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That's why when Azel was Batman after Bruce's back was broken by Bane, Bruce got so mad. Because Azel did not have a "no kill" rule.

Azel? Pardons, but I believe you mean AzRAel. Or Az-Bats, unofficially.

Anyway, yes, sickeningly sweet ass movie! The only complaint I have is that we'll not see HeathJoker with a Harley Quinn in a future sequel. That's not the movies fault, and I know that, but still, it's disappointing.


I just saw it yesterday, and I thought it was absolutely brilliant.

I think by far the best part was the social/political comentary, and the way it addressed the issues it brought up. While tons of movies have social and political comentary, the Dark Night is unique in that it attacks both sides of the issues it brings up, rather than trying to drive home one specific side of the issue.

It shows the incredible power of hope, with two ships full of people potentially sacrificing themselves by not blowing the other up, while at the exact same time showing that even the greatest and purest of white knights can be corrupted. It pointedly shows us just how effective domestic surveillance can be at catching criminals, but just as pointedly shows us that it is unethical and immoral for anybody to have that sort of power. It presents us with a mob of treacherous street thugs who have no rules, no loyalty, not a shred of decency, yet also presents us with a ship full of convicted murderers who collectively choose to sacrifice themselves rather than blow up a ship full of civilians.

It is simultaneously hopefull and cynical, and goes to great lengths to show us both the height of human decency and the depths of dispair and treachery.

This movie is, in my opinion, a work of absolute genius.

I'd like to see a superhero movie in an established franchise where another superhero shows up and starts stepping on the toes of the established superhero.

Then shit goes down.

Huntress anyone?!?!?!?!

Only partially joking, actually. Read Huntress: Year One, the 6-issue mini that just concluded. The character would actually work quite well in Nolan & Goyer's Bat-verse.

I'd like to see a superhero movie in an established franchise where another superhero shows up and starts stepping on the toes of the established superhero.

I was thinking something similar the other day, how a lot of shows tend to have a cast of characters where each person has their defined and distinctive role or personality. But I was thinking it would be kind of interesting to stick in two characters who both fill the same "niche," and see how they interact.

Off the top of my head, the best example I could think of would be taking the original Star Trek, and having two "Captain Kirks" on the crew. Put one in a subordinate position to the other, and see what happens. Do they complement each other, do they clash, are they friends, or are they enemies?


I won't mind a Batman vs Batman movie. Some people thought that was going to happen because the early reviews talked about the imposter Batmans. Maybe a nihilistic, kill-all-criminals Batman vs the actual Bale Batman. They had a lot of similar angles in the comic book too.

Also, I'm not sure what to think about the rumor of having Angelina Jolie become Catwoman or having another Penguin in there. Maybe Nolan fashioned some aspects of the old 89 Batman movies (Joker, then Catwoman/Penguin + the come-apart Batmobile. Maybe a Batplane next, just like in 89 one?).

That said, I thought the depiction of Penguin (despite the ridiculous Penguins and the circus freaks) was as good as it probably could get and I don't think Jolie can touch the Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman. I wish Nolan tries Mr Freeze again and make him creepy or something.

Huntress anyone?!?!?!?!

Only partially joking, actually. Read Huntress: Year One, the 6-issue mini that just concluded. The character would actually work quite well in Nolan & Goyer's Bat-verse.

Hmmm, Huntress for the first 25% of the movie, throw in Catwoman at that point, and eventually Mandragora.

By the way: DeVito = Definitive Penguin.


Honestly, and I know I'm going to have random stuff thrown at me from the street for saying this, but after watching new The Batman series, and seeing how animated they've made Penguin, I daresay Jack Black could pull it off if he was hired.

But I would love to see Jim Carrey take the Riddler back.

Also, I vote Kate Beckinsale as Poison Ivy.



Fuck Jim Carrey, and fuck his take on the Riddler.

The Riddler isn't supposed to be a spastic fucktard who jumps up and down and giggles in green spandex with question marks on it. The Riddler is supposed to be an extremely intelligent (dare I say, genius), yet brutal villain.

Think TAS, but not G-Rated.


Fuck Jim Carrey, and fuck his take on the Riddler.

The Riddler isn't supposed to be a spastic fucktard who jumps up and down and giggles in green spandex with question marks on it. The Riddler is supposed to be an extremely intelligent (dare I say, genius), yet brutal villain.

Think TAS, but not G-Rated.

This is nothing but truth.

Also, no woman on Earth can possibly pull off Poison Ivy.


Fuck Jim Carrey, and fuck his take on the Riddler.

The Riddler isn't supposed to be a spastic fucktard who jumps up and down and giggles in green spandex with question marks on it. The Riddler is supposed to be an extremely intelligent (dare I say, genius), yet brutal villain.

Think TAS, but not G-Rated.

To be fair to Carrey, he did a great job with the role he was given. It's just that that role wasn't The Riddler.

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  • 2 weeks later...

but no nekofrog he only fell two stories onto his spine I mean it makes sense that he could survive and not be a cripple the rest of his life

oh wait no it fucking doesn't

but no nekofrog he only fell two stories onto his spine I mean it makes sense that he could survive and be batman the rest of his life


but no nekofrog he only fell two stories onto his spine I mean it makes sense that he could survive and be john locke in a wheelchair until he visits miracle island

also you know the internet, it never believes anything until... well it never believes anything


The whole concept of Two Face still being alive was due to the fact that, yes, in a superhero movie, people can survive bigger falls than that. In fact, I see that as a cheap way of killing him off. They might as well made him have a heart attack. But sucks that Nolan isn't on for another one, that means that they will probably make another one with a shitty director and have stupid Jolie as cat woman and be a bastardization to the storyline.

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