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...is today, ye land lubbers! Arr!

Go forth and speak ye pirate lingo to all the binge rats of the world! Avast!

And so on. :)

Aye matey, but it's "bilge rats" not "binge rats", savvy? Unless of course they were hitting the grog in the tavern all night.


So I pirate walks into a bar lads, with a steering wheel down his pants, and the bartender looks at the pirate and says "Hey lad, ya realize yer gots a steering wheel down yet pants" and the pirate looks down and looks back at the bartender and says "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, AND ITS DRIVING ME' NUTS!"


Aye? Bein' Pirate day, is it ? Where th'hell've I been these past times to be missin' such a day? If I was knowin' of it, I'd'a been here years ago!

So does anyone be knowin' exactly where the tradition was started? I suppose I be meanin both in the public eye an' the origins of th' legend.

So instea' a quotin' a reference about how theh's never any alcoholic delights lef', I'll ask ye a more true question: Whose intent on celebratin' with some good ol' fashion rum when the day is good and gone and ye've finished yer duties to y'captain? I'll be needing t' check my progress meself if I don't want to be walkin' th' plank.

Well, knock on wood (just don' be letting the captain notice! Yarrrrrrr har har harrr!).

Aye? Bein' Pirate day, is it ? Where th'hell've I been these past times to be missin' such a day? If I was knowin' of it, I'd'a been here years ago!

So does anyone be knowin' exactly where the tradition was started? I suppose I be meanin both in the public eye an' the origins of th' legend.

So instea' a quotin' a reference about how theh's never any alcoholic delights lef', I'll ask ye a more true question: Whose intent on celebratin' with some good ol' fashion rum when the day is good and gone and ye've finished yer duties to y'captain? I'll be needing t' check my progress meself if I don't want to be walkin' th' plank.

Well, knock on wood (just don' be letting the captain notice! Yarrrrrrr har har harrr!).

Arr, if ye really want'ta know about this greatest of days, then read all about it here: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html , savvy?


I once carried on a surprisingly lengthy e-mail correspondence with a scammer claiming to be a Nigerian banker. The main reason I say "surprisingly lengthy" is because the entire time, I was writing in the persona of "Captain Lance McWafer" (a name I derived from a package of crackers which was at hand) and I kept going on about how we could "Stash the booty at me secret base on Skull Isle," and so on (I think I dropped a few Monkey Island references here and there). For some reason, it took several e-mails before the guy caught on.

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