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There isn't much to say that hasn't been said in the Remix section of the website, but I approve of this remix deeply. The first 30 seconds or so felt very atmospheric, and the way it flows into the actual underwater theme is enough to make me replay this remix endlessly. One thing I love more than anything, however, is the way it seemingly emulates some of the original track's sounds to perfection. As said, this remix is very engaging and is one of my favorite Donkey Kong Country remixes.

Keep up the good work, Disco Dan. Hopefully you will produce more gaming remixes in the near future.


Beautiful piano..though notationally simple, it really carries the sweet, dreamy tone of the original alongside the hard driving electronica. And I love the gradual build up over the course of the song, culminating into an explosive, jam-packed soundscape. Excellent.


Man, the front page surprised me today. This was a great track and reminded me quite a bit of the style that I used to really love about the songs on this site (and that I haven't heard a lot of recently). This really brings me back, in addition to just being an atmospheric, enveloping, and generally kickass track. Great work.


Disco Dan returns!

He's one of my favorite artists, I love his general style. This song drips with his classic style, reminding me greatly of his older work. This indeed reminds me of older days of Overclocked, great stuff.


First off, love the lead. I'm usually not fond of sound effects, but you actually established what the music was referencing, then literally made it feel like I dove underwater. Very nice. There's a lot of energy here, but it's also subdued and chilled out. In light of the original theme I think that was an important aspect of the music to hold on to. I also really liked the timpani and slap sticks (I think they were slap sticks :P) in the chorus. It was a nice accent. Overall the mix does exactly what electronica should do: carries me smoothly from one variation to another, and feels like a cohesive whole. Nice work Dan, and welcome back!


When I saw Disco Dan up on the bulletin I had to check my calender to see if it was April.

First off, love the lead. I'm usually not fond of sound effects, but you actually established what the music was referencing, then literally made it feel like I dove underwater. Very nice. There's a lot of energy here, but it's also subdued and chilled out. In light of the original theme I think that was an important aspect of the music to hold on to. I also really liked the timpani and slap sticks (I think they were slap sticks :P) in the chorus. It was a nice accent. Overall the mix does exactly what electronica should do: carries me smoothly from one variation to another, and feels like a cohesive whole. Nice work Dan, and welcome back!

This guy said it best. Sound effects helped establish the feeling of the track really well.

Great work.


Great stuff. Because of the melody and mood and feel like a cover at times...but who cares the original is awesome and this pays perfect homage to it. Many simple elements used REALLY GOOD together to make an awesome song. Def agree with tweek I just kinda loose myself in the song and relax.


Absolutely amazing how Disco Dan can have such long songs that still don't get stale! The song just glides the listener through it, always presenting new and catchy sounds without making the song unfocused or all over the place. Simply stunning. 57/10!


This mix is really great. I love how you hear the ocean, almost as though you're walking along on the beach. And then you hear the splash, like you've dove right into the water. And then you go on an underwater adventure. And seven minutes later, you come up for air having had an experience unlike any other.

One of the main reasons why I love the actual DKC game soundtracks is because I can lose myself in some of the tracks. The same applies in the case of this remix, but even moreso I feel because it's longer and more involved than the actual game track.

Great work. :)


I've always been a fan of Disco Dan's style. I happen to like the original version of songs, I just don't want to always have to listen to it in its original format. Dan delivers on this front, and delivers exceptionally well. This particular mix seems to closely match the style of Dan's single Chronotrigger remix, Green Amnesia. The style fits well to Donkey Kong Country's Aquatic Ambiance. Disco Dan has returned, and this piece goes to show that he's just as good when he left. Here's to hoping he's here to stay.


I think any artist would be lying if he said he didn't care what the public thought of his works, so I won't pretend to be any different.

That being said, I can say: Wow. Thanks for the reviews! It's been a long time since I've had that slightly-inflated ego feeling!

And I'd like to respond to a few of your remarks, so I will.

the way it seemingly emulates some of the original track's sounds to perfection.

It kind of hit me while writing this, that it would make sense to build up and then drop into the original sounds, but I couldn't bring myself to just sample it, so I had to try and emulate it. I STILL couldn't quite get that synth-harp sound that they use for the bass line in the original soundtrack, but I guess it was close enough. I'm glad people notice the details!

...literally made it feel like I dove underwater...
...you hear the ocean, almost as though you're walking along on the beach. And then you hear the splash, like you've dove right into the water. And then you go on an underwater adventure. And seven minutes later, you come up for air having had an experience unlike any other.

THIS is really good to hear, because you know, when I'm working on something, if I play it back enough times, it starts to sound ok to me, even if I wasn't sure originally. So to hear that other people "got it", so to speak, makes me happy. I beamed a little bit when I read that!

very nice song, but 104 kbps makes me wish for a much higher quality version

Yeah I wasn't sure how to go about it, BUT, there is a 192kbps version here:

Donkey Kong Country Riptide OC ReMix.mp3

I kept the tags and file name the same, so I hope that doesn't add confusion. If it does... well... too bad.

Oh, and this made me laugh:

A triumphant, boner-popping return for Disco Dan!



oh ho ho ho what is this here

a new dd mix


w h a t.

yeah, I listened... long time fan here, fyi

it took you so long to release something, I was beginning to forget that you're one of the most influential artists of our little cult following here at ocremix

excellent as usual, and a trip back in time for my now-fully-grown mind



First VotL, and now Disco Dan returns! Life has truly been breathed back into OCR. And this is an amazing testament to the glory of OCR's old days. DD has made a mix on par or higher than his last mix (which if I remember was Triforce Majeure). The SFX in the beginning are brilliant, and absolutely believable. They set the mood for the seven minute suite to come. The nearly-ceaseless arpeggios in the background kept the whole piece moving, even when the rest of the track seemed to slow down and mellow out. The electronica beat and the occasional timpani were very nice details, as well. All the synths sounded great together, none really sounding out of place or overpowering the others. And the wind and waves at the end of the piece was a very satisfying resolution. This mix never once feels too short or too long or too repetitive or too anything. Awesome stuff DD, and it's very nice to see you back. Stay back this time!


Finally washed ashore after a treacherous trip at sea, Disco Dan has returned to the sands of OCR island. Needless to say, I was completely caught off guard to see a new Disco Dan remix. It's been freakin' forever since I heard something new by him.

Perhaps this may have been written with slight bias, but this remix definitely delivers. It opens and ends smoothly but with much beat and groove factor infused in the body of the work. The elegant piano works great with subtle electronic pulses and rhythms. Currently, it's a DKC favorite of mine. Even over 7 minutes long, time simply flies by when listening to this song.

Get this song and promote your local Disco Dan.

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