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OCR01567 - Banjo-Kazooie "In the Darkness Lies"


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Great mix. I love the ambience, and I especially love the vocals. Congrats Dragon Avenger!

Glad to see your colab. made finally it through Joker. Production sounds very solid and even though I'm not familiar with the source, I like what you've made out of it!

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Man there's been some great stuff on OC in the last few months. This track is pretty amazing for taking a song and turning it upside down in a listenable way. You guys did exactly what creepy calls for. You went for the hints of creepiness that are ultimately way more frightening than the crappy CG ghosts they use all the time these days. Excellent work, shows an appreciation of the original and a knowledge of how to use that appreciation.

I also feel obligated to add to your report card that "you play well with others."

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Thanks to everyone's comments. The Joker did amazing work with this track, I was amazed to hear what he did from the original.

The lyrics are there, but they really aren't anything special. At all. I tried to focus on the different things in the stage, and that was the result I got. Certainly nothing to write home about. I'm glad it added to the overall creepiness of the piece though.

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It's been so long since I've played B&K, so I had to find myself a midi of the song to understand how much you have changed the original tune. And quite frankly, I'm amazed. You've turned a goofy and playful ghost theme into a beautiful, dynamic goth symphony. The piano does an excellent job carrying out the melody, while the heavy drums and DA's voice adds more feel to it.

My hat's off to both of you, Banjo and Kazooie needed some more love from the remix departement, and they've finally got what they wanted, and so did I. You get 10/10 and one extra life for this one. Keep it up ya'll.

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Holy crap, reading through the forums, I realized that, if that's her real name that's appearing in her posts, then DragonAvenger probably has the single coolest name EVER. Seriously.

And it reminded me of this mix and it's awesomeness! My only complaint was that is was a wee bit on the liberal side, but when it ends up like this, THAT IS OKAY. Awesome awesome. We needs some more Banjo mixes! :D

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  • 4 months later...

A pretty creepy atmosphere in this one. I like how the flanging and echoes are deployed. The arrangement gets a bit lost at 01:44-02:21, especially because the vocals don't follow the backing, but the earlier chord progression. The dissonant spots in the backing also sounds a bit random to me. You can hear some of those without vocals at 02:21-02:30 and that point does sound fine, but I feel as a whole the "weird" stuff is not set up that well. It gives a feeling of unsureness of where to go with the material.

03:30-03:33 is another point where the vocals don't mesh so well. I mostly do enjoy the vocals, no worries, and they work really well in my opinion at 03:00-03:20, and also at the beginning. I like the effect of undermixing them. The signing could be stronger, but it works as it is.

Overall, a somewhat succesful mix, but not a keeper for me because of the problems mentioned, they make the music flounder, in a (non-good) way. It's very promising track so I'll be checking out your upcoming stuff!


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I'm not sure how I missed this one. I love dark tracks.

I love the industrial sounds used. Doors slamming, creaking, etc.

I can tell that you went with a dissonant approach to making it creepy. I personally like a little more well-defined melody (which would only increase the contrast between dissonant parts, and the Aeolian key can still create a strong feeling of darkness.)

Personally, I didn't think the vocals fit with the rest of the piece. That is not, in any way, to say DA has poor vocals; I'd actually say her voice ought to be more pronounced when she's vocalizing. Also, something about how it was recorded or post-processed is really accenting the frequencies that sound when she produces the sound of an "s", and those same frequencies are also enhanced with the rest of her vocals. (Pardon the layman terms..) Not so much my thing, but I can understand how that might actually have been something you were going for.

Here's the thing, it reminds me of Silent Hill music. I have gripes with the atmosphere of Silent Hill music too (the actual music), so maybe I'm just weird.

I also spent too much time on the cons; I apologize. I'm nitpicking.

This really is a great piece, and I'd like to leave that as the bottom line.

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Here's the thing, it reminds me of Silent Hill music. I have gripes with the atmosphere of Silent Hill music too (the actual music), so maybe I'm just weird.

I also spent too much time on the cons; I apologize. I'm nitpicking.

This really is a great piece, and I'd like to leave that as the bottom line.

Totally agreed, this does sound very Silent Hillish, doesn't it? And I feel your pain - I personally shout out the negatives before going in to the positives, just the way I am.

I really should stop. :banghead:

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