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I've decided that even though there's already a thread for this, another one should be created in light of the retail release of SCII (considering that the previous thread was for the beta, that would just be confusing to use the same one). Just post your in-game name that you have displayed on b.net 2.0 along with which region your client is in. I'll make sure to check on the posts and update the list as often as I can. Your community name will be posted followed by your in-game name in italics.

Hope to see plenty of folks sign up!

North America:

Conan the Politician -- Volkspanzer

Halt - Character Code: 287


social groups really dont work that well because most people like myself simply forget theyre even there much less check it often enough to see if people have posted new ids or anything


I didn't make a group just for people to post IDs, I made a group because it's a popular game and I figure it would be nice if people had the option of using one if they want to organize some games or something.

Social groups will have more visibility once VB4 upgrade hits.

We don't need two SC2 threads.


well the thing about a second thread (or a lock of this thread to start a new one) is having the first poster be someone who would update the list often

well the thing about a second thread (or a lock of this thread to start a new one) is having the first poster be someone who would update the list often

Yeah, I was wondering about what happened with the thread I posted yesterday for an SCII player list. I suppose I'll create a discussion board in the SCII group for that very purpose.

As for the numbers, I STILL haven't played any multiplayer, as the single player is just that awesome. As a result, not only do I not know my identification number, I didn't even know they existed until now.

I just want to get 15 points in my zerg research to get my hands on those Predator anti-infantry mechs. Those look fun as hell!

Though I will be checking this thread for player info posted, I guess I'd encourage people to join the social group and post their info on the thread there. Kind of clunky to consolidate info between two threads, know what I mean?

Ghosts in the campaign are the greatest units ever. I can practically solo missions with them... though they are rather expensive.

I went with ghosts also (mainly because I <3 nova), and I've gotta say that perma-cloaking is amazing.

Also, I have finished the campaign as of 15 minutes ago -- the ending is amazing. If you don't think campaign is for you you're crazy...this is the easily the best single player mode of any RTS ever made.

Speaking of which, once all 3 campaign chapters are released, someone needs to make a custom multiplayer mode where you get to choose all your research bonuses etc and then use them to fight other players. Obviously can't do it now because terran would be super OP, but a mode like that would be a ton of fun down the road.


Awesome, my Starcraft ID is Arcana 456.

I am still going through the campaign but I played a couple of vs maps against the AI and a practice round on multiplayer, since MP games are pretty different from campaign.

It's very familiar but I was never good at Starcraft. It's still quite fun, I like the campaign a lot.

I've played two practice games now and I beat the first guy I played but lost against the second. First guy didn't build a lot of defense and I managed to rush his base with zealots. The second guy sent a ton of the reapers after me and destroyed my SCVs, just after I moved my marines out of my base. Both games lasted under 10 minutes. I imagine that the "rush" is still going to be the standard style of gameplay, though I get the impression that there are more tools now to help you defend against early rushes.


I've played two practice games now and I beat the first guy I played but lost against the second. First guy didn't build a lot of defense and I managed to rush his base with zealots. The second guy sent a ton of the reapers after me and destroyed my SCVs, just after I moved my marines out of my base. Both games lasted under 10 minutes. I imagine that the "rush" is still going to be the standard style of gameplay, though I get the impression that there are more tools now to help you defend against early rushes.

If you find yourself falling prey to that sort of stuff, make sure that scouting is your number-one priority, provided that you can keep your scout alive while still building your base/tech/army.

One trick ponies tend to flounder out if you can stop their cute little rushes, especially if they went too hard on getting units and didn't build an economy.


b-b-b-bullshit :< it's not just SC2 overheating those cards, it's shitty drivers by nVidia (seriously, fan issues have been constant over the last two years since they always clock their too far fans down to make them less noisy) combined with terrible hardware on the part of most of the users. MOST games don't have a framerate cap, that's why benchmarks consistently go into the 100s for FPS when you're testing high-end hardware.

in other news, thanks to that "bug", i hit 450fps for a second or two the other day.

edit: hah! read the liveblogging article that the dude posted. he was playing with a "super-high-end system", with the case door off (thereby destroying any effect his case fans would have, at all) in a house that was 91 degrees! that's, like, the worst thing he could have ever done :lol: what's more, his awesome system consists of a four-year-old processor and a three-year-old GPU, based on 65 and 90nm tech respectively. of COURSE it's going to overheat in those conditions. total gold.


So I finished the campaign last night... Time to do it again!

I'm going to focus more on achievements this time though. And I'll give it a go on hard mode as well. See how that turns out.

edit: hah! read the liveblogging article that the dude posted. he was playing with a "super-high-end system", with the case door off (thereby destroying any effect his case fans would have, at all) in a house that was 91 degrees! that's, like, the worst thing he could have ever done :lol: what's more, his awesome system consists of a four-year-old processor and a three-year-old GPU, based on 65 and 90nm tech respectively. of COURSE it's going to overheat in those conditions. total gold.

I have an ATI 4850HD (mobile version) like that live blogger, on an iMac. The game seems to run fine for me even during the menus. I don't think I've heard the fans run up but maybe I'm too absorbed to really notice.

So I finished the campaign last night... Time to do it again!

I'm going to focus more on achievements this time though. And I'll give it a go on hard mode as well. See how that turns out.

I started on Hard difficulty, and it is definitely challenging on some missions. However, I think that challenge makes it funner.

Also... how the heck do you kill Immortals? No matter what I shoot it with, sure, it'll die eventually, but not after all of my heavy stuff is dead.

Also... how the heck do you kill Immortals? No matter what I shoot it with, sure, it'll die eventually, but not after all of my heavy stuff is dead.

Campaign, or multiplayer? If it's campaign then you're Terran... I'd use lots of marines, or, possibly lots of marauders (they do bonus damage to armoured). REMEMBER TO STIM!!

Also ghost EMPs will take their hardened shields away, but I've never tried that so I can't say if it's effective.

I was going to ask what difficulty I should try on the campaign when I get it... but from the looks of things I should just go with Hard (I LOOOVE a good challenge!) If it takes me a really long time to beat it, sounds like that's not necessarily a bad thing ;)


As long as the immortal has shields up, it will take at most 10 damage from an individual attack. So tanks and marauders do decreased damage to their shields. Also, immortals do crazy damage to armored units, like the tank and marauder, so they are not a good choice. As long as you have a balanced army, you should be okay to focus the immortals down with stimmed marines or something. And as mentioned, ghosts are very good to mix in with your army when fighting Protoss for their EMP ability. 100 shield damage to everything in the blast radius is pretty awesome for weakening the whole army, immortal hardened shield included. Marauders can do the job too if you have the numbers.

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