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Well I've been here for like a week or so and posted here and there, so I guess I'll introduce myself on this thing.

Hello. My name is Alexis and I am addicted to video game music. :-P

Yeah, I have a feeling nobody reads the n00b introductions, so I'll just keep it short. I'm a music education major at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. My main instrument is viola, but I also play violin, cello, double bass, trumpet, baritone, kazoo, french horn, trombone, and piano. Ummmmm, yeah. I'm thinking maybe after school let's out this year, I'll give this remixing thing a shot. Probably won't get on this site since everything I've heard so far is pretty awesome, but it's worth a shot...

Soooo that's about it. Hi guys.

Well I've been here for like a week or so and posted here and there, so I guess I'll introduce myself on this thing.

Hello. My name is Alexis and I am addicted to video game music. :-P

Yeah, I have a feeling nobody reads the n00b introductions, so I'll just keep it short. I'm a music education major at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. My main instrument is viola, but I also play violin, cello, double bass, trumpet, baritone, kazoo, french horn, trombone, and piano. Ummmmm, yeah. I'm thinking maybe after school let's out this year, I'll give this remixing thing a shot. Probably won't get on this site since everything I've heard so far is pretty awesome, but it's worth a shot...

Soooo that's about it. Hi guys.

you're right, we dont read the intros :) dont worry about not getting on the site right away. it takes practice. and with you're musical expirience you might just catch on pretty quick. so go for it! and welcome to OCR

Hey, I'm new here obvoisly. *newblet in training* I really won't be on the forums all that much to tell the complete truth, because I've got a lot going on right now in my life. Currently working up my credit to get the loans to enroll in Full Sail for computer animation. Since I like the design part of video games more than the coding, that's why I strayed away from the actual video game design program (which has jack for designing games).

That aside, I have found this beautiful place, and have come to rape it of it's contents for my OWN! Of corse with rightfull credit given. Nice meeting every, peace for now.

Funny story. I'm @ Full Sail in CA


I've been listening to VG music for years now, but when I found this site it was like a miracle. I never knew there were people making remixes of songs I'd known and loved. And they were damn fucking GOOD remixes too! So now I've finally joined into this fantastic community so I can give my opinions of the amazing works of art that such incredibly talented people have and still are sharing with us.

VIVA LA OC REMIX! :mrgreen:


I'm obviously new to OCR, but I'm also new to the remixing scene. I have always been a big Sonic fan, was recently looking for game music online and stumbled upon Hedgehog Heaven :-) . A brilliant compilation/arrangement if I do say so myself. That's what lead me to OCR. Having only been on it for a short while, I think it's a fantastic site - which has just given me the nudge I need to try my hand at remixing.

That's it for now folks...later


Hi its Lavits, Black Mage said go here and so I did, sense you know random discution is not a place to make an entrance. Well I hope all the mods on this forum are not like him...lol


PS. My Remix Got Rejected, I guess cuz it sucked...


Yea I'm new. Hi everyone I'm Soramaster. I love video games. I play them all the time and I love the music from them. I also like the music from this site. You all did a really good job doing the remixes and stuff. I'm making one right now and to me sounds good. Back like 5 to 6 years my grand mothers died and before that I would always go down there and play the games on SEGA and SNES but after she passed away my uncle tried to keep the house but couldn’t because something of taxes and when he was living there the pipe in the place broke and water was everywhere and even on the games and stuff and after that hey didn’t work. So around 3 to 4 years ago I wanted to play the music from the games. That year my mom got my sister a keyboard because she said she wanted to play music but she never did and every time she left I would always sneak in there take the keyboard and bring it into my room and try to play it and then when she comes back I would hurry up and put it back in her room. But after a while she said she wasn’t going to be able to play it so she let me borrow it because she said she might try to play it. And I would practice everyday every hour trying to play it. If it wasn’t for that I would not be able to play music but I can. I can SMW music DKC music and some others. And of course real music like Beethoven ‘Fur Elis’. I have my own keyboard Yamaha Portable grand DGX-205. And I’m real good at music. I still have to learn something’s. when I’m old enough maybe around 22 or 26 I want to be a music teacher. Like I said I am in the progress of making a remix and it is from a game.

Also what program to you all use to get MP3 instrument sounds? I use FL =’Fruity Loops’ but is slow and I don’t have a key for it so if I can’t find a good one I will have to buy it since it’s a demo and I can’t save the instruments and stuff . I can use export to MP3 and assigning it the MP3 wave sounds.

Also my email is inuyasha90@comcast.net and I will soon have one at Soramaster@yahoo.com I do not have one at yahoo so please don’t email anything to Soramaster@yahoo.com.

Thanks for welcoming me and stuff





Yes, I'm a noob.

Hi! I've been listening to OCR tunes for yonks and loving every note, so I decided it was about to time to join the forum! Um, about me... I'm male, British, and I have (in my opinion anyway...) at least a bit of musical talent, I've got about 0 experience though, but I'm taking grade 1 piano soon...

Uh... I'm already a member of several forums, so I'm hip with the whole business of not spamming and that.

Oh yeah, I love fruit smoothies.


Hey, I've been coming to OCR for a couple years actually but I'm just now joining. I'm 24 and I'm very much into computers (especially Linux) and videogames (of course). Anyway if anyone one has computer questions message me and I'll do my best to help you.



Hey y'all! I'm lekkin, and just thought I'd introduce myself here. My brother led me to this site, but I don't think he's on the forum. Anyways, I absolutely love the site, great music. I prefer orchestral and piano stuff, not really one for techno or rock stuff. I love Christ, and he is the sole purpose of my existence. As for what I do, I'm on the internet a lot (mostly on a forum for teen writers, I like to write 8) ), I also like to compose, I use Finale Printmusic (really don't have the money for anything better...). I play tons of video games, my favorite are RPGs and strategy games. I'm a Sophomore in High School, I love school minus the homework, and maybe not chemistry so much... too much memorization, I love concepts better. I love singing and playing piano, but the thing I'm best at is definately math. I'm a math geek. Anyways, enough about me, now to go out into the community!


Hi there, I've been coming to this site for about three years now and decided to sign up. I wanted to sign up mainly because I just got a Wii not to long ago and set up a wireless router for my DS and want to start adding some friend codes. I love the community around here and while I will probably not post too often, I will post when I feel I have something to add to the conversation.

Looking forward to the fun.

Hey y'all! I'm lekkin, and just thought I'd introduce myself here. My brother led me to this site, but I don't think he's on the forum. Anyways, I absolutely love the site, great music. I prefer orchestral and piano stuff, not really one for techno or rock stuff. I love Christ, and he is the sole purpose of my existence. As for what I do, I'm on the internet a lot (mostly on a forum for teen writers, I like to write 8) ), I also like to compose, I use Finale Printmusic (really don't have the money for anything better...). I play tons of video games, my favorite are RPGs and strategy games. I'm a Sophomore in High School, I love school minus the homework, and maybe not chemistry so much... too much memorization, I love concepts better. I love singing and playing piano, but the thing I'm best at is definately math. I'm a math geek. Anyways, enough about me, now to go out into the community!

Ah, a fellow math enthusiast. Welcome to OCR. Make sure to check out the Math thread...if it's still around, that is. I don't like chemistry much myself, but I suppose it's important to understand.

Oh, you might like to check out the OCR christians thread too, seeing how you're christian and all.

Yeah, there are lots of threads, teams, clans, and groups on and about this website, so make sure to peruse them all and find some that you like.


Hey, guys. I'm all new n' stuff so I figured I'd say hi. Hopefully I'll have something to submit before too long. That all depends on how fast I skill up and If I go synth or real. Oh well, if I suck, there's always Tekken 5 or 3rd Strike..or Super Turbo.


Hi, everyone. :) I'm Ren and I've been lurking for a terribly long time. :P

There's not much interesting about me. I play enough instruments to make someone's head spin, and I love to play video games and sing in my off time. I'm a writer by trade and an amateur mixer, though I could use a lot of practice there before I try to post anything.

Other topics include: I am a vegetarian, a lover of strange music, and I tend to say things that I regret... a lot. ;)

Perhaps I should hide, now. ;)



Hi my name is Josh and that is the name of my guy in Pokemon diamond which I currently play just to train and battle and trade basci stuff =) umm I'm male 13 I love piano, computers, and sports =) I am not a member of many forums I might have a few problems with spamming not the horrid kind maybe a double post once in a while but it will eventually die off sorry if I do though...


Hello everyone! I am Shark. I've been listening to the music here for a couple years but never had the courage to join... *blush* Anyway, I have very little audio editing experience, but the little I have involves cutting and pasting with Audacity. I tinker on my keyboard every now and then, can play some chords and melodies on my acoustic guitar, am your average self-taught percussionist/drummer, and I can sing. That's about the extent of my music knowledge.

I love working with computers, my favorite game is Chrono Trigger, and my favorite game music is Chrono Trigger, and that's about it. See y'all on the forums!


Hello. I found this site by a link posted in forums.mattie.info and fell in love the first time I visited here. So much great free music! Lots of thanks to all the remixers here :)

As Shark before me said, Chrono Trigger is the best game ever and every time I hear any version of the Far away times, I remember how awesome and touching that game was.


Hello, I have been watching this site and forum for a while, so i decided to register now so i can speak some :)

Im a 23 years old male from Sweden, i just love videogame music remixes.


Yo. I've been hanging around like a shadow to a lamp post in a dark alley, sulking...waiting, and downloading. I don't voice out much, but lurking is what I do as an avid insomniac. I off-handedly compose keyboard pieces, but as for remixing, I don't know where to start. Or I do, but I haven't realized it yet. Gotta start somewhere. Hope to come out of the shadows, someday. Wish me luck.

-Merrik Cross, the Crossfire Mercenary

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