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Halo 3 and the Halo series in general is overly over-rated. They are good games but they just don't deserve the unbelievable amounts of hype, praise, and sales it has , in "my opinion".


I think people who don't understand why halo is fun simply haven't played it enough to understand. What makes halo fun is leaping up into a warthog, spinning out and smashing three people, leaping out with shotgun in hand, blasting someone point-blank while walking backwards up the ramp into their base and watching the radar for the guy behind you, leaping over him and then smacking him in the back, immediately spinning around and switching to pistol - zip, pap pap pap to get another, dropping down into the base and grabbing the flag - but now someone stole your vehicle, and two guys are closing in! All at once drop the flag, lose the pistol, grab the flamethrower and light the place up, taking out the two guys and the guard in the base you didn't even notice. Grab the flag, head out the back entrance and take that ghost! But now there's a tank that's none too happy. So just slowly enough to infuriate him, strafe in a circle around just ahead of his turn speed and keep blasting him till he's gone. Rush back to your base with two banshees on your tail, strafing into your base with the ghost while you leap out and score just in time.

That's why halo is fun. Shit, now I've got to go play it.


Oh yeah, and the mongoose. I fucking love the mongoose.

And the Brute weaponry.

And the fucking flamethrower(my roommate can't get enough of that shit)!

Of course there IS a certain part that might piss off a few people in the campaign, but seriously, the game is awesome enough in it's own right.

Oh yeah, and the mongoose. I fucking love the mongoose.

And the Brute weaponry.

And the fucking flamethrower(my roommate can't get enough of that shit)!

Of course there IS a certain part that might piss off a few people in the campaign, but seriously, the game is awesome enough in it's own right.

Well I was actually talking about the flamethrower in Halo PC, which I thought was fantastic. But whatever - hope this one is as good.


Does Halo 3 support the directional pad for strafing like 1 did? Being able to use the d-pad is the main reason that I like Halo 1 better than 2.

I was watching the release in California on G4 yesterday. I lol'ed when I saw someone in a Master Chief suit walking around inside, pointing at people, saying "are you ready to finish the fight?!"

Sounds like it was a good release.


I got Halo 3 last night at midnight, I got lucky enough to have a relatively new Walmart by my house that not everyone and their mother knew about, so I just walked in and picked up a copy. My roommate and a couple coworkers then proceeded to beat it on Legendary in 8 hours... which for one, kinda disappointed me, considering we were all drunk, and had crap teamwork. I would've hoped it would've been harder, honestly. Later, we played Legendary with just three people though (for some reason, when we beat Act 7, it never took and gave us the achievement), and it was clear how much of a difference one person can make.

Not to mention... what the hell was going on with that story? I know that maybe I'm missing a lot cause I never got around to beating the last level of Halo 2, but honestly, I couldn't follow it for shit. Anyone else with that problem?


The Elephant is the most grossly large sized vehicle in FPS, ever. It's even bigger than the Leviathan/Ion-Cannon in Unreal Tournament 2K4. And its horn... wow...

I sorta wish now that the game's limit was 32 players, because there's plenty of chances for epic battles with the Elephants now.

I think people who don't understand why halo is fun simply haven't played it enough to understand. What makes halo fun is leaping up into a warthog, spinning out and smashing three people, leaping out with shotgun in hand, blasting someone point-blank while walking backwards up the ramp into their base and watching the radar for the guy behind you, leaping over him and then smacking him in the back, immediately spinning around and switching to pistol - zip, pap pap pap to get another, dropping down into the base and grabbing the flag - but now someone stole your vehicle, and two guys are closing in! All at once drop the flag, lose the pistol, grab the flamethrower and light the place up, taking out the two guys and the guard in the base you didn't even notice. Grab the flag, head out the back entrance and take that ghost! But now there's a tank that's none too happy. So just slowly enough to infuriate him, strafe in a circle around just ahead of his turn speed and keep blasting him till he's gone. Rush back to your base with two banshees on your tail, strafing into your base with the ghost while you leap out and score just in time.

That's why halo is fun. Shit, now I've got to go play it.

I'm not sure if you where addressing what I said earlier but I'm assuming you are. If not I guess don't pay attention to this post. Anyway, I never really said Halo wasn't fun or not a good game. I just think its over-rated. They really are very fun and very good games. Everything about them including Halo 3 screams great game. But I just the think the hype and praise is way too much. What you described in your post can also happen in games like Unreal 2004 for example. But yet Unreal 2004 doesn't get that same kind of recognition. Basically Halo is over-rated because people claim it to be the "best game ever made" or "the definition of what gaming is" or like some even go as far as saying "The best damn thing to ever grace this planet". That is just too much for me.

Anyway, sorry about this small rant guys. I know you just want to talk about the game and enjoy it so I'm sorry if I disrupted that for you guys. I just can't help expressing my opinion sometimes. Agian sorry about that.

I'm not sure if you where addressing what I said earlier but I'm assuming you are. If not I guess don't pay attention to this post. Anyway, I never really said Halo wasn't fun or not a good game. I just think its over-rated. They really are very fun and very good games. Everything about them including Halo 3 screams great game. But I just the think the hype and praise is way too much. What you described in your post can also happen in games like Unreal 2004 for example. But yet Unreal 2004 doesn't get that same kind of recognition. Basically Halo is over-rated because people claim it to be the "best game ever made" or "the definition of what gaming is" or like some even go as far as saying "The best damn thing to ever grace this planet". That is just too much for me.

Anyway, sorry about this small rant guys. I know you just want to talk about the game and enjoy it so I'm sorry if I disrupted that for you guys. I just can't help expressing my opinion sometimes. Agian sorry about that.

I hear ya.

Halo has always been a fun multiplayer experience for me, but I think it's the people that make the experience and Halo that does a good job setting it up more than anything. So even though I don't think it comes anywhere close to being the best shooter out there it's a summation of all the parts that make it fun to play and the fact that it's a more simple shooter makes gives it mass appeal and thus you get the hype which yes, makes guys like you and me bust out that inner hate that these guys just love to get worked up about. The Halo 3 Mountain Dew ads and seeing Master Chief's face plastered over every electronics flier for the past month is where things started to get pretty ridiculous.

It's not a system seller for me, but if I had a 360 I'd probably buy it just due to the fact that I have great friends to play with.


I played through Halo2 again about a week ago, and i don't remember it sucking that hard. Halo3 campaign is an improvement (at least so far) I hated it up until the 4th stage or so when things sorta kick in. I've played halo3 like 12 hours so far, mostly multiplayer and i feel like I've barely grazed the surface.


I walked into Best Buy at noon and picked one up. Plenty of copies.

This game is good :) Killing scarabs makes me feel like a badass.

My Live subscription ran out, but it still lets me play unranked matches online. That's pretty coool.

I walked into Best Buy at noon and picked one up. Plenty of copies.

This game is good :) Killing scarabs makes me feel like a badass.

My Live subscription ran out, but it still lets me play unranked matches online. That's pretty coool.


That's awesome.

Also, I swore you, like, JUST renewed a little while ago.

I beat the campaign yesterday. I was expecting a little more from the ending.

Ditto. I'm not sure i understand ANYTHING that happend but I won't go into it. The first thing i said when i beat it was "3 years for this?" The Campaign isn't bad at all (except for the atrocious Co-op AI.) but i just thought Bungie's grand vision for finishing the fight would be quite a bit different.

Apparently there's a different ending on legendary. So nevermind.

Ditto. I'm not sure i understand ANYTHING that happend but I won't go into it. The first thing i said when i beat it was "3 years for this?" The Campaign isn't bad at all (except for the atrocious Co-op AI.) but i just thought Bungie's grand vision for finishing the fight would be quite a bit different.

Apparently there's a different ending on legendary. So nevermind.

I'm right there with you.. but I beat it on legendary, and I still didn't understand a damn thing. I hadn't heard that it was a different ending. Even the multiplayer is getting old fast... I'm kinda bummed I went out and spent $60 on this game if I'm not going to play it for more than a week before getting bored.


The biggest issue I had with the series (though still relatively unimportant) is the motivation of certain characters and the lack of connection I had with some.

Master Chief himself is I guess one of the most empty main characters ever. Since he only has typical movie style one-liners and he doesn't really seem to think things over much.

In Halo 1, for some reason he figured "everything" out before I, the player did. Which made me think like "whoa, wtf, I was there the whole time. When did you come up with THAT?" And thus there is not much connection between player and character.

Since he is a cyborg, and one of many at that, he doesn't feel too unique and it's imposible to feel connected.

Even if this series was a planned trilogy though, you have to look at it as a creative proces for Bungie.

Halo 1 had very solid controls and gameplay, while Halo 2 was trying to add new things to make the experience better overall (which didn't work on all fronts, but again, it's a proces).

Halo 3 makes a lot more possible and they really wanted to get the best of the first 2 games in it. Since I'll never own Halo 3, I won't be able to tell if they succeeded though.

Overall I think I enjoy Halo 1 best, especially multi-player. Single player in Halo 2 was better in my opinion though.

Can someone tell me more about the story in Halo 3 perhaps? Don't worry about spoiling it for me, but best mark spoilers anyway for people who are still playing it and don't want it spoiled.

I'm curious how it all comes together, since some of you say it was confusing.

Also, has the dual wielding improved at all? Because that was one of the weakest aspects of Halo 2 in my opinion.

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