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Monkey Island 2 'Monkey Brain Soup for the Soul'

This is excellent. I've always liked Monkey Island music, and this captures the essence of the game perfectly. It's barely over the 6 meg limit, but the judges agreed that it was excusable for a remix this good (so I don't want to hear "OMG IT"S A SUBMISSION VIOLATION!!!!11", kay?)

Download if you have any respect for music, monkeys, or both!


This one is simply excellent. Trapezoid shows off a ton of remixing skills here in an extremely entertaining and well-done medley. Sadly, the only Monkey Island I've played is the first one, so I can't really appreciate it to the extent I'm sure huge fans of this one will.

But it's awesome anyway, so it doesn't matter!

EDIT: I've been listening to it a lot more now, and I'm liking it more and more each time. The first section with the jazzy piano alone is a reason to download this one!

EDIT2: Did I mention that I like this one? This is seriously my favorite remix in the last two months, maybe half year.


Very cool. Monkey Island 2 was great, and this mix captures the feel of it pretty well. All the styles are cool, and I find that this medley works well, as opposed to most which don't. Definitely a keeper.

One thing, this game wasn't really called Secret of Monkey Island 2... I think the "Secret of" wasn't in there, cause it was exclusive to part 1.


Yup, this is cool. Monkey Island 2 is my favourite game of all time (that's right. As in "THE GREATEST GAME EVAH!"). I heard this remix a long time ago on a MI fansite. So this is nothing new to me. But I still dig it.

I have been thinking a lot of making a MI2 medley myself, but I don't think I've got the skillz (yet).

I would choose to work with some other themes. MI2 is just full of GREAT music... the entire game is just.... ahh GREAT. So's this remix.

And Ryan (who made another cool MI remix) is right. The correct title for the game is "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge".


A fantastic remix of LeChuck's Revenge's soundtrack. It gave me good flashbacks to way back when when I played it. Great job. My particular favorite part is the Stan's theme, it seemed like you caught the whole cheezy salesman theme to it.


I think orky said it best when he said it captured the essence of the game most perfectly, the only change or rather, subsitution I would make is replacing the word essence with the word spirit. The sounds used are just, addictive. My favorite part is probably between 2:53 and 3:49...The synth organ is great....


My favorite part is probably between 2:53 and 3:49...The synth organ is great....


I agree. That's the coolest part. It's the theme played when Guybrush dives down to the sunken ship "Mad Monkey".

Like I said, I would have wanted some other themes to be covered. There is so much to take from. IMO, this remix doesn't capture all of MI2's atmosphere. Just the goofy part.


There's too much to review in this song, it's just fantastic the amount of work packed into it. I love the intro. I really appreciate the amount of music in this song. I've been getting frustrated with short remixes.

This is one of my favorites in a long time. looping it in winamp long enough to annoy my roommates :)


Amazingly Excellent. Those two words is the song in a short form ;)

It has enough of the original to be recognized as such, but it's still also got enough new stuff that you're not merely listening to a variant of the original. I simply love everything about it. I don't think that I've enjoyed a remix this much in a long time :)

  • 1 year later...

Wow. Right when I thought this couldn't get any better, BAM! Stan's Theme. That and LeChuck's Theme are two pieces that are often overlooked (even more so than all the other pieces), and having them both in this makes for one helluva Monkey Island medley.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow. Just freakin' wow. I never thought I'd see a mix that could change genres so totally and yet seamlessly. I love the piano toward the beginning (what is that, the theme of the first village you're in? I haven't played this in so long, so I can't pick out most of the songs, but that doesn't detract from how much I love it. I can tell Stan's theme, the intro, the Mad Monkey, and LeChuck's theme, what are the rest?). Stan's part is too perfect, with the organ intro followed up with it sounding just as you'd expect. Oh, and the various parts of LeChuck's theme are great too. The beginning of it cracks me up as I keep imagining LeChuck as a DJ ("Zombie P to the Le-C in da house! Woooo! I just wanna give a shout-out to my main man Largo, and a big diss to that cracka Guybrush! Now for my next mix, 'I'm Gonna Voodoo You Up!'" *shot*), and the metal guitar toward the end just rocks. In conclusion, Trapezoid is our new god. Bow before him.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I can also pick out the Phatt Island theme.

  • 8 months later...

haha oh man!

I discovered that remix listening to the OCRemix Radio and boy am I glad :)

That is really awesome stuff you have here, totally out-there and upbeat. Love the various styles and constant action provided by every layer.

As a fan of Monkey Island music and Michael Land music in general, you got yourself a listener here :) I'm keeping this. And this might just be what I needed to finally get to work on a Monkey Island remix myself.

Good job!

  • 5 months later...

This song is totally awesome, it keeps changing to keep the listener interested. I cant listen to songs for more than 2 minutes cause i bore easily with all music, but this song i can easily sit there and listen all the way through. I've never even played the monkey island series before, but with this song, knowledge of the game is hardly necessary. I play this song all the time and have been for months and i'm still not tired of it! I wish trapezoid made more songs :( again great song, worth downloading 15 times over.

  • 7 months later...

Smorgasbord? :lol:

OK, to get on the subject, this remix is GOLD! It haves you in its grip from the very beginning, but you're still free enough to bop your head and move your feet along the rhytm. If I would go through all of it, this would be a very long post which even I can't stand to write, but the feeling that goes through this whole song, it's just magnificient. The music style changes like the direction of tennis ball, from happy to chill, and then proceeding to even an even more happier style, and then to a funky and so on. Even if you've listened to it sometimes, you still have a little hard to remember what comes next, so everytime is your first time. This arrangement is funky, jazzy, joyful, evil, dark, something for every taste and type.

It makes me sad that this is the only remix made by Trapezoid, this arrangement just makes me hunger for more of this kind. Kick-assness in a 6-meg musicfile is what this is, you just GOTTA download it! :mrgreen:

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

I came across this when I was writing Guybrush Threepwood's bio, and wow, talk about buried treasure. My ears pick up at least 6 distinct sources as illustrated in the following breakdown:

0:18 = Jojo the Monkey/part of Main Theme - I like how the harp seems to say "Once upon a time in the Caribbean..." A lot of instruments introduce themselves here while they sort out their roles. I'm quite fond of the arresting organ chords at 0:45 and the foreboding A-B-A pattern at 1:02-1:06.

1:11 = Phatt Island Jail - A light and cheery piano adds a subtle tone of "here's a good situation to think your way out of." Then an 8-bit lead and its grimy companion take over before giving way to a more minty-flavored section (1:40).

2:10 = Stan's Previously Used Coffins - At first I felt the quiet organ could've better explored and wrapped up its Halloween vibe instead of bursting into something bright and outlandish, but then I listened to the source and realized that's how the melody normally plays out. No matter - 2:17 does make me smile as I imagine the hyper salesman pitching his price to this boisterous, sugar-coated rendition.

2:53 = Captain Kate's Boat: Booty Island - This starts all blippity-bloopity, and along with staccato and tenuto synth organ notes, it truly gives a feeling of depth as Guybrush swims down below the ocean surface. 3:17-3:36 puts me in mind of some old DOS games like Gobliins 2 due to the old-school synth set at play.

3:54 = Final ending theme/"Deep in the Caribbean: Scabb Island" part of Introduction - DnB rockage gives the source(s) a party-hardy backdrop and an upbeat cause to celebrate. And you can't fault 4:12 for turning it up a notch.

4:50 = LeChuck's theme (heard in several sources) - After a subdued lead-in section, a gentle harp enters as if to say the ghost/zombie pirate has a soft side and isn't as threatening as you might imagine. The real star of this final chunk is the hypnotic arpeggio at 5:07 (heard in the Closing Themes), which grows in popularity and momentum...

...and then the mix just sorta finishes. The ending could stand to be more constructive/elaborate, but when you explore so many locales and moods in a mix like this, it's not a dealbreaker. What's important is that Monkey Brain Soup for the Soul delivers, and hard.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00799 - Monkey Island 2 "Monkey Brain Soup for the Soul"
  • 3 months later...

It's a great credits medley, although I don't really get into it until 1:30 hit. I'm sure if the instruments were updated it'd be awesome. Something about the drum at the start didn't click with me. And for the first few minutes, the transitions work well like at 1:12. But around 2:50, the transitions started to feel less seamless. Again, it'd make a great credits medley.

Highlights to me were the goofy twang at 1:30-1:42 and the pleasant melody at 3:19-3:37. :)

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