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All blizzard hate aside, but they're looking for (as per article):

The company is looking for a lead engine programmer, lead tools programmer and lead technical artist.
All I get is the image of a director spouting off:

"Next gen is where it's at mates! All we need is an entire design team, with no prior motivation in making this project, to make us moneys!

cliff notes:

  • Next gen
  • ?????
  • Profit!


Starcraft is still isanely popular in Korea, I see it as the perfect place to announce starcraft 2. That an big sites like ign and gamestop have been hinting at that.

I really hope it is though, I love starcraft and I'm confident in blizzard, 100%.


Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 come OOOOOOOOOON Diablo 3


Assuming it is Starcraft...will it go the Planetside route - or what Twilight Wars originally intended? Or will it be WoW with guns? errm, wait.

Then we have Diablo...which might be the more logical choice in regards to a straight mmo / rpg / fantasy style game.

Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 Diablo 3 come OOOOOOOOOON Diablo 3

I was going to make the EXACT same post. PLEASE be Diablo 3.


I dont see any detail on the full story there...

I had in fact, read they are working on TWO games. The one you speak of, is going to be announced in South Korea. I think this is painfully obvious that it will be Starcraft related.

Then, on a completely unrelated subject, Blizzard is also starting work on a next gen MMO. This will either be an exapansion to WoW, such as Northrend (seems kind of strange to call an expansion next-gen though), or more likely, Diablo/A new franchise.

For the love of all that is unholy be Diablo 3.


I will just say I have had confirmation from a few sources about 3 games Blizzard has in the works...I'm thinking they'll announce Diablo 3 though, they have direct competition in the form of Hellgate: London coming up, so I'd think that'd be the first game they'd announce.


Could it be a StarCraft MMO? That would be wild... I don't even know what that would be like, but I wouldn't want to be the SCV that meets up with another dude who's a battlecruiser...


If we're playing the "bet your monies on the blizzard game" I'm hoping for an RTS such as Starcraft 2. To "blizzard" quality of course, but I'm sure everybody hopes that. Then again it's not the Blizzard or Starcraft or any other names that makes something good, it's the developers that make the game that make it good. So here's me hoping they get good developers!

Yeah, people were thinking Starcraft 2, but it looks like they're wrong.

Not necessarily. It's quite likely that these job listings are completely unrelated to the announcement coming up next month. You don't start hiring leads when you're far enough along on a project to announce it and release screenshots, unless that project has seen some serious internal turmoil.

did they release starcraft ghost? I remember thinking that it looked really cool, but never say anything from it...

Ghost was put on hold indefinitely a few months back, so we probably won't be seeing it any time soon, if ever.

Ghost it will come out right after Duke Nukem forever comes out....

Heh, yesterday marked the 10th year anniversary since Duke Nukem Forever was announced.


I don't think this new MMO they're making is going to be announced next month, given that they're only just now hiring people to make the engine. Announcements generally aren't made until that part is mostly complete.


How can it be Diablo 3? Didn't I destroy all three soul stones in Diablo 2? Has Diablo found another way to come back to life? It would be nice if it was Diablo 3, but I doubt it.

How can it be Diablo 3? Didn't I destroy all three soul stones in Diablo 2? Has Diablo found another way to come back to life? It would be nice if it was Diablo 3, but I doubt it.

That was my thought L.O.D. Shutdown the entire Diablo storyline. Something could happen in that world but there is no way i can think of it would involve the 3 prime evils. Though it would be very intresting to see the effects the destruction of the worldstone had on the world.

If it is somehow SC related god help us all. They are launching a new patch for Starcraft and they seem to be ramping things up again. SC:2 would be a scary thing...imagine being able to be a zerg and as you level go through the various forms and evolutions. As a protoss start off as a zealot becoming a dragoon or taking the path of a templar. Or as a terran. Starting off as a marine becoming a firebat given the controls of a Goliath then transferring into drop ships and eventually getting command of one of those friggin battlecruisers. The possiblites in an SC MMO are near endless especially if it goes to multiple highly detailed planets and involves space warfare.

But no one knows where it is yet. Keep your eyes peeled.

How can it be Diablo 3? Didn't I destroy all three soul stones in Diablo 2? Has Diablo found another way to come back to life? It would be nice if it was Diablo 3, but I doubt it.

You'd have to fight Diablo's ghost in Diablo 3. Duh.

(Note: I've never beaten D2, I don't know how it ends)

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