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So pretty soon Wendy's will be providing Wii toys in their kid's meal, and Jack Thompson will have none of this.

Good ol' Jack Thompson doesn't like the fact that the Wii is going to have a game called Manhunt 2. He calls it a "Murder Simulator".

Manhunt 2 is what Thompson calls a “murder simulator”

Manhunt 2 will appear on the Wii (among other systems)

Wendy’s is promoting the Wii, therefore;

Wendy’s is promoting Manhunt 2, which promotes murder


"A dear friend of mine worked for Wendy’s and with Dave Thomas closely for years. From that I know that Dave Thomas never would have tolerated the use of Wendy’s good name to promote Nintendo’s Wii, not with this game available on the Wii platform."

Now, he's not suing either company(Nintendo or Wendy's), but I guess he just wants to get the word out there that since the Wii will be providing Manhunt 2 which promotes murder, so since Wendy's is promoting Nintendo, Wendy's is also promoting murder.


I guess you guys can't see it, but the message is very clear. It's quite obvious that the 2 puzzles are brainwashing the kids to become just like Jigsaw from the Saw movies. The baseball stadium is telling kids to beat up people with baseball bats. It may not look like it, but the disc shooter is exactly like a glock. The Mario on a turtle is pretty self-explanatory, and the Excite Truck vehicle trains kids how to run over people on the streets.



Does Jack Thompson have a DVD player in his house? A TV? A bookshelf? All of these things have horrible media available for them. Kids shouldn't buy Manhunt, just like they shouldn't buy snuff films and bestiality porn. But it's out there, so it's up to parents to do their job. But anyway,



I still contend that it would be really trippin' if Jack Thompson was killed by a deviant Ballerina attempting to establish the thousand year reign of the My Little Pony Empire. Does anybody remember My Apocalypse Pony from Robot Chicken?


lol...Jack can't touch Rockstar with any lawsuits after Take-Two finally stepped up against him in court. This so-called "settlement" between Jack and Take-Two is because Jack backed down like a coward. What an ass.

Unfortunately, he can still speak freely of how games are "bad" for kids...which is what he's stupidly doing now. I mean...WTF with the whole "Wii/Manhunt 2" thing...this is just sad...it would be even sadder if Nintendo abides to Jack's parading and cancels the Wii version...

If you ask me...Thompson is acting just like a kid, getting more attention than needed...


This is old. Jack Thompson is being Jack Thompson, a self-righteous pompous asshole, with nothing better to do than to attempt to ruin everyone else's fun because nobody bought him an Atari or a Commodore when he was a wee little Jackie boy. He needs to grow the f*** up, and get off people's backs. Games are not the problem, people like him, bleeding heart liberals, and people who don't see the forest for the trees are the problem.

They seem to think that everything else is to blame, but you don't dare blame the parents of the child, or adult. No, no, you musn't ever blame the parents, that would be cruel. It's not the parents fault they weren't there for little Timmy's school play. It's not the parents fault that little Suzy was abused by an adult. Oh no! That would be the easy fix for the situation.

Yeah... You know what. I want five minutes with Jack Thompson. Just five minutes. All I want to do is talk to the man, and get an understanding of what the hell it is he think he's trying to prove. I'd also like to know why the hell he doesn't get what the last judge told him. Personally, I hope the next judge he sits before hits him with contempt, and sends him to jail. Then he can re-enact that episode of The Boondocks where the lawyer is so afraid to go to prison because he doesn't want to get raped.

Yeah, I think that might wake his ass up to what's REALLY wrong with the world.

If the sequel will be anything like the original, than I think I'll be passing.

Manhunt WAS a little over the top. I think we can all agree on that.

It was, but an enjoyable over-the-top. Still, not something I'd replay, really. The Wii though, as it does with all first/third person shooters, offers a unique (console) experience, I'd imagine.

If the sequel will be anything like the original, than I think I'll be passing.

Manhunt WAS a little over the top. I think we can all agree on that.

No, I would not.

If you buy a game in which the goal is to kill in horrible ways, you have to expect that people are gonna die in horrible ways in the game. Don't want to see people die? Don't buy the game.

Its that simple. No one is forcing someone to play violent videogames. Parents are just idiots who fail to do actual parenting by not showing any interest in what their kids are doing. Every game I got as a kid, my parents knew what it was. When I rented games, they would ask me what the game was and would look at me playing, even just for 5 minutes. Even today, when I buy a new game, they like to see it in action (although my parents, in their 50s, have developped a love for videogames that was rather surprising at first.)

Jack Thompson should be suing parents who fail to do their jobs as parents. You don't sue car manufacturers for making cars that go faster than 100 kph when some dies due to a car crash at 150kph. You see the person as irresponsible.


A few things; first, did anyone else find it funny that the WiiMote is shooting discs? Shouldn't this be a PSP toy? Man that was an old joke.

Second, I wonder if we could get Jack Thompson into a charity boxing event like they did with Uwe Boll. Naturally, I'm far too dainty for the ring, and thus elect Chuck Norris as my champion.

Third, that Pac-man smiley is off the chain. :< Awesome.

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