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OCR00767 - Bomberman II "Bomberfuzz"


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Bomberman II 'Bomberfuzz'

While I didn't like it as much as djpretzel obviously did, I still really enjoyed this. I personally thought a few of the voice samples got old, though for the most part they were used more tastefully than voice samples usually are! Props to Fuzz for that alone. As djpretzel said in his write-up, highly recommended.

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arrgh...i liked he part that i heard..but yet again, windows media player(the new version 9) jacked up the bit rate to 128, so i can only listen to half... :cry:

edit.........for some reason...it sounded like it ended correctly.....the site says its 7:10...yet when i played only 3:35 of it...it sounded finished...hmm...is everyone elses 3:35?

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arrgh...i liked he part that i heard..but yet again, windows media player(the new version 9) jacked up the bit rate to 128, so i can only listen to half... :cry:

edit.........for some reason...it sounded like it ended correctly.....the site says its 7:10...yet when i played only 3:35 of it...it sounded finished...hmm...is everyone elses 3:35?

Yeah...sometimes the page messes up the length and the bitrate. I'm not sure why it does, but it does.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this one. The voice samples were a bit overused and became annoying at times, but it has some good samples, and is varied enough for my tastes. The section from 1:39 to 2:06 was also a really good addition to the piece and keeps everything intresting. Very nice job on this one...

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Boy do I like this. Pretzel hit the nail on the head when he said it was prodigy-esque, and me likes it for that. Voice samples well used too, they give it that oomph that you generally feel from a lot of the work that comes from The Prodigy. This song is going on the playlist for the Video Game Remix Afternoon that i'm hosting at my local college campus bar, fo'shur.


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It is a good mix, no question about that, however, I would have liked to have less...Less EVERYTHING so that I could hear the main melody a wee bit better.

Yes... It's true.. I can't hear the main melody too much(wich I don't think it's too bad because the original main melody repeats after 12 seconds or so and having it too much in the song would make it repetitive) and I feel that it's a little far from the bomberman spirit; however I loved it, and the screaming anime-like voices were awesome... AWESOME! ^_^

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This is a funk and funky remix. I like it. It sounds funny and it kinda reminds me of a japanese bizzaro song that has fast beats and wierd incoherent voices. You can even picture bomberman doing insane stuff in your head if you listen to the song. This song is like an acid trip.. without the acid... I've never taken acid, but I just using it to describe this remix. GOOD JOB!!

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From what I can tell, the voice samples in that one section are calling out different colors of bombs:

"Shiro bomu" (white bomb)

"Aka bomu" (red bomb)

"Kuro bomu" (black bomb)

"Ao bomu" (blue bomb)

And of course, the other samples are "Bomber Man!", "Hyper Bomber!", "Speed Up!", and "Yatta!". :)

Of course, this is from someone who knows only a little bit of Japanese, so take it with a grain of salt...

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