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After reading the "most difficult" boss thread, I thought it would be fun to talk about great games with endbosses that just didn't feel hard enough compared to the others. The only additional criteria is that the entire game can't be complete trash -- it's gotta specifically be the endboss that sucks.

My top 3:

Crystalis -- the computer is _easy_ compared to other fights

Bionic Commando -- one-shot kill as the only way to do it? Lame. Props for a great boss _just_ prior to that though.

Gradius -- especially I and V, but I think all of them apply

The final, final 1-on-1 fight at the very end of FF7 against Sephiroth.

By the time I got to him the first time I played that, I was like "So Help me GAWD, if I have to keep 8 people alive through ANOTHER fight, I will kill somebody." I appreciated the cinematic takeover at that point.


FF4 - Zeromus. The dragons in his room put up a much better fight.

The final boss of Kyuukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra) - It was just another boring end level boss, not as hard as the last few.

Metroid Prime 2's final bosses were more numerous than difficult.

Mega Man X - I had NO trouble dispatching Sigma. Sting Chameleon was a harder fight :P

SMB1 Bowser. Just another hammer throwing fire breathing turtle, like the last few of em. Hey, why doesn't Bowser throw hammers nowadays?

Lance from pokemon gold/silver. 3 dragonites? Lol ice.

King K Rool from the original Donkey Kong Country. Now, he wasn't a pushover, but after the insanely difficult platforming level with the fuel barrels -- the last level of the Kaverns, the boss was so much easier to conquer.

Robotnik in Sonic CD. Wow. Incredibly easy, as long as you have one ring. Hit him once and the fight's pretty much over, and getting that first hit is cake with a ring.

Castlevania Aria of Sorrow: Chaos was a pretty easy boss compared to some of the game's others.


My top 3...

Tales of Symphonia - Mythos It was total rape when I fought him.

Secret of Evermore - Karltron

Twilight Princess - Yes.. Gannon was terribly underwhelming.. my first attempt took less than 3 minutes to finish the entire battle.. That made me cry.


Other than what everyone else said:

Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X

Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Metroid Prime from Metroid Prime (Ridley was MUCH harder)


In Tekken 5/Dark Resurrection, Jinpachi is not difficult to fight when the computer controls him. Odd for a fighting game to have an easy last boss, but whatever.

Just about any final boss from any iteration of .hack. The only thing that made that game hard was the constant fetch quests where you had to get x amount of rare items from specific world and specific enemy who can only be found in low numbers... but the final bosses were a big letdown. Too easy.

Wily in Megaman 8 was weaksauce.

Other than what everyone else said:

Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X

Ganon from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Metroid Prime from Metroid Prime (Ridley was MUCH harder)

Just curious.. Has Gannon really been a challenge in any Zelda game? I think the hardest time I ever had in a Zelda game was the Thunder Guardian and Shadow from Zelda II, or the spider queen in Oracle of Ages and Seasons. =/

And yeah.. was debating Yevon myself.. but I figured he was a given.


Dark Samus at the very end of Metroid Prime 2, I think he was a joke compared to other bosses from that game.

Omega Metroid at the end of Metroid Fusion, he was way to easy.

And every boss from LoZ OOT was easy, specially the one from the Water Temple.


I just finished up RE4 Wii Edition on professional mode the other day, and I've gotta say Saddler was pretty disappointing, especially in comparison to other chapter 5 bosses. Just bust his kneecaps and stab him...rinse and repeat, maybe toss in a grenade here and there. Sort of a let down after such a consistently awesome game. Oh well.

I just finished up RE4 Wii Edition on professional mode the other day, and I've gotta say Saddler was pretty disappointing, especially in comparison to other chapter 5 bosses. Just bust his kneecaps and stab him...rinse and repeat, maybe toss in a grenade here and there. Sort of a let down after such a consistently awesome game. Oh well.

Was just about to mention RE4 (but for the gamecube). Somehow turning into a *SPOILER* (the rest of my post contains spoilers too!) makes him EASIER to kill...? Why did he turn into it then? It looked so dumb and generic too, and had no speed, strength, or creepyness factor. All the other bosses had at least two of the above. I would've loved to fight him in his human form, where he has the ability to make Leon spontaneously cringe in pain, making him temporarily unable to aim. And he'd have all his crazy insane moves, and you'd have to riddle him with bullets until he's one giant bullet hole. THAT would've been epic. But the real final boss.... even the way he dies is completely underwhelming. And why'd you have to keep slashing him with a knife if you're just gonna blow him up anyway? And you barely get to aim the special rocket at him.... lame.

Actually, with the way the plot was building, I was guessing the final boss was either going to be Ashley (or a monster that emerges from her), or you're controlling Ashley and have to kill murderous heavily-armed zombie-Leon. That would've been brilliant. Well, the game didn't exactly have a great plot in the first place... Saddler's 3-sentence summary of his plan to take over the world was a total joke =P

On the topic of Twilight Princess.... I played through the game the first (and only) time without getting any heart containers (only heart pieces), so I had less than 1 row of hearts. The entire game was INSANELY easy - I found Ganon (especially his final form) to be the hardest part! Took me 2, maybe 3 tries to beat all his forms consecutively. Before that boss, I think I died maybe once throughout the entire game, when I was carelessly wearing the Zora tunic while being bombarded with flaming arrows... oh yes, and then there was the cave of ordeals - THAT had a "final boss" to be reckoned with, when you only have 1 row of hearts =] I beat it with 1 heart and 0 rupees left =p (not on the first try of course)

Super Paper Mario.... that whole game was so easy it was just bad (gameplay-wise), I couldn't even tell if the last boss was harder than the rest or not. That game would've been 10 times better if there was an option to disable leveling up. I would've loved going through the game on only 10 HP. And that "low hp" noise it made was JUST AWFUL!! It's as if getting a game over in that game was simply not meant to happen! Sigh... games these days.... I'm officially old now, aren't I?


Is it just me or is Robotnik in the Final Zone from Sonic 1 extremely easy?

Just curious.. Has Gannon really been a challenge in any Zelda game? I think the hardest time I ever had in a Zelda game was the Thunder Guardian and Shadow from Zelda II, or the spider queen in Oracle of Ages and Seasons. =/
Gannnondorf was reasonably difficult in OoT, but Ganon? nah...
Secret of Evermore - Karltron

Especially easy if you choose to abuse the alchemy formula that makes you invincible. Ridiculously easy if you stumble across the glitch that gives you infinite Bazooka ammo.


Jaffar in the original Prince of Persia is a pushover. By the time I was good enough at the game to beat it in the required hour, all of the sword-fighting had become so formulaic to me that it was just WHAM WHAM WHAM and he was dead.

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