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Alright, I've been on this site for a while, and I know that there are a lot of these threads. I'm not that well known and I've made few contributions, but I'm making this thread just because I've wanted a birthday thread for a long time.

I'm 26 years old. Big freakin' deal. Oh well. I'm posting this crap on my lunch break, and my friends are coming over at five to douse me with liquor and watch me attempt to beat Karnov for the second time. (They don't believe of ever beaten it before. Wish me luck.)

Okay, without further ado, I'm going to state some of my shout-outs and some random facts:

1. To people who send me stuff on PM, thank you.

2. To vgmix for re-launching on my birthday, awesome.

3. Thanks OCR people for being cool.

4. Thanks OCR for being my favorite site for several years.

Random facts:

1. Mega Man 2 is the best video game ever, at least I think so.

2. Ghosts exist. Whether or not they were dead people at one time is unknown to me, but they exist and some can throw your cell phone at your girlfriend's parents' house.

3. I'm more excited about Mario Kart Wii than Brawl.

4. Pamela Anderson is not that attractive to me. Marisa Tomei, whether I misspelled her name or not, is.

5. My grammar is bad and I do not care because it is my birthday.

6. One time Nintendo Power had a competition for Donkey Kong Country. The goal was to get everything in the game in less than an hour. I did so, but my picture sucked and it was rejected. I would have been in the top ten list later on, possibly at the top of it. I am still haunted by this today.

7. Arm Cannon should make more Blaster Master remixes, because his last one kicked ass.

8. I listen to you people's music on my Ipod when I ride my bike, walk the dog, work out, and play cards, and work.

9. One day I made a thread about Mustangs and if I should buy a particular one. Some random poster said Mustangs were lame (in short), and DJ Pretzel bitched the person out and denied them their change of username. I smiled for a week.

Happy birthday to me and happy new year to everyone else. Now you can post the 'big frikkin' deal picture and / or the pbf birthday comic. Thanks for such good internet times. Cheers.


I have never played Megaman 2. That is something I shall have to change when I go home tonight. I have, however, played Mega Man II for Gameboy, which I assume isn't what you're talking about.

Happy birthday!


Thanks guys!!! Great comments. The cell phone story goes like this:

About 6 months ago, I had to help my girlfriend watch her parents house (and pets) for the weekend. It was just me and my girlfriend during the day. But Saturday night, two of our friends came down from Mobile (we were staying in Atmore, on the Florida/Alabama state line). We all drank a bit and went to sleep around 12:00 or so.

I woke up late (cheerful and without hangover) the next morning, and I was talking to my girlfriend who was on the side furthest from the stack of books involved in the incident (which would have been about six to seven feet from me). It was her Dad's bed, which I didn't like staying in because I felt it was disrespectful even for my standards. Anyway, it was late in the morning and we were feeling good. We started talking about stuff, whilst my cellphone was on a stack of large books. This stack of large books had more than enough radius to support a small cellphone, and the stack was on top of a really heavy chest. Well, I ask my gf about the books and if her Dad actually has the nerve to read a bunch of huge mystery books, and then it happens. The cellphone literally flies off of the books into the side of the bed as if it were thrown or swiped at by a human. It traveled at a nearly horizontal angle into the side of the bed. There was no air flow, and no dramatic change in pressure in the house.

I figured that this was the ghost she had talked about for years, the one that would strike notes on the piano and sing faintly on certain mornings. I've seen a bunch of things like that, but that was the only one that wasn't scary. It was just like "Oh, that's the ghost you always talk about." and "Yep, that's the ghost. Now you know for real" Anyway, it's something you have to see firsthand to believe. Oh well, it's a bit early in the day for stuff like that anyway.

There you go.


That's a pretty sweet story, man. Wasn't there a ghosts thread not too long ago, and did you post your tale?

Anyways, this is the best birthday thread I've seen. You've beaten Karnov? That shit is rough. SUPER ROUGH.

Megaman 2 is pretty frickin' sweet. It's actually one of my first videogame memories (my cousins rented it one time when we were visiting them and my grandma,) and it has my vote for second best OST after Chrono Trigger.

All this aside, happy day of birthing, sir! I shall most likely drink a Newcastle in your honor.

  • 2 weeks later...

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