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I don't care what the judges say. That is the best sequenced guitar that I have EVER heard. The dynamics, the bends, slides, the harmonics, etc. are spot on. Yes, it does sound a little "tin-canny" at times, but it's wonderful!!

Beautiful mix!


I still just think it's fucking awesome that another Japanese doujin guy submitted to OCR. Maybe this will encourage others to follow ?????

I love the soundscape in this remix. Groovy. A little sparser than I'd like at times, but the acoustic break (fake or not) completely makes up for any shortcomings.

Make sure to check out more of his tunes at http://ryolion.net/. He has a particularly shredding version of the classic Green Greens theme too. =O


It's a cool remix.

In case you read this it's cool...you should submit some more of your stuff! ^_^

Or in Japanese...


Guess I've heard the tune too much to truly enjoy this, despite the solid composition. The stand-outs for me were when the song deviated.

I feel the same way. I appreciate what was done here, though. All in all it had a very different sound and feel than most remixes of the theme, which is good.


Def wish I hadn't listened to the source tune so much bc this is sweet. As everyone else has said the sequencing on the guitar...damn. He doesn't use a whole lotta sounds but the mix feels very realistic and has a great feel to it. Simple yet amazing at the same time. Here to hoping more of the Doujin community subs mixes here and vice versa.


Crap! Just remembered what this remix reminded me of!! That Dark Cloud II introduction movie theme that starts when you start the game up. It's got the same feel in my opinion. Awesome percussion. =) Digging it.


I love the low voice of the guitar and whatever the bass instrument in the background is. This melody is unforgettable-probably because it's remixed to death- but this remixer can't help that this song is popular.

I like the change of pace at around 2:00. It showcases the low strings again, which is great. The small percusive elements create a nice flow for this song: strings, bongo?, and some other high strung drum.

I guess there isn't too terribly much going on at one time in this mix, but it creates the illusion that there is.


Can somebody link me to all of those Japanse Doujin arranges? I would love to hear more (japanese) game mixes which arent on OCR. And other nations as well, any that isnt on OCR basically.

So can anybody plz give me sugesstions to those japanese doujins djpretzel was on about in the write-up for this remix?

also brilliant mix I love it.


Great mix! Yes, this track was a little too popular, but thankfully I haven't heard it in quite some time (so I can appreciate this mix more). It's definitely got something that's different from what I'm used to hearing on OCR, and I really like it!


I'd definitely love to see more of the Japanese community welcomed here (and other nationalities, for that matter). I'm not sure what impact this would have on the site design, but it might be a good idea to have some of the content translated by some trusted (and fluent) volunteers.

Guitar sequencing is absolutely brilliant. I've never heard a fake guitar that sounded this great. Hell, it's hard to make a real guitar sound this good.

Arrangement is brilliant, production is excellent. Definitely a keeper.

I totally agree! I totally thought that it was real guitar, but just found myself thinking "man, I wish my attacks sounded that good..." lol. You did a really great job on arrangement, instrumentation and production... simply astounding!

While there were some people who weren't into the deviations, I really dug them. It was nice to hear someone have a new take on such a familiar theme, especially with the harmony because while the melody was (mostly) the same, it had a totally different colour, and I thought that was awesome!

Nice work!

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