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Too long?

Can the Grass be too green?

Can the Sky be too blue?

personaly, I would have loved to see it longer, but I'm afraid that if it was, some harm might come to those magical fingers.


I challenge fans of Chrono Trigger to play THIS SONG during the Trial Sequence and turn the volume and color intensity settings on your TV ALL THE WAY DOWN. Then...you will TRUYL experience the beauty, grace, and style this piece has to offer. THANK YOU SPEKKO!

  • 1 month later...

Holy crap this is good! And he did this all in one take? That's just insane! I like the Russian sound of everything. It feels as if a lifetime of emotions have been put into this masterpiece. The increase in speed around 3'30 is done very well. Then it slows down some, slows down more, speeds up.... this is my favorite piano solo remix. 10/10

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe that this is the only "The Trial" remix here. That's a really cool song, and this remix proves it. This remix is absoluteley gigantically spectacuarly amazing. I couldn't find anything good enough to sum it up with one word. It's THAT cool.

  • 2 months later...

Hmm.... I don't think it was too long, any more than the game was too long. Both could have been twice as long, and still been incarnations of perfection. At 3:15, I was disappointed; "Over already?!?" But then it came back, sounding almost like something I would hear as a "Tetris" background, probably because it was so heavily Russian. There were some parts horribly dissonant, but that was part of what made it all so excellent. That's the "bite" of the song, and the whole thing would be crap without it, just like a daquiri would be crap without the bite that the rum gives. Unfortunately, my download cut the song short at 7:21, which really sucked. Kudos, Spekkosaurus! Now I HAVE to listen to those EB remixes of his, too.

  • 2 weeks later...

Good job, Spekio! This is a very good interpretation of the theme. I like the somewhat rough texture of the piano sound. The dramatic climbs, the sudden slowdowns, it sounds like I'm playing Chrono Trigger through one of those 'newfangled' stereopticons, and it's 5 cents per half hour! Oh crap, can Crono save Marle from the oncoming train?

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Fabulous. Truly. It's got structure, it's got style, it's literate, it shows a deep appreciation and understanding of what makes music, and yes, it's got mad piano skillz. It's just the right length, too.

What it doesn't have is a download link! Where can I get it? Preferably better quality than 64kbit stream... the artist profile page just points at mp3.com, which is defunct, and there's no other information. Someone said that this apparently came from vgmix.com, but I can't find anything there, either...

  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, there is a link --- just finished downloading it. I was misled by the fact that for some bizarre reason my mouse pointer doesn't indicate that it's a link when I hover the mouse over it... very bad form on the otherwise quite well-designed ocremix site!

But I now have a copy. Of my very own. Yay!


Nice, I love it!

For some reason, this is exactly what I was expecting from reading the title.

Hmm... What is there to say about this piece... It's very... good... DL it!

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I can imagine this song be played alongside a silent film on an old projector. The villian ties Marle to the railroad tracks while twirling his incredibly long mustache.


COUNT: (Nefarious laughter)


MARLE: Help me, Crono!!



I Love this song, and it sticks out among the rest of the CT remixes.....there are way too many Zeal techno remixes, although I like a lot of them, there's still way too many. But this song, I love the trial song in the game, and you did a very good remix of it. I actually made a game and had this song going in the background for the beta...and it fit awesomely! (it was an FPS called Heyjohnny)

Thanks for this one spekkosaurus(sp probably wrong)

  • 1 month later...

Did you play this for real? Nah, can´t be,

hehe...yeah...or? Because this was the most

skilled pianoplay I´ve heard.

I´m speechless, nice work with the ivory, Spekkdude.

  • 7 months later...

Okay, I just registered to OCReMix, after having listened to remixes old and new on this site for a year and a half or so.

I'm a pianist, a video game pianist at that, and this remix still blows me away every time I listen, which is pretty damn often for a song. It has inspired me just to learn the note patterns of this remix (by ear) and just improvise and go crazy like Spekkosaurus does here. every second of this piece is just so fucking cool, well-played and almost hair-raising 8)

This OCReMix is godly as far as solo piano goes on this site, and it must be listened by everyone, like djpretzel says highly recommended.

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