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This is another badass song in the MegaMan collection AE has already established. I truly hope that after he has finished of MegaMan 2 he will move his remixing genius over to the other megaman titles.

I would kill to see what he could do with the Mega Man X series. In my opinion, the MMX games have so much awesome music, some even better than MM2's soundtrack.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Ya know, why do you have to be so good? I've never remixed anything before, but if I did, I would use this song to judge my work on. When I say words can't describe how awesome this was, I mean it... here was my reaction after hearing it:



/e goes on a personal crusade to download any and all music authored, modified, or remixed by AE :wink:

  • 2 months later...

*Jaw drops* Why didn't I get a better remix of this before! Evilhorde's take was pretty good with the laser sound pinging back and forth, but this not only does the pingin', but it also uses other sound effects as if Mega Man was destroying everything in his path (listen to panning sfx for details). There's even a couple of sound effects that are reverbized (if that's even a word) as if he was in a catheral or someting! AE, you gotta chill a bit or you may go over the top. The instrumentals and hi-hats go everywhere. I especially love that piano solo after 2 min.

:P All in all, a very nice mix with LOTS of layers! All hail AE, the ultimate MM2 remixer of 2002!!! :P

  • 4 weeks later...

So, i'm slow getting around to things, I was collecting an MM2 soundtrack of the remixes this morning, go figure AE did like most of them and there my favs lol, this song was pretty sweet, another kick ass work of art, what are the odds you'll get around to Heat and Wood?

  • 1 year later...

I just love this song! Especially the second part, where in-game sounds are perfectly embed within the music. Sounds just great and remembers the good ol' MM2 times.

Oh and not to forget the violine ending where I could just melt away *sigh*...

  • 4 weeks later...

The Quick Man theme is my favorite theme in Mega Man history, but this remix unfortunetly doesn't capture the true essence of the song and somewhat gets off track to what the song even really sounds like.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Plain and simple, you can't beat AE. The intro is very interesting to listen to, even a bit haunting given the right situation. A bit "dirty" at times, but also "clean." In other words, you don't listen to this and think 'Aphex.' The single layer around 1:46 does a good job bringing the transition to a certain quietness leading to the piano at 2:00. And the piano work? Superb. It fits surprising well in a remix about QUICKman. At 2:52 I immediately had flashbacks to possibly the toughest part of any NES game, where you'd have to fall down the vertical column quickly or be crushed by the insta-kill cylinder-like things that moved incredibly fast. The sound effect fits well seeing as how soon after it's a veritable roller-coaster ride which sees much more "dirty" treatment (skillful at that) and takes us up and down until 3:50 where things slow. The slowness moves us back to familiar grounds with the "chorus" of the song. Then, in another surprising twist, we're treated to a violin at 4:26 which takes us out. I give this a 9.8/10

  • 3 months later...

...WOW. This track redefines awesome. It took a theme I didn't really care much for either way and made it one of my favorites. And it has some of the best use of in-game sound effects I've ever heard. (I darn near crapped myself at 2'52")

I'm kicking myself for only having downloaded this a couple days ago.

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

You joined only to say that?

Apparently, AE is back. I wouldn´t know, since my record only goes back to this summer, but according to this, it was an astounding comeback.

Most of the times this mix wasn´t all about getting the melody rolling and have fun with the synths, but more like used the instruments to create a masterpiece beyond our very minds.

The synths and beats was great, and here and there AE managed to add some more classical instruments like piano and strings.

And for the grand finale, he used many sounds from the game itself to create a more chaotic but also more thrilling feel to it, and then finish it completely with more beautiful instruments.

AwesomE remix AE, truly.

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

This tune was amazing - Quick Man's stage music has never been better! Everything went together well, and it sounded great! Awesome job, AE! If you like techno, or even if you don't, you will LOVE it after this. 10/10!!! :)

  • 11 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Anyway, this is still one of the best tracks on the site after like five years.


Couldn't agree more.

When he charges from 1.39 to slowly up until 2.53,

and just goes KILL FRENZYY! Amazingly well done.

Woah.. this is so good music.

Made my times in the car today so much better.

  • 1 year later...

This mix seems to be trying too hard and trying to be too many things, and you know what? It works. I don't really know how, but it does.

This mix takes its source and really goes places with it.

And I especially like that charging up at 2:52. Great stuff. :nicework:

  • 7 months later...

Incredibly robust treatment of a theme I never thought was as strong as the others on the Mega Man 2 soundtrack. This takes the original into vastly different contexts and manipulates it just to my liking, it's fast, powerful and not afraid to slow down and reveal a little underbelly. The short piano interval is so well-intentioned and sounds great, but the real showstopper is the last third. Terrific use of chiptune and sound effects. Really nice stuff.

I'm surprised that this dates back as far as 2002, and also that it was his departing mix to mark his much-too-long hiatus. But talk about going out on a high note, this is the penultimate AE mix. It's hyperactive, thoughtful and so Mega Man it hurts. It could only be AE.

  • 7 months later...

Cool intro and the rest of the track lives up to the promise- excellent attention to detail. The piano solo section was a little mechanical, but pretty easy to forgive compared to the rest of the awesomeness surrounding it. Some really nice arrangement ideas keep this one sounding good over 7 years later. :-)

  • 3 months later...

Crazy opening. Classic synth sound, but AE creates a great atmosphere here. The drums are phat and the kick has a lot of meat to it. I really enjoy the slightly downtempo DnB tracks. Lots of synth counterpoint going all over the place. And there's the breakdown section that we've come to expect out of a AE mix :). The piano was a really nice touch as he doesn't use acoustic instruments much at all. It was a nice break. The oscillating and filtering effects are glorious, as are all of the glitching and stuttering. Very BT esque, but with the classic vibe. The pulsing bass is really nice and I loved the halftime beat section. The violin was a WONDERFUL touch for the same reason the piano was. Interesting ending; very cinematic!

  • 2 months later...

liked it until1:48 then didnt notice anything till 3:20 at the game sfx (nice touch btw)

i keep getting the "back up dancer" effect for most of your bass and deeper syths. they are pretty good, but songs like this tend to sound 1 sided because the entire track is backed up by ignorable sound. simply too repetative and long.

experiment with the bass in the middle instead of disappearing and slowly climbing back up to what was a pretty mild pace to begin with.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00801 - Mega Man 2 "With the Quickness"

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