Cecilff2 Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Ragequit on NMH2's haunted house boss. Has anyone figured out a good way to beat him? Not sure if its the best way, but he doesn't seem to have any glaring weakness besides swinging a slow and unwieldy axe. Clear the room of furniture though so you can dodge his flame attacks, and just let him use that axe and counter each time(Don't continue it too long or he'll start up another swing before you can dodge it). Careful with the blade clashes too, as I have no idea how it determines who wins that type. Normal ones I pretty much always win, but I have no idea what it was asking for in that one(I just kinda swung the remote around like a lasso, which sometimes worked) Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 2, 2010 Posted February 2, 2010 Ok, so I finished all 17 missions of Sky Crawlers last night(and more than a few rounds of free mission mode), so now time to talk turkey. For $30, you're essentially getting Ace Combat on the Wii with great motion controls that admittedly take a bit of time to get used to, and plenty of replay value. The game itself is a prequel set 8 years before the original Sky Crawlers novel/anime, which itself is a novel series of about 4 or 5 books(I wouldn't know as my experience is with the movie only). While having background knowledge on the series would help to understand the universe, it isn't entirely necessary as like I mentioned above, it's pretty much Ace Combat, and it should be being that it was designed by the same Project Aces team at Namco. Gameplay follows you going through 17 different missions ranging from escort, attack and interception, land raids, etc. using different prop planes during an alternate WWII-era timeline. The controls are simple(sort of): Using the nunchuck in your dominant hand, you control roll/turning and pitch like you would on a flightstick, while using the Wiimote to handle throttle, braking, target selection and yaw(on expert controls). Given the timeframe, you won't be using anything other than guns and anti-ground bombs, which means that "fire and forget" mentality from usual Ace Combat games is gone, which leads to a much more up-close, visceral and satisfying dogfighting experience. In addition to having a great degree of aviation freedom thanks to the Wii controls(you can also use a classic or gamecube controller if you're not up for it), there are special maneuvers such as barrel rolls mapped to the analog stick on the nunchuck for rapid access. Another nice feature is the ability to "track" your enemies with a special gauge that fills up over time, then pressing the A button to do some crazy acrobatics and wind up behind your foe, which lets you make a quick(and awesome) kill. While sorta cheap, it is still pretty cool to watch and actually becomes useful later on. In addition to the standard "pick your plane and weapons before a mission" AC shtick, you also have a certain degree of freedom in customizing certain elements in your plane such as wing types, engines, cockpit type, and several different paint jobs. While not too compelling, it does at a degree of personality to your style of play. Production values are pretty decent, although as per most flight games, you aren't going to see a huge amount of detail on the ground, and another personal gripe is that the damned AC mission timer still makes it's appearance here. All and all, it's a great experience, and if flight games are your thing(like they are mine), you'll probably enjoy it quite a bit, and for the price it's a bloody steal. Go out and give it a shot, and happy gaming. Quote
Toadofsky Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 I couldn't pass up this story, not after hearing all the whining of third party companies not being able to sell games on the Wii. Warning, LOTS OF TEXT... http://news.vgchartz.com/news.php?id=6926 In a recent Q & A with Nintendo Investors, Iwata answered many different questions, ones that were seriously needing to be addressed, but the biggest thing of all, was this, at least to me... Granted, that confirms that console games outsold on the 360, but, there's one game in particular that had boosted those figures for those months, COD: MW 2, and NPD included ALL SKU's for that game (there were several "special editions" of the game). So, let's see what happens when you remove that game from the equation... So any of these arguments that companies can't make a profit on the Wii, is bull. I think the problem lies in the fact that either the companies didn't really have faith in those "hardcore" games selling, or, they were being lazy themselves. Also another shock, was this... Iwata: "To tell you the truth, GameCube is secretly designed to load graphical circuits which display graphics for right and left eyes respectively, for a future possibility of realizing 3D gaming experience." You heard it folks, Nintendo looked into 3-D gaming as well... Quote
Bleck Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 Anyone who thinks the original Classic Controller isn't comfortable didn't spend any time playing a SNES, and as such, is terrible. Quote
Thalzon Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 So any of these arguments that companies can't make a profit on the Wii, is bull. I think the problem lies in the fact that either the companies didn't really have faith in those "hardcore" games selling, or, they were being lazy themselves. Games like Mad World and Dead Space Extraction probably fall well outside what the majority of Wii owners are looking for in games, whereas something like Carnival Games, despite being inferior, does not. Not to say they CAN'T sell. I mean, HotD: Overkill sold over 500,000 copies (I think it was luck, really). But doing things the old way isn't gonna cut a sizable profit on the Wii. PS3 and 360 are much "safer" in that regard, because third parties don't need to shake up their marketing formula much and sales are much more predictable. Something I've sorta noticed about successful Wii games is that their commercials (if they have them) or trailer feature people playing the game more than the actual game itself. Sure, they'll show what is being played, even explain it a little, but the focus is on how much FUN people are having with the game, rather than how awesome the game appears to be. However, to make such ads for single-player games is a difficult task. Quote
The Damned Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 To tell you the truth, GameCube is secretly designed to load graphical circuits which display graphics for right and left eyes respectively, for a future possibility of realizing 3D gaming experience That... is so unexpected. I never heard of this before. Is that from the latest Iwata Asks? Quote
Red Shadow Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 Anyone who thinks the original Classic Controller isn't comfortable didn't spend any time playing a SNES, and as such, is terrible. tell me you play smashebroz w/cc Quote
Toadofsky Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 That... is so unexpected. I never heard of this before. Is that from the latest Iwata Asks? It might be, I found that out from vgchartz transcript of Iwata's talk with investors. Quote
Cerrax Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 tell me you play smashebroz w/cc I do. It's actually my favorite way to play Brawl. Quote
Nekofrog Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 Anyone who thinks the original Classic Controller isn't comfortable didn't spend any time playing a SNES, and as such, is terrible. The original classic controller is thick beyond necessity. The SNES controller was thin n' slim and fit the hand perfectly. Wii CC suffers from obesity. goddamn american controllers Quote
Devyn Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 I like the classic. I like the Nintendo Wii. I like the games that have been coming out lately. Wish I could get more of them. That's it. Quote
Bleck Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 tell me you play smashebroz w/cc I sure do The original classic controller is thick beyond necessity. The new one is even thicker you will not like it Quote
Gollgagh Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 when I get a wii, I'll probably get one of these http://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=22&products_id=31 Quote
Poke'G Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Sonic & Knuckles just released on the VC. Anyone know if it can it link with Sonic 2 & 3? If so, I'm definitely picking these up. It's been ages since I played S3&K. (Anyone know how to link up, if they do.) Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 If the info doesn't include lockon info, it probably does NOT. The technology behind it was effectively a hardware based rom patcher, which is why those of us who emulate it have to load separate roms to get Knuckles into Sonic 2/3. Quote
DarkeSword Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 According to this review, it does indeed have "lock-on." http://vc.nintendolife.com/reviews/2010/02/sonic_and_knuckles_virtual_console Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Nice! Glad to hear that Sega didn't drop the ball -- a good sign of things to come? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 So we just got a big dose of information out of Nintendo's media summit. Super Mario Galaxy 2 release in May. Metroid Other M release in June Sin & Punishment 2 release somewhere in between Monster Hunter 3 release in April with the classic controller pro bundle, Wii-speak enabled, and no online fee for the NA release. Quote
Arrow Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Don't forget Cave Story a month from now. Quote
Toadofsky Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Don't forget Cave Story a month from now. Ever since I heard that it was coming to WiiWare, I never played the PC version again, just so that I could feel refreshed. That was over a year ago. All that waiting, just for a few more weeks!!! Huzzah! In regards to the media summit, maybe the hardcore can finally stop whining for at least an hour. Quote
XZero Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 I'm both thrilled and a little disappointed. Obviously playing a brand new Mario and Metroid title within a month of each other is a godsend, but with those two in May and June and then probably Zelda in November, they're using their "big three" up really freaking quickly. Nothing wrong with that, but they're setting up an epic fail for 2011. Maybe that's when we'll see some new IPs or new versions of classics (*cough*kidicarusandmother4*cough*). Quote
Thalzon Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 You'll never see a Mother 4. That series is done. Forever. Or until the creator dies and someone else decides to make a sequel. But it won't happen otherwise. Quote
Penfold Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 I'm both thrilled and a little disappointed. Obviously playing a brand new Mario and Metroid title within a month of each other is a godsend, but with those two in May and June and then probably Zelda in November, they're using their "big three" up really freaking quickly. Nothing wrong with that, but they're setting up an epic fail for 2011. Maybe that's when we'll see some new IPs or new versions of classics (*cough*kidicarusandmother4*cough*). I wouldn't worry about being "disappointed" with 2011 while we're not yet 1/4 through 2010 and don't even know what the second half of this year will hold. Quote
Gollgagh Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 why would you be disappointed with what order (and what time frequency) games are released that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Quote
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