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Welcome new folks. :D

Hello my name is Tylar. My music skills are not that good and I can really only compose very basic melodys so I'm saving up for music lessons and my computer with FL Studio bit the dust so don't expect any remixes from me soon but I was working on a remix for Gannons lair from LOZ and I do have a idea for a Stardust Speedway Bad Future (USA) from Sonic CD remix.

If you want something to do while waiting to set up a new music machine, come to the remix board, listen and comment on stuff. Learning to listen is one of the most important skills you can have, and a board full of unfinished music by not-yet-professionals is a great place to learn to listen for flaws to avoid in your own music.

Besides, it's a great place to make friends, and help those aspiring artists grow as artists.

Posted (edited)

Hey, I'm NES(Or Simple if you wanna call me that). I got a contact suggestion from Youtube about ocremix. You guys have inspired me to make my own remixes in the future. I'm a first year bassist though so I don't expect to remake anything in a couple of years. I'm taking Music Comprehension classes starting next year, so I feel like I'll get better as time moves on. I look forward to being on this site with all you guys.

Edit: By the way, my favorite game series is Kingdom Hearts. I love Yoko's musical skills.

Edited by TheNESimplicity

Hey all - Glad to actually start posting here. I have actually been reading the forums of OCremix since way back in the day with my friend and roomie Unstable Hamster (childhood friends and all), so i have technically been around for quite awhile, but I wanna step into the forum now. I absolutely adore video game music (listen to it most of the time with only some occasional metal), and I think the work all of the remix artists here is absolutely incredible and artistic. I get inspired by these songs so keep up the great work! I play a small bit of guitar (can't find too much time for it now unfortunately), so i hope to be able to some arrangement at some point, but until then I'll just keep rocking to your tunes! Thanks again!


Howdy everybody!

I've been listening to OCR for quite a while. I'm a homeschooled student, so I have quite a bit of time in front of my computer with nothing to do but work and music. I also can't seem to focus on lyrical music, so I always come here first. Suffice it to say, I love this site. It's always been on my bucket list to write some music, and I figured that it would be a smart idea to start with the area I'm passionate about. Sit tight, because I'll be listening, waiting, and posting whenever the mood lighting is just right.

Posted (edited)

Name's Annette, also known as Troisnyx.

I remix and do original stuff. I guess that's all?.... I'll admit I'm kinda shy, but I'm happy to answer any questions, either on the forums or on PM.

Oh, and before I forget — I do stuff on FL Studio 10, for the most part.

Nice to meet you all! ^_^

Edited by TroisNyxEtienne
Rectifying something
Name's Annette, also known as Troisnyx.

I remix and do original stuff. I guess that's all?.... I'll admit I'm kinda shy, but I'm happy to answer any questions, either on the forums or on PM.

Oh, and before I forget — I do stuff on FL Studio 10, for the most part.

Nice to meet you all! ^_^

Familiar username! Would I be right in guessing you would be the same TNE from the KHWiki (or whatever it's called these days)?

Regardless, welcome, to you and the many other recent new members!

Familiar username! Would I be right in guessing you would be the same TNE from the KHWiki (or whatever it's called these days)?

Regardless, welcome, to you and the many other recent new members!

Yes, I am the KHW admin, TNE. You'd see me floating around on the interwebz as Troisnyx or TroisNyxEtienne. ^_^


Hey everybody this is Zack, also known as Sir Kirby von Pokeirmahn.

I originally found OCR back in '09 when I got the Summoning of Spirits that was mentioned in Nintendo power. i didn't get back to the site until 2011 and i love it. I really love both video games and music and i wish to become a professional musician one day. I have played trumpet for 5 years and i also play guitar and piano.


I am Guitar, but my musical alias is HooNose for techno, Skavenger for Hardstyle. I also make feaux orchestrations, which I'm influenced by Hans Zimmer, John Powell, and varios video game soundtracks.

I'm a Banjo-Kazooie fan. And a Zangoose.


Hai to all,

Video games are the best. Remember that feeling you got when you were right in the middle of Chrono Trigger for the first time? I mean right in the thick of it? Like just got to Magus' castle with Frog, Marle and Chrono. That to me was the pinacle of video game ecstasy. That is the dragon i've been chasing since my halcyon days of super nintendo youth.

I'm excited about video games, music and video game music. I am an eclectic, full time composer living in LA. I love to collaborate so don't be shy. I'm excited to look into the remixing competitions and to meet the people on the board.

I'm excited about video games, music and video game music. I am an eclectic, full time composer living in LA. I love to collaborate so don't be shy. I'm excited to look into the remixing competitions and to meet the people on the board.

Hi and welcome, new folks. :D

Aside from competitions, there's also our remix board for remixes finished or in progress, intended for ocr or not; there's remix projects that pretty much always want more remixers (this one certainly does), there's ppl seeking collaborators for... pretty much anything music-related... For those who don't make music themselves (also for ppl who do), drop some comments on ppl's individual tracks and the albums (available here), remixers like to hear what ppl think of their work.

There's lots of ways to get into this community. Welcome. :D

Hi and welcome, new folks. :D

Aside from competitions, there's also our remix board for remixes finished or in progress, intended for ocr or not; there's remix projects that pretty much always want more remixers (this one certainly does), there's ppl seeking collaborators for... pretty much anything music-related... For those who don't make music themselves (also for ppl who do), drop some comments on ppl's individual tracks and the albums (available here), remixers like to hear what ppl think of their work.

There's lots of ways to get into this community. Welcome. :D

Thanks for the warm welcome Rozovian, Big Seiken remix project, eh? Another square gem. I have to admit, I've got my eye on faith total machine.


Hey all. My name is 194.

I am a Chilean guy, and a normal Engineering student. However, I have always been really interested in both music and videogames. I teached myself some keyboard and arranging.

I have worked in some stuff recently. I'd like to showcase just one of them here:


I joined OCRemix because I have noticed most of my stuff sounds... mediocre. Mainly because of my not-so-good abilities with VSTs. And I'm sure there will be people here willing to help this guy (and many others).

Thanks for reading :D


Hello, I'm Adrian. Aspiring VGM composer. Alas, the aspirations are currently greater than the skills with which to achieve them, but we'll get there :D. Found OC remix via: FL Studio -> Zircon -> Mindblown -> Youtube search -> Press conference/seminar on entering the VGM business -> Mention of OC Remix.

I used to make Hip Hop beats (Still do sometimes), but eventually, it turned into me stealing other people's songs, programming drums over them and calling them mine. Then started composing for Hip Hop, got pretty good at that, but found the genre to be limiting. Got a little older, lost my "wanna-be-black-and-gangsta mentality". Opened up to other genres of music, embraced it, and here I am on my quest for knowledge and development. I will ask many questions. (But worry not, I'm aware of the search function.)

Hopefully, I'll become part of this community.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some of you guys may have seen me here or there, but I've now decided to finally do something here :P

I'm here and looking to meet new people!

Anyways, name's Brian. Around the web, I often go under the aliases Brian6330 or Brischli. On Youtube, I'm Brianbelize and in a few rare instances I use B6330.

I love Video Games! They make up a big part of my life and will continue to do so. I like all genres of games, but prefer RPG games most of the time. I can hold my own in video games and would say that I have some degree of skill. If I play a game I've never played before, then most likely I'll get owned by everybody. After getting aquainted with the controls and everything though? Good luck then.

Some may know that I'm also an avid Pianist. I have been playing for over 6 years now and will keep on doing that! I learn and play Classical and Video Game music. Sometimes, I even upload videos of me playing to Youtube, so people can enjoy what I do. Personally, I plan to keep playing until I can't play anymore. School or life will not stop this. The Piano is just such an awesome instrument! It can play practically any kind of music, is diverse and can either be in the fore- or back-ground!

Something about myself?

Well, I never dislike a person without good reason. To me, "everybody on the world is my friend; I just haven't met them yet." I'm always up for discussion, sometimes I can offer some good advice and always try to be on my best behavior. Never hesitate to talk to me- I'm here on the internet to meet new people and make friends, through talking about things we have in common!

That about covers it.

I'm also the owner (along with somebody else) of n00bpwners.com - Video Game Blog and Forum. I blog there, manage the site and am active. The site has some focus on Video Game Music (Has over 200 different sheets there) and working in the video game industry.

See you, who thankfully took the time to read all this, around the forum!

P.S. Ask for my Steam, Skype and Twitter if you're interested!


Hi guys!

i finally got around to joining OCremix, been wanting to do that for some time now, and finally got the chance.

let me introduce myself

my name is Luuk and i go by the alias of TheMrkuul. i love videgame soundtracks for the feeling of recognition they awake in me. i grew up in the 80's and 90's and saw the rise and fall of a complete videogame era :<

i have been playing music ever since i was old enough to play a keyboard, my dad was a musician as well, so it started off early :-D

Can you imagine a small kid, five years of age, banging enthousiastically on an organ keyboard? that kid would be me :lmassoff:

over the years as i grew up i became more and more developed, learning to read notes and playing them on the fly, i learned to play piano keyboard an organ. i took up several other instruments along the way, i play bass guitar, accordion, percussion (cajon or rockbox) several synths, and i sing. this combined with the power of the almighty atari STe (at that time the most widely used sequencing machine along with Cubase) lead to the skills i now posess. the sequencing software i use are several, i use Fruity, Cubase, Sonar, Acid and sometimes for making samples i use Audacity. i make use of a lot of VST instruments, sometimes i even use circuit bent or modded hardware because VST's cannot always produce the "right" sound.

the equipment i have:

Yamaha Dx7, Korg X5d, Roland ax7, Korg Trinity Rack, Stereo microphone setup for recording, a Cajon, An Aria 120 bass accordion, a fender precision bass, a load of VST instruments (some specifically designed and modded by me) some modded hardware (like a modded NES) for chipsounds. more equipment is added from time to time. (it keeps growing! my house is too small!)

i absolutley love writing arrangements, been in several bands, playing live on stage. right as of now i am working again to get a group together to be on the stage, just for the thrill and the fun of it.

i can't wait for a competition to start! also i am very interested in a collaboration on remixes, sharing creativity with others and learning from it is what music is all about!

i'll post some of my music remixes, which are hosted on soundcloud in the appropriate section later.

for now i say HI to all you musicians here and hope to have a happy, fruitful stay here.



I've know of OCRemix for a while but I had never checked the forums until a couple of days ago...

I am a keyboardist though I don't have a really great keyboard, so my recording possibilities are quite bad sadly. I've been composing for quite a few years and even though I don't know much theory, I think I'm at least a decent composer.

Regarding music, I listen mainly to progressive rock/metal, but I'm open to other styles. And in games, I like almost everything. My faves are Zelda, Final Fantasy, Smash Bros, Banjo Kazooie and more.

Anyway, I hope I can contribute with some arrangements if I figure out how to use some of the softwares recommended here. I noticed there are no Earthbound/Mother 3 remixing projects, which is quite sad...


Hello everyone!

My name is Jordan and I'm a New Yorker. I've been playing (obsessed with) video games for about 20 years now and I've always loved the music. The first game I can remember playing is Metroid II for the Game Boy. Besides video game music, I listen to all kinds of genres, though metal would probably be the go-to for me. I've done some quick and terrible remixes in the past, but now I'm trying to do it right. I'm working on one now and hope to have it up on the WIP board tonight.



I'm Riulyn and I've known about this site for years but never really thought about joining an online community that appreciated videogame music until now. My main connection to videogames at the moment is transcribing their music for piano [i sadly spend more time working on transcriptions than playing videogames]. I would like to submit some remixes at some point but I lack the equipment or the funds to make anything that sounds nice.

I think I'll mostly be lurking and occasionally checking out people's WIPs. I'm pretty obsessive over the Suikoden series so if you make a Suikoden ReMix I'm sure I'll listen to it at least once.


I guess I should write and introduction thingy. Well, there isn't much to say within the context of music. I'm not a composure, singer, or musically inclined at all. Listening to music is fine, I suppose, but I'm also fine with not listening to it. I'm just weird, I suppose. I'm much more artistically gifted in other areas, like painting, drawing, and graphic design.

Aside from that, I'm a nerd. I like anime and manga, video games, comics, reading books, even writing--yes, I write fan fiction. I also play Dungeons & Dragons, both 3.5 and 4e. So, yeah, huge nerdy girl. Mirby told me this place was cool, so I thought I'd check it out and stuff.


Sup people

hot pink and mirby forced me to finally introduce myself (i hate introductions >.<)

Real names karl as a few may guess, other online handles include psychowolf11 and killer2099, real original i know right?

"Psych is a professional rodeo clown. He enjoys daytime soap operas, meeting chickens at the petting zoo, and making fried eggs for all his meals. His favorite game is Sims 2. His favorite TV show is Alf. His favorite movie is Pretty Woman."

I'm pretty much a fanboy of you guys and your remixes, i have zero talent in music, but i do have a deviant art where i upload drawings i do (i'm sure you'l be able to find it if you look hard enough)

I am a total nerd, i like comics, scifi movies and cartoons/anime

and the obvious games

pretty much

Posted (edited)

Hello, everyone! I'm Matt.

I'm 22, I live in NJ, USA, and I've always loved both gaming and music. I'm a drummer and guitarist, but I have more experience with guitar (I sold my drum kit years ago). Unfortunately, I've been neglecting my guitars for a while now, so I'm a little rusty. I actually started college as a music recording major, but have since decided to switch over to computer science for various reasons.

I recently started composing electronic music with FL studio. It's loads of fun, and it makes me feel a lot more productive than spending ALL of my free time playing video games :-P

I'm also a beginner programmer, who has yet to get his feet wet with anything substantial (aside from basic college class projects). The only language I really feel comfortable using at the moment is Java, but I plan on learning C++ as soon as I'm a bit more experienced. I made a few flash games (using AS3) for school, and I really like the idea of developing games as a hobby, or possibly even a profession. We'll see :D

I'm really excited to be a part of this community, and I know there are tons of extremely talented people here that I can learn a lot from. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Edited by Cinctulan

Hello, MangaMan here.

I've only been on this site for a short while and I suppose I should have came here first but oh well.

I review manga and anime on both my blip.tv channel and Youtube channel called MangaMan Reviews.

I'm also the project coordinator for the Majora's Mask: Tears of the Moon Musical Remix project (Recruiting now!).

Big fan of anime, love music, and I love video games.


Hello! I'm LuigiBlood, 18 years old french guy.

I do ROM Hacking, Music, Videos, and some more.

So I use FL Studio for making music and remixes, and I've did quite some stuff there... Sometimes I do still use Wario Ware DIY for making music.

Almost all my songs/remixes there:


About my other stuff...

Working on BS-X Project, with the goal of making a working Satellaview server. And it partially works now.

I have a YouTube channel, which the nickname is "KiiroBomber" there.

Anyway, hoping I'll get along here. ^^

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