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This is by far one of the most harmonically creative remixes I've heard on the site. This remix is very original, yet is riddled with so many sonic themes that it's inspiration is unmistakable. I feel like this has set a nice paradigm for future remixes, the idea of "here's an original melody influenced by (video game) supported by harmonic/rhythmic/melodic theme from (video game)", as opposed to "check it out it's terra but on accordion lol"

anyway awesome. awesome awesome awesome.


Sheesh, is this track liberal enough? It took me ages to figure out where the connections were (by ages I mean two or three listens.) I don't mind a track with a creative arrangement, but dang, apart from the obvious intro riff and again at maybe four minutes, I can't find much Green Hill in there.

That said, if I had never played Sonic before, I would have absolutely no problem with this song. It's dang FUNKY and it's probably going on my mp3 player despite what I said up there. That last paragraph was just my dumb ol' neuroticness wanting to know EXACTLY the source in every remix I listen to.

What is that original section from at 1:35?!?! It sounds SO FAMILIAR but I can't seem to place it. It sounds like the song that annoyingly happy techno unts unts unts song that plays in Trauma Center when there's a cutscene at Cadaceus, at all, regardless of context. (Derek I can't believe you are euthanizing patients. I have no choice but to BREAK OUT THE GLOWSTICKS UNTS UNTS UNTS UNTS)

...not that that's a bad thing that it's in this mix.


SO TO SUM UP: This mix is pretty coo.


Definitelly harmonically complex and creative. I really didnt find the source that hard to detect, but I can see why it would be given the significant changes to the original melody and complete revamp of the chords. Some of the filtering early on was a little different to me, but overall the mix is good. And even if it does deviate significantly, its certainly a testament to the remixers' arranging and productive talents.

Sheesh, is this track liberal enough? It took me ages to figure out where the connections were (by ages I mean two or three listens.) I don't mind a track with a creative arrangement, but dang, apart from the obvious intro riff and again at maybe four minutes, I can't find much Green Hill in there.

That said, if I had never played Sonic before, I would have absolutely no problem with this song. It's dang FUNKY and it's probably going on my mp3 player despite what I said up there. That last paragraph was just my dumb ol' neuroticness wanting to know EXACTLY the source in every remix I listen to.

What is that original section from at 1:35?!?! It sounds SO FAMILIAR but I can't seem to place it. It sounds like the song that annoyingly happy techno unts unts unts song that plays in Trauma Center when there's a cutscene at Cadaceus, at all, regardless of context.

Read the judges decision. That what it's there for.


I see where the criticism about it being too liberal came from; I can't place where the original Green Hill theme comes in except for a few of the more obvious parts (though admittedly it's been ages since I played Sonic 1). But I'm not finicky, and you can't deny that it is a pretty smooth piece.

One more thing... That 4-second silence in the beginning still puzzles me. Why wasn't it just cropped off? It didn't sound intentional... KF


While I heavily dig the liberation here from a musical standpoint, the oldskool in me can't help but pine for a little more theme recognition.

Having said that, this is sick, both creatively and technically. I was actually beginning to wonder if anyone could do something this liberal with such an iconic source as Green Hill Zone. Guess I got my answer.

Way to make 'em listen, guys ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

nice stuff that's awake the sonic nostalgia inside me.

Like Everyone said, well done with he guitar, i don't know why but i associate the mix more with spring yard zone or a marble garden-like zone.


I've been meaning to comment on this track for awhile - the recent bunch of particularly good remixes has reminded me to do so. Now I was a bit so-so on the first minute (interestingly enough where you guys seem to have the most prominent use of the source material), but when you break into generally original stuff around 1:30 on and from there, you totally had me hooked. I really liked the guitar rhythms. Also from the latter half of 2min onward, I really loved all the chord changes and transitions and the groovy drums you break into. The subtle ways you include some elements of the source were excellent as well. The ending was a very nice way to finish it off.

In short - groovy, sweet guitar, catchy melodies and transitions, kickass.

PS - it suddenly occurred to me that Tepid, the mixer who made my personal favorite entry from the first Original VG Music Contest was involved with this track. So now I guess I'll be listening for you a little more closely!

  • 1 month later...

If I try to connect this song to the source material, I get annoyed. But taken as a standalone creation, this is freakin chill. You can add my vote for smoothest guitar chord riffing ever.

  • 11 months later...

Fact 1: I can barely find the source here.

Fact 2: Does anybody care? No.

This ReMix is one of my favorites, one of those I'll probably keep listening to regularly for years to come...

The guitar is sooo perfect, and the mix flows so smoothly and naturally. It can make the saddest person turn happy in a few moments with it's warm, and funky riffs.

The silence at the beginning as others have said, is the only thing that bugs me with this ReMix, otherwise it's just perfect. :-o

  • 4 months later...

ohoo, got an AeroZ collab to review on his birthday (Happy birthday buddy)!

These guys are the masters of seeing how far they can take an arrangement, and no matter which side of the fence things end up on, it's always a great journey, and this track is no exception.

Great mix of sounds and so many great motifs throughout. The main melody appears frequently and is transformed just enough to make people kindof wonder if they heard it right. I love this high-level arrangement style, and there are a ton of great effects and flourishes sprinkled throughout. Especially notable is that rocking fileter on the appearance of the kick- classy and cool, all in one.

Great mix- check it out if you have an open enough mind to hear something that isn't a midi rip + drums. :<

  • 1 month later...

haha nice remix.

I like the feel you have going on here, the production is good.

I think that the source is handled a little unusally, the changes don't feel natural, some of the changes to the tune and chords underneath left me a little confused.

I like the synths and guitar work, there's a good balance of instrumentations I think.

The only source part I can hear is the main melody repeated various times with subtle variations.... for example 0.36 - 0.59. Basically as far as I can hear there is a LOT more original material, which is fine but a little more source would have been nice.

However the original sections are nice and well done, but I don't think the remixed sections fit as well as they could do.

Still its worth the download in my opinion, its a good remix :P

  • 6 months later...

AeroZ review:

Very chilled sound! Love it. The "8-bit flare" is here full force from Seb! Sounds great. The phat drums are also AeroZ all over the place. Great drive and excellent punch. The jazz progression, while tepid's baby, works really well with the synthy sound here. The elements between tepid and AeroZ are seemless. This is a wonderful example of a collaboration that acts as though it's a track done by one person. Fantastic work all around!!!

  • 2 years later...

I know the thread is old, but...

Could that be a "Flight of the Bumblebee" reference at 3:55? The remix imitates the first 8 notes so of that piece's chromatic introduction. Whether that was intentional or not, it's very fitting and gives even more reason to love this mix!

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