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Well, I know for certain that FF7 wasn't the first game to swear. Exile for the Genesis beat it by quite a few years in 1991. It has words like "Damn" and "Ass" in it. Might not be the F-bomb or whatever, but for console gaming in the early 90s, that's quite a step up.

I'm sure there were games before Exile that used at least "Damn", or "Hell".

Not sure if this was mentioned before, but...

You damn fool...


The DNF thread reminded me to bring up Duke Nukem3d as the first 3d game with 4 dimensional play areas in it. 720 degree circular levels, rooms occupying the same area in space and being bigger inside than outside...

I think DN3d was also the first FPS to start the "just go through the vent" cliche.

The DNF thread reminded me to bring up Duke Nukem3d as the first 3d game with 4 dimensional play areas in it. 720 degree circular levels, rooms occupying the same area in space and being bigger inside than outside...

Actually, Descent did it first. The level editor allowed you to place cubes (which were what each room was made out of, only they could be stretched and shaped in almost any way, and most rooms were multiple cubes bunched together) inside of other cubes, creating chambers that occupied the same space. Tricks like, if you entered a door from one side, it would go nowhere, but going through the same door the opposite way led to another room different from the first one. It was mostly used in player-made maps, but I think one of the original in-game maps had this trick in it.

Lufia 2 definitely had the limit system before any other game.

Sorry, FF6 had it first.

When you were crouching (low HP) and did a normal attack, you could do a limit break.

As in a shit ton of damage (or so I heard, only one I ever did was Terra's and she was wielding Atma Weapon, meaning a crappy 1000 damage at 15 HP)


Armored Core:

First true Mecha Non PC game.

Gran Turismo:

Broke the Tech barrier.


Open ended character Skill set.

Diablo 2:

Kill Reward Concept.

Metal Gear Solid. First Stealth Combat Action Game

Final Fantasy (dates may determine but i think it was first) Class System

FF10 First implementation of console RPG voiced characters.

Halo: Proof an FPS can actually work on a console.

Portal: Too many to list. The effects of this game will be seen for decades to come.

Civilization: first turn based conquest strategy game.

Uh, what about Metal Gear? Or was that just stealth without the combat action part.

I never played the first metal gear. I was under the assumption it was more of a bionic commando like game rather than stealth action.

Metal Gear Solid. First Stealth Combat Action Game

What about the original Metal Gear on the MSX?


I never played the first metal gear. I was under the assumption it was more of a bionic commando like game rather than stealth action.

nope, there's stealth in that one too.

FF10 First implementation of console RPG voiced characters.

Grandia 2, which came out one year before FFX, also had voice acting (not saying Grandia 2 was the first, just saying FFX wasn't).

EDIT: also a few PS1 RPGs had voice acting (Rhapsody comes to mind).

Halo: Proof an FPS can actually work on a console.

Goldeneye 64 did that one console generation earlier

One Winged Angel - The first song in a video game to have a live recorded chorus.

Phantasmagoria (1994) had chorus. A big one. But like FF7 the accompaniment was mainly synthesized.

Maybe FF8 was the first to feature an original work for live chorus AND orchestra.


Final Fantasy (dates may determine but i think it was first) Class System

I know Might and Magic predates FF by a year, but I don't know if even that is the earliest one to use a class system.


Hmm....I can't think of much in the way of firsts, but I can think of a bunch of "first" scenarios, that I don't know the answers to (For the most part, at least!). Try and find these, maybe :)

First cutscene

First fully-3D game (Was that already said?)

First idle animation (That actually goes to Sonic the Hedgehog, I think)

First graphics (Early games were text, weren't they?)

First save points

First cheat code

First easter egg (Adventure for 2600, I think? Might've already been said)

First real world in-game advertisements

First movie tie-in game

First complete-able game, with an actual ending (Ex; Pong is impossible to actually beat)

First game to sell over a million

First game to use Mode 7

First to use HDR lighting

First to use scripted scenes/events

First to include Havok physics

First to include a save game battery (Easy one; The Legend of Zelda)

First game to include a separate controller

First cooperative multiplayer

First competitive multiplayer

First game to teach you something you didn't know you wanted to know (Like Sim City....very subjective though!)

First DVD-ROM game (First one *I* had ever heard of was FreeSpace, but I don't know)

First CD-ROM game (Really not sure about that...was it Myst?)

.....bah, my head hurts, and I don't know the answer to all those, but there's lots of neat firsts out there. Really interesting thread here :)


I guess the first game to use a cutscene would be PacMan - every few levels beaten there's like a 10 sec cutscene.

First 3d game - I'd have to guess the original Battlezone game for...Atari I think.

First game with HDR - HL2 Lost Coast or, if that doesn't count, HL2 Ep. 1. Right?

I don't see why people are jumping straight to PS2 games for first games to have voiced characters when it happened in multiple PS1 games. I don't know which was the first or even if a PS1 game was the first to do it, but the first one that comes to my mind is Brave Fencer Musashi.

Pokemon Yellow was the first. Pikachu could totally talk.

I know Might and Magic predates FF by a year, but I don't know if even that is the earliest one to use a class system.

If you want that answer it's probably some text-based version of D&D.

Honestly this thread shows me how little people know about how games used to be. Not much nowadays is a first or revolutionary, it's just arguably better stuff than we've previously had.

If you want that answer it's probably some text-based version of D&D.

Honestly this thread shows me how little people know about how games used to be. Not much nowadays is a first or revolutionary, it's just arguably better stuff than we've previously had.

Do MUDs count in this argument? Are they really video games?

Do MUDs count in this argument? Are they really video games?

Even if they don't, Eye of the Beholder is a pretty old game with classes.

Final Fantasy's best claim to fame is the active time battle system.

I also remember games on the Turbo Graphix 16 or something like that that had voice acting.

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