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OCR00684 - Metal Gear "Uh Oh! The Beat Have Started to Move!"

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Metal Gear 'Uh Oh! The Beat Have Started to Move!

Absolutely stunning, is this piece of music, and I must say that my favorite part of this mix is the fact that its long enough to thoroughly enjoy. Of course it does help that its absolutely awesome, I mean, you wouldn't want to be listening to 5 minutes of torture now, would you? The only three things I can see that might be true flaws is that I hear some clipping at around 3:50 - 4:15, the low notes of the guitar tune that starts at 0:50 sounds like it's a little off, and at 1:54 an instrument counters the guitar stabs that I think could be a tad louder. It sounds a little weird having this loud guitar countered by one very quite instrument. About those guitar tunes, though, I'm no musician and I'm not here to claim that it's completely wrong. Anyways, as I said when I started writing this, it is absolutely stunning even considering its possible faults, well worth the trip. Great work Khalal, and Nintendo Guru.


i like it =)

on the contrary to what ginnsu says about 1:54, i think its a nice dynamic change. gives a nice feel, enjoyable, maybe a little surprising if u didnt expect it. i love all the 'feel' changes, changing tempo many times.

i havent heard the original song but it sounds nicely done. good work!



Woo, glad to see something from the original Metal Gear. It was one of my favorite games, and one that I had always wanted to do a mix of.

Anyways, I love the title. You can't go wrong with making fun of poorly translated dialogue.

And while I love this game, somehow I found this mix to drag on a bit. Probably because there wasn't a lot that strung the medley together other than it was all music from the same game. And the password music should've been first really. Separated, I would've chosen the outside music to be on its own with perhaps something else added.

But altogether I still liked this mix a lot. Good panning, some interesting instrument choices.


Great title to a great song of a great game. The song sounds very professional, especially the drum-beat-build-up at 1'20''. I like the flow of that. Hearing the song also made me want to go play the game at Norbert's Online NES Emulator site. It took me a while to get the title, though, as I kept dying before I ever reached the trucks. Very interesting mix, highly recommended.


Somebody was grousing about the "beeping" at the beginning of the song

and I just finally realized what they were talking about - the transceiver!!

Personally I think including it was a nice touch, a way of putting you right

in the nostalgic mood you should be when remembering old Metal Gear. I

also read someone's complaint in chat that "it sounds like NSF." That's in

fact what's so great about this remix - it really DOES sound like it belongs

in a Nintendo or Super Nintendo game. My verdict? Two thumbs up for

"Uh oh - the beat have started to move!" And I +LOVE+ the engrish! ;)

  • 2 months later...

Yeah, it's hard not to make fun of the engrish. Anyhow, this mix kicks ass. There's some great stuff going on, and the transciever noises at the begining are quite nostalgic. This mix kept me interested for the full length of it, which is outstading, considering the mix is 5+ minutes long. Download it now, if you haven't already.

  • 1 year later...

This is definitely one of the highest-quality remixes at OC. A lot of effort was obviously put into it. Every digital effect seems hand-picked. It's that rare programmed song that emulates the expression of a live performance (in style, not sound). The main theme really shines at :50. Then, at 1:23, a particular melody line is repeated with an electric guitar rhythm pattern in the background. It's those subtle touches that make this easy to listen to. My biggest compliment is the deference to the melody. Too many remixes go overboard with 1/16 techno effects and forget that they're trying to remix MUSIC. This one stays faithful to the catchy Nintendo melodies, but really modernizes them in sound and expression. That's pretty much the OC Remix mission I guess, so fans should definitely download this one.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

I looooove Metal Gear. It makes my Snake solid. No, really.

This track is a great medely of practically every Metal Gear BGM I can remember and every one of them is a keeper, except one - the last one, around 4:20. I always hated that BGM in the game and I'm now convinced that no amount of remixing can ever save it. Nice try just the same.

The rest of the track is great. Kudos on nailing the transitions between pieces, that's a serious pain in the ass to do. I especially loved the black metal-ish supercomputer organ thingie. Evil!

8/10 overall.

  • 9 months later...

this is cool. metal gear for the old nes had some great tunes and this remix gives them new life.by the way dig the cool name.i love the part at 3:26 were the boss battle part kick's in that song haunts me to this day fighting metal gear is hard and this part just add's to the already tough battle. any way love this mix and if anybody is looking for a heavy verson of the out side music check out vgremix.com and look for the song punching dog's.peace linkwolf :)

  • 7 months later...

This is really a classic remix. MG for NES wasn't really that hot but the music was really good (a good chapter in MG series music history, really; the MSX music has been redone in new games, but NES music should have been given some prominence too, being the redeeming factor of the disowned game) Egh, I'm rambling again. Sorry. Anyway, this is a great remix of good music; as a collage of the original game's tracks, it works just fine.

In the end of day, this is what I really think is a classic mix (probably because it was among the first songs I downloaded from remix.overclocked.org, just redownloaded it in hopes of getting a non-garbled version and that was what I got =) *slap* sorry, rambling again ) It hasn't really aged too badly either. Good song. Grab it. Nice title too, yeah. =)

  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

Pretty weak transitions give this a medley feel, but you really can't deny the quality of a lot of these themes.

Production is pretty muddy, but for fakey synth rock it has a decent amount of power behind it. That main theme is so good I can forgive that it's not much more than a straight up group of covers with some new drums, but no way in hiz-ell that this would make it nowadays. It almost sounds like a blueprint for that famous Virt track.

There are some cool touches, like the in-game sound effects used rhythmically at the beginning, and a few unexpected instruments (marimba?!) tucked away in the synth rockage. It hasn't aged all that well, but it's still a good listen, due to the source used.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

I love this; it's a pretty blatant medley, but it's pulled off so well, it's what a medley should sound like, not a mere pastiche of motifs slapped together with little rhyme or reason--the transitions aren't seamless, but they don't feel like they need to be.

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

Tracks 2, 4, 7, 9, and 12 are the original songs I can identify (in order). [11/24 edit: I just recently found track 8 in here, too, between 7 and 9. Funny how I missed that.] Although they aren't given much rearrangement treatment, the transitions hardly detract from the flow - every tone/tempo/etc. change instantly puts me in a new mindset while keeping the beat, energy, and variety intact. In particular, I totally dig 3:00-3:17, which puts me in mind of Castlevania (but then again, this is Konami), and 3:47-4:16, the fiercest section (IMO) that pulls no punches (the choir adds a devilishly serious aura to it).


Edited by Polo
found another source
  • 11 months later...

Sounds pretty retro. I really enjoy this because it pulls no punches, it decides what it wants to do and it does it. Whether intentional or not, the deteriorated samples exude that classic 80s synth action movie score vibe, which fits the Metal Gear universe to an absolute tee. What's really cool is that it not a brisk medley, and yet it stays quite varied despite its unremarkable samples. I wouldn't say this is a landmark in remixing by any means, but it's epic for what it is.

I had sections I liked better than others and transitions that could have made a little more sense, but that's part and parcel with these sort of long-winded medleys. I enjoy the old-school sound of this old mix, and I'm convinced that this is the ideal way to listen to Metal Gear tracks.

  • 2 years later...

Mmmm, well, I can't say this holds up quite that well compared to other older ReMixes I've heard, but it's not like it's horrible or anything like that. I probably would have loved this ten years ago, but right now, at least the transistions are done in a way that shows that this had work put into it, and I can respect that. Not a terrible ReMix at all, but not a favorite.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00684 - Metal Gear "Uh Oh! The Beat Have Started to Move!"
  • 2 years later...

While not exactly a timeless classic, it's a fun representation of where the quality level was at early on in the site's history - my younger ears enjoyed it then, as now, although I concede it sounds like it has more than a bit of the hokey 'medley'-itis listening to it now.

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