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OCRA-0009 - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

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Whilst its cool to hear that people would have been willing to pay for our work, thats not what this was about. We were honouring and showing our appreciation to Nobuo and his compositions, not trying to cheapen them by making money out of them. There are a limited number of prints of the album given away as prizes by djp, which I'd imagine will be worth a pretty penny in a few years though.

  • 3 weeks later...

A la Soundscape's recommendation, I have a concern to express (I am quite anal-retentive when it comes to labelling things):

Well, this'll make for a cruddy first post, but in searching for this ReMix I ran across this topic, so...

On the VotL page(s), anything linking to this song (either in the .torrent or the mirror hosts), the ID3 tags (or whate'er they are) label the song with the word "Beathsmith". Seems this was corrected in the individual post here on the main site, but it's still bothersome.

For the record, should I burn CDs with this typo intact, or would it be better to correct it before etching one of many greats into flimsy, cold silicon?

Also: "Sleep, My Sephy" makes my eyes well up. No tearing, really, but it feels like the muscial incarnation of an emotion.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, I finally downloaded the album and the first track already amazed me! It really is a masterpiece, beautifully mixed and composed, epic and truly worthy of that classic game!

Great, absolutely amazing work! =D

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I'm sure this problem has been raised in the past. I've looked a little at the forums for the answer but we are talking about alot of info to go through here.

I went to the direct site and did the download and my software doesn't recognize the bitorrent download. I mean its downloaded but I don't have anything to play it. I have Realplayer, Quicktime, VLC Media Player,

I want to be able to download it and burn it to a CD so I can listen to it when I'm driving, the VLC Media Player far as I know is stictly for viewing unless someone knows how i can use it otherwise. Given that the VLC player doesn't even play it which I find to be odd because it plays almost all formats.

If anyone has a link that I could go to download the correct software to recieve the file and be able to transfer it to a Cd I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks for taking the time



This probably belongs in Help & Newbies.

Anyway, I think your problem is that you've only downloaded the bittorrent file. You need a torrent app to download the actual music, the torrent file is how the software finds the music. I dunno what software is the best, but here's the most obvious choice.

If that's not the problem, let us know.

As for burning it to a CD, or several (once you've actually got the music), iTunes can do that. Dunno what your best choice is, but iTunes should work.

  • 1 month later...

I'm about to make a physical copy of the album (with the track titles' pure names in the Sort field, so as to lop off the source song and reinstate "A"s and "The"s), but I'm at ends about how to label the discs. Not with the stickers, with the disc names. "Crisis", "Dirge", and whatnot. The discs have their Disc Numbers indicated, but... should it be Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream - [Name], or something else maybe?

I apologize for being such a nitpick on these things without much praise given on the songs themselves, but that my anal-retentiveness as a show of wanting these works represented in their most intended ways (well, for the most part), that their names may preceed their play.

Oh, and what's the preferred gap between songs?

[originally posted on "Adrenaline Kyck" review thread]

Agh, not again... I'm not about to review the actual song, since I have RotC playing right now and I'm in the midst of getting VotL .wavs ready for disc-burning (have had VotL .mp3s for a while now). Still, just as with "Mark of the Beatsmith", I've come to a labelling snag. Unlike "MotB", this isn't some simple added letter. The individual ReMix page and the .torrent's filename title it as "Kyck", but the album's images and tracklist file render it as "Kick". For the purposes of a physical copy of the album (since my iTunes file will remain as "Kyck"), which do you, the guys who put this ReMix together, think I should go with?

  TJF588 said:
I'm about to make a physical copy of the album (with the track titles' pure names in the Sort field, so as to lop off the source song and reinstate "A"s and "The"s), but I'm at ends about how to label the discs. Not with the stickers, with the disc names. "Crisis", "Dirge", and whatnot. The discs have their Disc Numbers indicated, but... should it be Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream - [Name], or something else maybe?

I apologize for being such a nitpick on these things without much praise given on the songs themselves, but that my anal-retentiveness as a show of wanting these works represented in their most intended ways (well, for the most part), that their names may preceed their play.

Oh, and what's the preferred gap between songs?

[originally posted on "Adrenaline Kyck" review thread]

Agh, not again... I'm not about to review the actual song, since I have RotC playing right now and I'm in the midst of getting VotL .wavs ready for disc-burning (have had VotL .mp3s for a while now). Still, just as with "Mark of the Beatsmith", I've come to a labelling snag. Unlike "MotB", this isn't some simple added letter. The individual ReMix page and the .torrent's filename title it as "Kyck", but the album's images and tracklist file render it as "Kick". For the purposes of a physical copy of the album (since my iTunes file will remain as "Kyck"), which do you, the guys who put this ReMix together, think I should go with?

Kyck. Also, you might be thinking a bit to heavily about this :lol:


Hah, true enough. Still, when you're makin' a non-fixable copy of these things, you damn well do it right!

On that thought: For whatever tags .wav files use, what all is able to be recorded? I ask because I made a copy of Relics that didn't have any composers down, but if that data is 'lost' to it anyway, then I shouldn't worry much aboout it (though I would lament marking it up so doofily...). Further, even if .wav tags don't carry it, would iTunes makes its own tag files on the disc?


Nevermind, turns out NOTHING is recorded onto the discs other than sweet, sweet music. However, I put the 2 second spacing back on/in, so all but the last tracks of each song are two seconds of silence longer... *sigh* Well, guess I'll keep these as my own personal copies and just direct everyone o'er to the album's main page (LOL, MP3s) and remove the spacing for further burnings (such as the CT album, which I want to give to my sis's b/f).

Again (or for the first time?), thanks you all for this album and for your help in my fiddlings with it.

  • 4 weeks later...

Is it possible to buy Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream? I would much rather have the orignal set discs then a torrent. tbph


There was actually a limited printing of pressed CDs of VotL, but these CDs are not for sale. They were given to remixers who participated on the project, as well as given to some others as promotional giveaways (for example, Nobuo Uematsu possesses a copy of VotL).

You can always download mp3 copies of the songs from here (just click the mirror links for each song). You could always download the torrent and use a particular torrent program to uncheck downloading any of the lossless copies of the songs.

  CodinCody said:
Is it possible to buy Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream? I would much rather have the orignal set discs then a torrent. tbph

Because there are no original set discs.

tough nuts

Also Baha, I think he'd rather have the lossless, seeing as he was looking for CD's (but then again, it's not my call)

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