well past the point where fanboy fights actually happen in this thread. It's been going on for about a year, and now we're actually having discussions about the systems, pointing out shortcomings in all 3 approaches.

Honestly, it's strange to see a Nintendo thread where the downfalls of each system can be pointed out with a fairly level head. :dstrbd:

Although it isn't really fanboy fighting, its still a little annoying and I wish it would stop. I come to the Wii forum to post about the Wii, not PS3, 360, PC, or even DS for that matter. I go to those respective threads to post about their respective consoles or systems. I also don't like it because I tend to get caught up in it all time. I try to stay away form the agruement, but I always wind up getting envolved in some way. I also dislike that people's opinions tend not to get respected in these type of discussions, even if they are friendly.

From this point on, I'm going to try my best to avoid the "which console is better" (or anything similar) agruement but like always, I'll probably and up saying something eventually.


Hey, I'm trying to find a specific post. I don't know who posted it. The topic was Navigation in Metroid Prime: Echoes. Somebody wrote a wonderful post pointing out how carefully interconnected the areas were in Echoes, how you were never very far from an elevator and so forth. I really want to quote this post but I can't find it. It was either in this thread or in a Metroid thread at NeoGAF. I probably read the post in question a couple weeks ago.

If you were the poster, or you remember the post I'm referring to, please help me, I'd appreciate it!


I'm pretty sure the post in question is at NeoGAF...I just looked through the short discussion we had on MP2 and found nothing, and also don't remember a post like that being made...in fact the closest thing was a post of yours saying that you didn't like the navigation in the game...so yeah, check NeoGAF.

...consequently I just finished MP2 again myself. Bring on Prime 3!!


I'm playing Super Metroid and I'm stuck and it's REALLY ANNOYING. These green monkeys are wall-jumping up a corridor and I'm trying to mimic them AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!! :evil: Really Gamefaqs says jump, hit a wall, reverse directions on the dpad and hit jump again. Not working consistently.

Help. :cry:

I'm playing Super Metroid and I'm stuck and it's REALLY ANNOYING. These green monkeys are wall-jumping up a corridor and I'm trying to mimic them AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!! :evil: Really Gamefaqs says jump, hit a wall, reverse directions on the dpad and hit jump again. Not working consistently.

Help. :cry:

I swear that's the hardest part of Super Metroid. What's probably even worse is the item at the top behind the right wall that you need to be in morph ball form for (EDIT: Though in retrospect I think I should have tried getting that one after collecting the jump ball).

Trial and error is the best thing I can say.

I'm playing Super Metroid and I'm stuck and it's REALLY ANNOYING. These green monkeys are wall-jumping up a corridor and I'm trying to mimic them AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!! :evil: Really Gamefaqs says jump, hit a wall, reverse directions on the dpad and hit jump again. Not working consistently.

Help. :cry:

Yep, wall jumping in Super Metroid is an advanced skill for a reason...it's tough!. I used to be quite horrible at it but on my latest play through, I really got the timing and was able to do it with pretty good consistency. The order of actions is:

Jump towards the wall, it must be a spinning jump. Touch the wall. Quickly push the direction away from the wall and then hit the jump button. Of course, knowing this doesn't make it easy because the timing is very precise. You must perform the actions very quickly. All you can do is practice to get it down.

If you just can't get the hang of it, then do like I did on my first few plays: use the bomb jump to get out of there. I was a bit better at the bomb jump's timing. You'll probably be pleased to know there is no place in the game where you must wall jump to proceed.

I'm pretty sure the post in question is at NeoGAF...I just looked through the short discussion we had on MP2 and found nothing, and also don't remember a post like that being made...in fact the closest thing was a post of yours saying that you didn't like the navigation in the game...so yeah, check NeoGAF.

...consequently I just finished MP2 again myself. Bring on Prime 3!!

Yeah, I think it is at NeoGAF. I'll have to ask there since I haven't been able to find it. I always found navigation difficult in Echoes, but the post pointed out how much more convenient it actually was compared to Prime. It just doesn't seem to feel like it.

Yep, wall jumping in Super Metroid is an advanced skill for a reason...it's tough!. I used to be quite horrible at it but on my latest play through, I really got the timing and was able to do it with pretty good consistency. The order of actions is:

Jump towards the wall, it must be a spinning jump. Touch the wall. Quickly push the direction away from the wall and then hit the jump button. Of course, knowing this doesn't make it easy because the timing is very precise. You must perform the actions very quickly. All you can do is practice to get it down.

If you just can't get the hang of it, then do like I did on my first few plays: use the bomb jump to get out of there. I was a bit better at the bomb jump's timing. You'll probably be pleased to know there is no place in the game where you must wall jump to proceed.

Gah, wall jumping.

I can't get it either. I remember that I used to be able to do it, now I can't get it at all.

Anyways, Metroid Prime 3 in TWO DAYS OMG!!!


Wall jumping isn't really that tough, especially in the place with the green creatures since you're given long, flat walls to work with. Here's a more detailed explanation:

Spin jump at a wall. Once you're touching, you can let go of the d-pad. You can also just let yourself fall for as long as you want, as long as you don't move away from the wall or land.

Press away from the wall, and almost immediately thereafter press the jump button. You should be pressing them nearly simultaneously so that you don't move too far away from the wall before trying to jump off of it.

One thing that used to throw me off all the time at the second step was accidentally hitting up or down on the d-pad as I rolled my thumb from one direction to the other, which would cause Samus to aim diagonally. That stopped her spin, which killed the wall jump. This is why I recommend letting go of the d-pad in the first step. Press one direction, let go, press the other. Since you can fall for as long as you want between the two steps, take your time until you get a feel for the timing.

Wall jumping isn't really that tough, especially in the place with the green creatures since you're given long, flat walls to work with. Here's a more detailed explanation:

Spin jump at a wall. Once you're touching, you can let go of the d-pad. You can also just let yourself fall for as long as you want, as long as you don't move away from the wall or land.

Press away from the wall, and almost immediately thereafter press the jump button. You should be pressing them nearly simultaneously so that you don't move too far away from the wall before trying to jump off of it.

One thing that used to throw me off all the time at the second step was accidentally hitting up or down on the d-pad as I rolled my thumb from one direction to the other, which would cause Samus to aim diagonally. That stopped her spin, which killed the wall jump. This is why I recommend letting go of the d-pad in the first step. Press one direction, let go, press the other. Since you can fall for as long as you want between the two steps, take your time until you get a feel for the timing.

Also, Samus will take a certain poses before she wall jumps. Remember how she looks when she is clinging to a wall with the grapple beam? She will change to that frame when a wall jump is possible. She is technically clinging to the wall and ready to spring off of it. If you can catch it, that is the prime time to push the other direction on the d-pad and jump.

Yeah, I think it is at NeoGAF. I'll have to ask there since I haven't been able to find it. I always found navigation difficult in Echoes, but the post pointed out how much more convenient it actually was compared to Prime. It just doesn't seem to feel like it.

When you find the post, you should either paste it here or link from here to the discussion...it sounds interesting, and I for one would like to read it. ^_^

When you find the post, you should either paste it here or link from here to the discussion...it sounds interesting, and I for one would like to read it. ^_^

Agreed, I want to read it too. :)

And about the spinjump.. Yes, it can be very annoying to get it right. But, if you master it, you start to wonder if you're even doing the game in the right order, for the items you can grab at will.

When you find the post, you should either paste it here or link from here to the discussion...it sounds interesting, and I for one would like to read it. ^_^

Sure thing.

And ahh...to make this post more substantial than a quote and two words, here's a fun question. Who out there ordered Metroid Prime 3 online and must therefore wait for it to ship to you? I preordered ages ago from Amazon and I always go for the free (but slow) shipping if its available. The added wait shall be painful indeed.


Heh, I debated pre-ordering online, but that added wait was exactly what deterred me from that course...and thus I'll probably be standing in a short line at my local Gamestop come Tuesday or Wednesday or whenever the game finally makes its way to Alaska.........


QUESTION - buy Prime 3 on release day and play it on small TV with small stereo system, OR wait 3 months for a single week where I can play it on a huge 16:9 tv with a super surround system - but at the end of said week, I have to leave again.

Sure thing.

And ahh...to make this post more substantial than a quote and two words, here's a fun question. Who out there ordered Metroid Prime 3 online and must therefore wait for it to ship to you? I preordered ages ago from Amazon and I always go for the free (but slow) shipping if its available. The added wait shall be painful indeed.

I don't have to wait for shipping but I won't be able to pick up a copy anywhere until late Wednesday at the earliest, probably later. I'm just hoping Target does a reasonably nice job of keeping in stock.

QUESTION - buy Prime 3 on release day and play it on small TV with small stereo system, OR wait 3 months for a single week where I can play it on a huge 16:9 tv with a super surround system - but at the end of said week, I have to leave again.

I vote, do both. I've found that the Prime games are good for at least 2 playthroughs. And I'm someone who rarely -ever- picks up a game after I've beaten it.

First time, you learn the game and get familiar with it. Then 3 months later when you play it on the big system, you can -enjoy- it.

QUESTION - buy Prime 3 on release day and play it on small TV with small stereo system, OR wait 3 months for a single week where I can play it on a huge 16:9 tv with a super surround system - but at the end of said week, I have to leave again.

I'd definitely do both, but then, I replay my games ad infinitum anyway.


Haha, don't get the wrong idea - I've played all the way through both Primes probably 10 times apiece. I fully expect to do the same with 3 - but the first time I play it should be special. Whatever, I'll work something out. But if I want time to play it at my leisure on the big system, it's going to have to be next summer... sigh...

You mean, the 60GB model costs $500. The new model still costs $600 and apparently, Sony is considering doing this again when they're ready to release another hard drive model in the US. But putting that aside, you simply cannot deny the fact that if you buy a PS3, you're spending money on a system with no games that are worth it yet and since it's a game console...that's an extremely important point. And if price doesn't matter when it comes to visuals, then complaining about PC cost goes right out the window.

I have to disagree. It already had plenty of good games in both the main library and PSN. I wouldn't pay $60 for each, but games like Ninja Gaiden Sigma, VF5, Resistance and others already look promising when they make their way in the coming months. Also, the Bluray thing does help a lot compared to the 360 which has none of that HD disc playback (though 360 is being sold more as a gaming machine than the PS3 being sold as a multimedia center). Then again, Sony not having released a full multimedia version full with video disc recorder features for the US is hurting it in an ironic way I believe. I wish they'd make up their minds. But if I had the money to burn, I can see how the PS3 could be worth it after a dozen or so AAA releases. Though overall, I have to agree in layman's terms that it would not be worth it to those who simply don't have the money to burn, including those who don't have the HDTV setup.

You can talk about big, epic games all you like, but so far, the ones that have been released on PS3 have been crap (check out Lair or Heavenly Sword reviews from EGM and IGN respectively). Both suffer from the same problem: too much focus on story, graphics and sound but broken or repetitive gameplay with no reason to play again after beating it. Games that rank 6.0 or 7.0 out of 10 can be good...but not if I'm paying $600 for a console to play them then $60 on the game itself. That's insane.

I'm talking about what the developers seems to be aiming for with those games. Even if they don't turn out well, the modus operandi is to aim for the gaming epic with the PS3/360 nowadays one or two years after release. Even a few Wii games are going that path as well, so it's not too surprising, but it's understandable they're doing it for the systems that have the most disc storage and the biggest graphical clout. And JRPGs are running the course of continuing their sequels on the PS3 so far. Also, for very consistent developers like Naughty Dog, everything they do is an epic one way or the other anyway.

Nintendo's "gameplay>graphics" thing may be a cheap way to justify not spending a shitload of money on Wii hardware, but so far, the PS3 is proving them right.

I agree. I even think the 360 is doing a bit of that too, with their Playstation-era style game releases and exclusives that are looking more and more impressive by the year. Two years ago, Microsoft had little support. Now it's sizable. And I don't need to get into details about Nintendo's support by its own development houses.

Who are you to tell me my opinion is wrong. Did you read the bold letters In My Opinion. I think its a horrible investment because it doesn't offer anything better than what I can get from my PC already. All the good, unique, or somethimes exclusive games (Ex. Gears of War, Halo, Bioshock, and Knights of the Old Republic) eventually get ported to PC and are often times much better on PC.

I already did mention that it is a matter of preference. And I already put the two together on how personal barometer of worth is not the same thing as technical worth. I don't even think I'm fully disagreeing with you here. But a lot of the ports really haven't lived up for the PC and for gamers' convenience, consoles hold up their own nowadays. Especially considering a lot of future games are offering Keyboard+Mouse functionality and are even developed with the console gameplay in mind. Just going on the record and making a foregone conclusion that it's always best on PC isn't true anymore. Unless we're talking about highly modified games like Oblivion, the differences are almost moot or the PC ports have bugs not on the consoles (Bioshock... it already had three or four major documented problems for its PC version.)

I'm not talking about games like DMC which is also coming out on PS3. I can play all those 3rd Party games on my PS3 (when I get one). Also don't give me this Madden 08 shit because I'm not a sports game fan, so once agian, it doesn't justify me getting a 360. Agian this is all my opinion. My opinion should not be mistaken for fact. Now if I said "in my opinion Hilter didn't kill the jews" then I why see why that is wrong. I'm just simply saying why I don't think the 360 is worth my money. If you guys think it is, thats completely fine. Go ahead and buy it.

I don't see what I should disagree with other than how the consoles have the offerings for the gamers with differing tastes. Not quite like Dreamcast (even though it had a great library while it lasted), where there simply weren't any games to buy on them. When people say that for the Wii or PS3 or 360, I think that's just pure matter of preference and not because there actually aren't games on there that are well made.

And finally, for Metroid Prime 3, I just hope it's not as constricting as the second game nor too easy. And thank GOD multiplayer is left out. That was basically a disaster for the old MP games IMO.


I was hoping for higher, but I can understand why it'd be docked a few points.

Still, very solid game. More of the same great Prime action, but not as much of a massive overhaul as the original was.

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