kamoh Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 ...The more I think about this...the more I feel so sick to my stomach. I am seriously becoming emotionally distraught by this. I suppose it is because the motive hits close to home. He did this *supposedly* because of problems with a female that he had relations with. It makes me think about how my ex fiancee left me and how I felt afterwards, and still feel from it. I understand that emotional pain can be such a strong driving force to create negativity, but it never warrents murder... I guess...I am thinking about what if I was the one that did this. Considering his actions, I had perfect motivation for it as well. Love is such a painful thing sometimes...I felt *and still feel* so much emotional pain from having my fiancee leave me...this action that just took place makes me scared of myself... Naw, he had something wrong in the head. ANYONE who would do this kind of thing does, and the mere fact that he did it is testament to the fact that you are ten million times better than that. Besides, being single is fun, isn't it? GO FOR BROKE! This affected me too - it was a while ago but I started being more aware and sensitive of the lives of people caught up in an event like this. I have to say that the whole Stalinistic perspective still rings true in my head (one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic), 9/11 being a perfect example, but I think there's a line you have to cross, and that's when you love someone so much that you put yourself or themselves in the position of those that died. That's when sensitivity occurs, in my experience, and I think that's why you're feeling the way you do, Arek. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 This is awful. I don't even know what to say to it. I hope anyone injured recovers, and that the families of those who died are able to grieve properly without too much media intervention and such. Jeez, this sucks. Quote
Strati Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 With this and the Imus deal, I believe we're about to see a new age of censorship. Fuck. Quote
DarkeSword Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Why do people do this kind of thing? Because people can be angry, immature, and evil. Quote
Maco70 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Because people can be angry, immature, and evil. It was meant to be rhetorical, but thanks. Quote
kamoh Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 With this and the Imus deal, I believe we're about to see a new age of censorship.Fuck. This has nothing to do with censorship though. The FCC is only concerned with the Imus thing, and they're not able to do anything but fine the hell out of him and Viacom. That was nothing compared to Janet Jackson. You can't really censor people from having guns - you can BAN guns, but there are plenty of people here that would argue that gun control on the VT campus might have been a big part of the problem here (bunk, I say, this would have happened had there been gun owners or not). Of course, that's not a censorship issue, that's more for the ATF and they aren't the FCC. Quote
Blake Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 I heard about this at school, and I was stunned at the so far 32 death count. This is worse than Columbine. I'm also enraged that FOX News is interviewing Jack Thompson. Always gotta blame shit on media. FOX News are the ones that already have a movie poster sort of image for this event, as if it were some action scene. It's pretty ridiculous. I hope whoever is on these boards that goes to VA Tech is alright, and best wishes to students, family members, and staff who have lost someone. This is a pretty sick tragedy. Quote
atmuh Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 i got home from school at 6:30 i saw this i wanted to throw up I can't even begin to describe how terrible stuff like this is... Quote
kamoh Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Always gotta blame shit on media. Oh I blame everything on the media - that's why I'm going to be a big part of it...it's so LUCRATIVE! Speaking of which I've been broadcasting while posting all of these replies. Hello media! Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 Sort of wrong how an event like this is what reunites me *somewhat* with this website. Ech...I guess it is because this place was the only place that felt like "home" for quite a while (both on the internet and in real life). I still feel so shitty. I mean....just imagine someone that was so important to you dying. THAT is the reality most people are living. It wasn't just a "human being", they were people that people held close to their hearts, loved more than anything in the world, and/or even felt as though that they would die for them if they had the chance. I guess I am too empathetic towards these kind of things. I can't help but feel like utter shit for what this guy did. The poor families, and everyone else that held the now victims so dear... Quote
chrono26 Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 this just gets worse and worse as the day goes by and it's sinking it. and then 5 more U.S. troops died in Iraq today. i'm so sick of this kind of stuff. once again, God bless the families of the victims. Quote
Devyn Posted April 16, 2007 Posted April 16, 2007 FOX and SKY News Australia are reporting 32 confirmed including the gunman.What's sad is the way the gunman supposedly lined them up execution style, and how he waited 2 hours between his first kill and the second massacre. That takes a really sick mind. People talk about being grief-stricken and temporary insanity. But the fact that he waited 2 hours between killing gave him time to calm down and become rational. This sounds more like just a cold-blooded and pre-meditated murder rampage. I'm interested in hearing how he was taken down as well. I love hearing about retribution on people like this. I hope he's tortured in hell every second. And if there isn't a hell, may a God make one just for him. And peace to all of the victims and everyone else who has been a victim of something this awful. Quote
Blake Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Oh I blame everything on the media - that's why I'm going to be a big part of it...it's so LUCRATIVE!Speaking of which I've been broadcasting while posting all of these replies. Hello media! I can't figure out the intent of this post, unless you thought that I was calling for media to be a scapegoat, which in that post I meant Jack Thompson was doing. However, I am getting really annoyed at these news channels nonetheless. You have dumb newscasters trying to play detective fully aware of how they're shaping viewers' easily swayed opinions. Quote
Frictional Antidote Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 I believe The Orichalcon was wondering how this guy was taken down. The New York Times reported: "According to a federal law enforcement official, the gunman did not have identification and could not be easily identified visually because of the severity of an apparently self-inflicted wound to the head. He said investigators were trying to trace purchase records for two handguns found near the body." It would appear that he killed himself. This whole ordeal sucks. I also want to comment about this community. While I've never really played a huge role in it, I do visit here often. It never ceases to amaze me how many people care about something like this when it happens. I can't remember who it was or where it happened, but I recall that some kind of chemical plant had an explosion that affected the whole town. One of the members here had a gymnastics gym that was near the origin of the explosion. I just recall how so many people reached out to offer there condolences. Same with this situation. It really shows that despite the incredibly terrible and inhumane things some people do, there are still so many other people out there who care deeply about life and its value and what is right and wrong in this world. Quote
Ninja-san Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Apparently the police have Id'd the guy and think he may have been a chinese national here on student visa but im not sure how legite this is since every news site say something different. But if this is true this could get even more ugly then it already is... Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 To Arek and others who feel especially connected to this tragedy: Go see the movie "Bang Bang You're Dead." It was a made-for-TV movie based on school shootings in high schools, and it seriously can be really helpful and insightful into situations like this. Quick summary: A high schooler who was suspended for a year for calling in a bomb threat is cast as a gunman in the play "Bang Bang You're Dead" by a young, helpful drama teacher. The movie examines his struggles before and after the suspension, as well as the city's uproar over showing the play in the school. Highly highly recommended. Quote
Broken Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 I'm in on this a little late, but that's mainly because I wanted to be seperated from today's events for a time. This crisis was looking me in the face since before noon this morning becuase Tech is really just down the road aways from where I live and the news was being fed to the national media from my local newspaper all day long. I've probably prayed six times already for all those who lost their lives (yes even the shooter) and were injured but once more would probably not be a bad idea. My friends and I were deeply frightened becuase the shootings were apparently centered around the freshmen Engineering classroms and we happen to know many students who just graduated from our high school who were accepted into and are attending the engineering program. I do hope that they are safe, and I hope that more steps are taken to increase security and medical facilities in the near future. Quote
The Author Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Please don't demonize the shooter. His family is in grief as well. What you must do now is try to show compassion before anything else. Quote
watkinzez Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 What great news to wake up to. Thoughts go out to anyone who is affected by this. Quote
Xelebes Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 It's the prevalent theory going around campus right now. Rumor has it that the two people killed in West AJ were his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend, but there's no way to confirm or deny that right now. So if that's the case, one has to wonder why he waited almost three hours before going on that rampage in Norris, what with no ex-girlfriend or her boyfriend to go after anymore.I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for any news from around campus, since there hasn't been anything new released to the media for hours now. Two or three hours for the sadistic psychosis to kick in, I bet. Quote
Fire in the Hole Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 Please don't demonize the shooter. His family is in grief as well. What you must do now is try to show compassion before anything else. Yeah. The deal is, everyone questioning why a person would do something like this is too confined to the idea that all human beings operate on rationality and common emotion. The simple fact of the matter is that some people don't, and there's no way to wrap our reasonable, compassionate little heads around it. It's simply impossible to justify such a thing, even by saying "there must have been something wrong with him," because there are things "wrong" with lots of people and that doesn't mean we write them off as inhuman psychotics with no hope and no place in the hearts and minds of the human race. There's no telling what's going on with other people, what makes people do things, and once they've done it there's simply nothing to be done but try to deal with what's happened the best we can in order to continue the natural order of things. Anger and frustration over something that can't be retroactively explained, especially with the culprit dead, is not going to do any good. As deterministic, or fatalistic, or cliche or whatever as it sounds, shit happens and the only way to deal with shit is clean it up now so the mess isn't worse when it inevitably happens again. Quote
kamoh Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 I want to make sure that all of you realize that I feel horrible about this, and have been watching the web and TV and radio for news about this all day. I'm more caring for everyone here though, because I didn't know anyone at VT except for, possibly, OCR people. Broken, especially you, since we've gotten close and talked a few times since the AG tournaments started, I hope you get better emotionally because something like this so close to home is just insane, and I can only imagine if it had been at SJSU. Please don't demonize the shooter. His family is in grief as well. What you must do now is try to show compassion before anything else. Why NOT demonize the shooter? He did something so mad and horrific that only one in ten million people would think to do AND carry out. If we don't demonize the shooter then I think we condone the actions. His family being in grief is fine, I'm not putting hate on parents or friends of this guy, but HE deserves worse than what he gave to himself. Two or three hours for the sadistic psychosis to kick in, I bet. Fifteen minutes to realize what he's done, realize his life is over, and then decide to take down as many other people with him as possible. It just took two hours to go home, reload, stock up, and head out. If YOU were a killer, and you knew this was going to be your fate, wouldn't you try and go out with a bang (sorry the pun) like this? I certainly would, from a statistical standpoint, but I'm also not the person to kill a bunch of innocent students. Quote
BigBoss Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 If we don't demonize the shooter then I think we condone the actions. His family being in grief is fine, I'm not putting hate on parents or friends of this guy, but HE deserves worse than what he gave to himself. Than you are no less a monster than he is. Quote
Bahamut Posted April 17, 2007 Posted April 17, 2007 This reminds me of my final semester at my alma mater - I sort of also slept in fear of someone going on a similar rampage, specifically after me as one of the people, for reasons I will not specify. This seriously sucks, and I hope people can muster the will to move on. Quote
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