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yeah, like how the budget was only $30 mill. talk about production value!

I meant how well the film was put together, and how seamlessly they transitioned from one scene to the next.

It had the appearance of one continuous shot.


I don't know if anyone noticed it, but for a split second (this flickered on the screen), I could have sworn I saw the Dharma initiative logo from LOST? Did anyone else see that? Maybe it's just me and my brother in law.

Made me a little nautious, but other than that, good movie.

I meant how well the film was put together, and how seamlessly they transitioned from one scene to the next.

It had the appearance of one continuous shot.

i know what you're saying. i was just saying that they really made the most out of the budget. 30 million isnt a whole lot of money for a blockbuster like that.


I freaking loved it.

A really awesome immersive feeling, I was gripped to the screen from the first explosion till the end.

And I dont know why so many people complain about motion sickness. Not once I felt disoriented.

Oh and I'm definitely watching it again.

  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know if anyone noticed it, but for a split second (this flickered on the screen), I could have sworn I saw the Dharma initiative logo from LOST? Did anyone else see that? Maybe it's just me and my brother in law.

Made me a little nautious, but other than that, good movie.


btw Project Blairwitch + Cloverfield= Best Movies ever!!!!!!!


I actually DID get slightly nauseous from all the movement - although it wasn't as bad as during the 3rd Bourne movie :-?

Can't wait for the rumored sequel, though.

And did anyone else think that this was somewhat close to Starcraft: The Movie? As soon as I saw the smaller aliens I thought they looked somewhat like Zerglings... two minutes later I was convinced the large momma was an Ultralisk of some sort.


I saw this yesterday and was completely taken in from the start. I felt like part of the group. The camera shaking didn't bother me at all; I actually liked how it was handled. Also, nice work to the sound department for an amazing job. Even while wearing earplugs, I could tell the audio was incredible. :nicework:


What bothered me the most was when the group is at the military triage center they seem to completely forget about Marlena and her serious condition. It would have made more sense to first get Marlena the care she needs. Instead, this scene of the movie is handled very "Hollywood-like". Marlena is absent for a minute or so while the group tries desperately to get military personnel to help them rescue Beth. Then Marlena is back on screen and by the looks of her you know she is going to die soon. How they handled it (usually) works fine in the movie world, but for this type of film it wasn't entirely believable.

Still, it was a very good movie that gave me a feeling no other movie ever has. Go see it!


Cloverfield was one of the best experiences I've ever had. Because it wasn't a movie. It's an experience.

Meanwhile, is it cool to post spoilers yet or is it still in that "It's cool but let's still not tell anyone yet" period?

This is the most accurate version of what the monster looked like, I was able to find:


I kind of figured the "leaked" design was just another component of the viral marketing campaign.

Word to those who haven't seen it yet...see it in the theater! You have to have the copious amounts of über-bass that can only be found in a movie theater. There will be no equal on the small screen.


I just saw it today and I was quite impressed. The reviews that I've read are either black or white; people loved it or they hated it.

I'm generally skeptical of anything that relies mostly on viral marketing. When I saw the first trailers, I said to myself "the only way I'm getting into a theater to see that is if someone else is buying the tickets, or if someone has a gun to my head".

Well, here I am, sans gun and six dollars poorer.

It's not a 5-star movie, but damn close. I told my friends they should definitely see it in theaters, because renting it wouldn't do it justice. I was scoffed at and reminded of their massive flatscreen and sound system rivaled only by THX Prime. Still, a more genuine experience could not be had outside the theater.

My only gripe is the end... Spoilers follows:

>> The ending could have used a recap video, maybe a leaked news clip, or maybe a stolen DOD file of some sort. Only by reading the spoilers on this page, did I remember to look for something falling from the sky during the end clip. Was "Hammerdown" a nuclear strike, or just a massive deployment of conventional bombs? There had to be more tapes. i mean, I counted at least nine people crowding around Liberty's head with cameras and camcorders. Mayhaps a montage of other video clips?

BTW, new Star Trek movie FTW. I hope it's not "Star Trek: The golden Years".<<

I kind of figured the "leaked" design was just another component of the viral marketing campaign.

Word to those who haven't seen it yet...see it in the theater! You have to have the copious amounts of über-bass that can only be found in a movie theater. There will be no equal on the small screen.

The "leaked" design was from a fan art contest, AFAIK. It was declared to be fake for quite some time. I don't think it had anything to do with the viral campaign at all.

The ending could have used a recap video, maybe a leaked news clip, or maybe a stolen DOD file of some sort. Only by reading the spoilers on this page, did I remember to look for something falling from the sky during the end clip. Was "Hammerdown" a nuclear strike, or just a massive deployment of conventional bombs? There had to be more tapes. i mean, I counted at least nine people crowding around Liberty's head with cameras and camcorders. Mayhaps a montage of other video clips?

Did you hear about the clip at the end? Taken and reversed, it clearly says, "It's still alive," in Rob's voice. I strongly doubt it was a nuclear strike or a) the monster would probably be obliterated and B) Rob wouldn't be alive to tell us the monster was.

I don't care what anybody said, this movie is gonna be one of the best this year.

I can barely under the criticism anymore. It's even beyond caring. Some of the criticisms are weird. "we don't get to see the monster enough times". "what was the government doing?". "I didn't understand the story". Duh, it's a mystery.. Mysteries are... mysterious.

And those comments, I heard from the theater after the showing.


Ok, I shat a few bricks thinking about this the other night and tell me if I'm wrong but...


The beginning of the movie starts out with Rob screwing around with the camera and Beth and stuff, yadda yadda.. Later that night at the party, Rob asks the cameraguy if he was using a new tape or was overwriting the tape that was already in there. He is clearly disappointed with the answer being the latter. As the movie progresses, there are certain parts where the movie cuts back into footage that was being overwritten. Examples include when they rewind the tape to see the monster after the statue of liberty got own'd, there's the scene where Rob and Beth are on the train. Anyways, the whole movie was an intense ride culminated with a taste of irony at the end with the last footage shows them having a great time with each other about a month before they supposedly die. Great movie, story well played out EXCEPT FOR ONE THING. If I know what I'm talking about here, this could be a major plot hole. Now again, tell me if I'm wrong.

In the very beginning of the movie, didn't it say that all this footage was recovered from "an area formerly known as Central Park?" Yes it did.

I think they also mentioned that the camera recorded it all on a digital SD Card.

I'm curious to know if anyone else has noticed this.

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