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Hi everyone! I'm Calebyte.

I'm not a musician. I'm just a dude who loves video games, and consequently, video game music. I've really enjoyed what I've heard here, and I just wanted to join and show my support. Anyway, good to be here. :-)


Hello, I'm Brainfog!

I'm a videogame nut and a music nut, so naturally I like videogame music. I play a little bit of guitar and I'm also studying to become a Sound Engineer, so I want to start making my own tracks soon. I hope I can become a Remixer here, but for now I'm just a forum-dweller.

Greetz! :mrgreen:


Hello, all. I've been going to this site for years, and joined a WHILE ago, but have never really gotten into posting.

I've loved video game music for a long time. The first game I remember where I absolutely loved the music was Final Fantasy IV (back when it was II in the U.S. (and I was in the 6th or 7th grade!)). Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched about the new FFIV album coming out!

Don't really game anymore, but the music never gets old to me.

Hello, all. I've been going to this site for years, and joined a WHILE ago, but have never really gotten into posting.

I've loved video game music for a long time. The first game I remember where I absolutely loved the music was Final Fantasy IV (back when it was II in the U.S. (and I was in the 6th or 7th grade!)). Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched about the new FFIV album coming out!

Don't really game anymore, but the music never gets old to me.

excellent name, man. welcome in!


I'm Lance, a regular and mod on Starmen/Fangamer. I registered here probably years back, but I don't think I've ever touched this account. Like everyone here, I'm gamer geek, yes, but mostly a music geek. I've been playing music all my life so I know my way around a fretboard, keyboard and soundboard, but I don't know the first thing about making music digitally, and that's why I'm here.


Didnt know where to post this really, but just signed up and wanted to say hello to everyone on ocremix. Im just about to submit my first track, and the standard on here is very high so wish me luck!




Sup, everyone. I've been registered here for a few months, but haven't had a chance to really contribute and participate. I love music and video games. I don't have an extended knowledge of music or music programs, but I will try to learn and do what I can to the best of my abilities. ^_^

--Tony aka McAwesum

Sup, everyone. I've been registered here for a few months, but haven't had a chance to really contribute and participate. I love music and video games. I don't have an extended knowledge of music or music programs, but I will try to learn and do what I can to the best of my abilities. ^_^

--Tony aka McAwesum

Welcome McAwesum.

Theres people around here that will help you out with the music programs if you have questions. (I'm still learning myself) ;P

Welcome McAwesum.

Theres people around here that will help you out with the music programs if you have questions. (I'm still learning myself) ;P

Thanks. I appreciate the hospitality.


**Wanders in with a small metal tank strapped to his back, spraying an unknown mist from a nozzle on the end of a rubber hose. Stops for a second, and lifts up his respirator.**

Don't mind me folks. Just spraying for newbies.

**Puts his respirator back over his mouth and nose, and continues methodically spraying.**

**Wanders in with a small metal tank strapped to his back, spraying an unknown mist from a nozzle on the end of a rubber hose. Stops for a second, and lifts up his respirator.**

Don't mind me folks. Just spraying for newbies.

**Puts his respirator back over his mouth and nose, and continues methodically spraying.**

Har har har.

The Coop always gets the good jokes...

Does McAwesome come with a side of Mcshake? Or a Mcfist to the face?

Does McAwesome come with a side of Mcshake? Or a Mcfist to the face?

Just some McToast.

And that's McAwesum. Btw. Not McAwesome. :D (Not trying to be a douchebag, just sayin'.)


Hi everyone,

After a good several years of lurking, the temptation to post is overwhelming. Millipede joins in hopes of Dynamite Headdy Remixes. I'm fairly inept at music, but I've got the videogame side down. Hope to contribute somehow anyways!


Hello my friends!

How are you all doing? I am Cuda. I've been a listener of OC for a few years, finally decided to join up on here and check it out. Since OC Remix is going to be in my town in August, I thought it'd be a good place to keep tabs on things.

I've been playing bass for 3 years steady now. I love the 5 strings. Can't have Bass without the Low B. I play alot of NES and SNES music. Import midis into guitar pro and such. I've been playing Guitar a bit, I just need to get the feel to it more than anything else.

I've finally gotten around to trying to re arrange and modify some songs. I suppose this is the best place to learn new software and techniques for that too.


i just found this site looking for video game music online. looks like i wont be getting any work done tomorrow either :oops:......

i've been writing chip tunes and video game music since i was 12, now im 26. good times. Used trackers forEVER. specifically Modplug. recently switched to Reason because i felt like i outgrew Modplug. its cool though, things are finally starting to sound like they do in my head.

hope to hear some good music and maybe learn a couple tricks and talk smack on the internets. word.



Jeez, I feel like I'm the only non-musician here... well, guess I should still introduce myself.

Hello there, all you wonderful people of OCR! I'm a little 16-year old kid from Denmark who couldn't ReMix his way out of a phone booth, but I still very much enjoy the music, so I thought I should say hello.

Jeez, I feel like I'm the only non-musician here... well, guess I should still introduce myself.

Hello there, all you wonderful people of OCR! I'm a little 16-year old kid from Denmark who couldn't ReMix his way out of a phone booth, but I still very much enjoy the music, so I thought I should say hello.

=) welcome! not everyone here is a fantastic musician. some of us are bad (like me) and some of us are just here for the music.

welcome! you have excellent english.


Hello all. Kirby D. Oak here. First of all, it's too bad I hadn't found this place sooner. Then I wouldn't have had so many songs to listen to at once. Not that that they were bad. It just took a good while.

Anyways, I wish I could contribute. I always have songs running through my head, a lot of them video game songs, and I do try to think up different ways of humming them. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to actually convert what's in my head into actual notes and arrangements. Oh well... Who's to say what's in my head would be worth it anyways.

At any rate, you need more Pokemon avatars available. Like... any would be good.


I've been watching and listening to music from this website for several years with enjoyment, but a few days ago i finally decided to join the group with interest with the community, maybe learn about music moer in depth than i know (which isn't much compared to the group of people here at OCR).

But Im just here saying hello, and im always willing to listen to music here while getting to know some new people I've never met. Maybe i can make some friends here.

If you wanna know bout me or not just say so.

Its been years since I've been part of a forum, so yeah. I dont know how a few things go here, like introductions. Hehe.

But anyways, Hello OCR!


Hi everyone,

Got to be honest: this site rocks.

I never expected to stumble upon such dedicated and talented people, all in favor of making (and often re-visiting) video game music.

The work done by this community is just amazing, I just wish I had found this place earlier.

Anyway, I'm Dj Mokram, I'm from W.Europe. I love doing music & listening to it too.

Been working in various styles for some time, I've never really thought that I could do VG music... at least before I found OCR that is! :smile:

I'm kind of an "old timer" I guess, since I started gaming during the NES era, but believe me, those 8bit tunes never really got out of my mind (Rockman or Castlevania songs sometimes haunt me at night you know. :dstrbd:).

So, long story short, I'm a big game (& anime) music fan.

I will be trying remixing a little bit, and in the meantime, I thought it was time I paid my due respect to fellow composers, here at OCremix.

I'll try to modestly contribute in my own way. I'll listen, I'll learn, maybe I'll even evolve, but in the end I may be able to share some of my knowledge with other and help too.

Hope to see you around. ;-)

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