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So I got around to buying a functioning PS2, as my old one was a launch PS2, meaning disk read errors galore. I'm scrounging through the bargin bins at Gamestop and EB and playing all the games that looked good that I never got a chance to try before. Here's what I have now:

Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3

Beyond Good and Evil

Silent Hill 2


Contra: Shattered Soldier

I'm gonna pick up Resident Evil 4 and Shadow of the Colossus soon. What else should I look in to? Recommend any games you enjoyed, I tend to like pretty much anything.


I was actually going to make a post just like this. also just got a PS2 and catching up on some games.

on my list to play so far are:

Katamari & We <3 Katamari

Shadow of the Colossus


Gitaroo Man

God of War

FFX (I haven't been into FF for awhile, but figure I owe it at least a rental)


Breath of Fire:Dragon Quarter.

It truly saddens me to always go into my local EB and see a rack of 3+ copies just sit there.They're only worth $9 canadian too..It's truly depressing.


IGN just released a list of their Top 25 PS2 games just a couple days ago:

25.) Amplitude

24.) Suikoden III

23.) Tekken Tag Tournament

22.) Kingdom Hearts

21.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

20.) NBA Street Vol. 2

19.) Rez

18.) Okami

17.) Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

16.) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

15.) Resident Evil 4

14.) Dragon Quest VIII

13.) Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

12.) Gran Turismo 4

11.) Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

10.) Burnout 3: Takedown

09.) Twisted Metal: Black

08.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

07.) Guitar Hero

06.) ICO

05.) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

04.) Shadow of the Colossus

03.) Final Fantasy X

02.) Grand Theft Auto III

01.) God of War

If you owned all the games on that list, you'd be sittin' pretty.

Oddly enough, though, Katamari Damacy is not there. Methinks that's a gross oversight.

IGN just released a list of their Top 25 PS2 games just a couple days ago:

25.) Amplitude

24.) Suikoden III

23.) Tekken Tag Tournament

22.) Kingdom Hearts

21.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

20.) NBA Street Vol. 2

19.) Rez

18.) Okami

17.) Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

16.) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

15.) Resident Evil 4

14.) Dragon Quest VIII

13.) Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

12.) Gran Turismo 4

11.) Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

10.) Burnout 3: Takedown

09.) Twisted Metal: Black

08.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

07.) Guitar Hero

06.) ICO

05.) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

04.) Shadow of the Colossus

03.) Final Fantasy X

02.) Grand Theft Auto III

01.) God of War

If you owned all the games on that list, you'd be sittin' pretty.

Oddly enough, though, Katamari Damacy is not there. Methinks that's a gross oversight.

Personally I think FF12 is better than FF10

IGN just released a list of their Top 25 PS2 games just a couple days ago:

25.) Amplitude

24.) Suikoden III

23.) Tekken Tag Tournament

22.) Kingdom Hearts

21.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

20.) NBA Street Vol. 2

19.) Rez

18.) Okami

17.) Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

16.) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

15.) Resident Evil 4

14.) Dragon Quest VIII

13.) Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

12.) Gran Turismo 4

11.) Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

10.) Burnout 3: Takedown

09.) Twisted Metal: Black

08.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

07.) Guitar Hero

06.) ICO

05.) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

04.) Shadow of the Colossus

03.) Final Fantasy X

02.) Grand Theft Auto III

01.) God of War

If you owned all the games on that list, you'd be sittin' pretty.

Oddly enough, though, Katamari Damacy is not there. Methinks that's a gross oversight.


That's a great place to start. Anyone of those games could keep you busy for a long while.

And like Atmuh said, DDR is good. I suggest Extreme 2 or 1. If they do not come with pads, I reccomend buying an Afterburner. Should last you a while.

Now if you're into FPSes, then 007: Agent Under Fire and Time Splitters 2 are both oldies but goodies. Oh crap, make sure to pick up SSX 3 as well. That's a great game

And the manditory list of fighting games you SHOULD buy:

1. SF:AC

2. SFA Anthology

3. Tekken Tag (already mentioned)

4. Capcom vs. SNK 2


6. VF 4: Evolution (already mentioned)

7. SC II/III (I like 2 more, but whatever.)

8. Tekken 5

9. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

(that's all I can think of at the moment.)


Sega Classics Collection and Dragon Quest 8 are the best value a single 'game' has offered me.

I seem to repeat these games over and over, but Robot Alchemic Drive and SkyGunner are constantly overlooked games and I had just as much playing them as many other supposed AAA titles.

Other notable inclusions could be Xenosaga trilogy and Suikoden V. I can't believe that Suikoden 3 made the list since though it was an epic game, the little nags in the game made it drag out. Suikoden 3 wouldn't even make my top 30 PS2 games.

And I can't believe every lists on the planet ignores the Sly Cooper games. Way better than most Nintendo platformer efforts as of late.

So this is a "list good PS2 games" thread? I mean, there's kind of a lot of them...

I suggest just going to Gamerankings and checking out the top 100 or so. That should get you started.

No, Dhsu, that would be entirely too easy.

Shadow Hearts series.


- Shin Megami Tensei (Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga 1&2)

- Psychonauts

- God Hand

- Rogue Galaxy

- Zone of the Enders 1&2

- Tales of the Abyss

- Time Splitters: Future Perfect

- Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (absolute guilty pleasure)

Shadow Hearts series.


Excellent RPG series. I finally found the original Shadow Hearts just the other day and I'm diggin it so far, even if is almost 6 years old now. The second and third just kick ass.

Dragon Quest VIII, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, God of War, Katamari Damacy and Psychonauts.

Darth Lime knows exactly where it's at! All great games!

Psychonauts was an incredible game (although, I own it on Xbox)

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