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I listened to a couple of his reviews which were really good but then it kind of dropped off. He's overly negative towards a lot of games that aren't Silent Hill 2, lol. IMO, was not the best in the series. Best story of the series but the other elements were lacking in comparison to SH 1,3,4.

I just realized yesterday that I can watch these at work using my cell phone. Jackpot!

Thanks for supporting flash, android! :lol:

Totally just looked for a like button after reading that. So...this is me...seconding that. Like-button-lite. Amirite?


Oh for frick's sake! Thank you for spoiling some of Heavy Rain, Yahtzee! It's not like I haven't played it, and wouldn't have loved to keep that little story nugget about it a surprise, isn't it?! For the love of cream pies, I'd better boycott the entire interwebz before you blabber off about who the Origami Killer is!!! I FRIGGEN HATE SPOILERS!!!!!! :banghead:/rage

At least this review was pretty gosh-darn hilarious. :-|

Oh for frick's sake! Thank you for spoiling some of Heavy Rain, Yahtzee! It's not like I haven't played it, and wouldn't have loved to keep that little story nugget about it a surprise, isn't it?! For the love of cream pies, I'd better boycott the entire interwebz before you blabber off about who the Origami Killer is!!! I FRIGGEN HATE SPOILERS!!!!!! :banghead:/rage

At least this review was pretty gosh-darn hilarious. :-|

Don't you know?

Nowadays you have to play the game within two weeks of its release to be a REAL gamer. And if you aren't a real gamer, you don't care about spoilers.


Not to mention that the international courts in Stockholm decided that the universal time limit for spoilers is only three months. In a vote of 7 to 2, it was decided that any significant spoilers were open to revealing to the general public due to an acceptable agreement hat by then, most people should have already seen, read, played or heard of said spoiler. Those that felt they had it ruined for them after the allotted time could not complain about it, as per section 4, subsection 1(a) of the International Spoilers Agreement of 2007.

So unless you live in or a citizen of one of the few countries that didn't sign onto and agree with the Act, you can't really complain about it. Also, your country sucks for not signing.


Firefox needs an add-on that automatically recognizes spoilers and hides them. If you click on it, then it reveals itself. If you don't then you don't see the spoilers and have cool and awesome moments in a game spoiled before you've played the game!

For pete's sake, I already knew John Marston's fate before I beat the game! That's just not cool. Spoilers, man.


Aeris dies because Sephiroth stabs her.

Prince Charming kisses Sleeping Beauty and wakes her up.

Samus Aran is actually a girl.

Lucky never gets to keep his damn Lucky Charms, the kids always get some of them in the end.

Maggie shot Mr. Burns.

And... uh... Bruce Wayne is Batman.


The entire series of "St. Elsewhere" was a fantasy constructed by Tommy Westphall's imagination, and John Goodman's character in "Rosanne" actually died at the end of season eight, with all of season nine being just a story written by the main character to deal with that.

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