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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Bahamut

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    I forgot to mention that Rexy gave me several games on Steam from my wishlist! Super Time Force Ultra, Guacamelee! Gold Edition, and Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming Unfortunately I have been in a crazy time crunch & am currently in DC for the week (and in Orlando the next two), but I will carve out some time in January to play these games . Thanks Rexy, looking forward to the second half of the bonanza!
    3 points
  2. I received my gift from Koriantor! I got my first and only Amiibo, of the best SSB character, Zero Suit Samus! I'm levelling her up to be an unstoppable smash machine. My son James has an amiibo too, so we will have them battle it out, starting at level 1, and see who's will be the ultimate champion. Thank you Koriantor!
    2 points
  3. Reached the 100th mark today (technically, I must be around 105-110 because I reviewed a few ones without updating my sheet)! Hope I can find enough time to make it to 200! It's insane how you can miss some good music and this is a great way to discover cool stuff.
    2 points
  4. I personally love the attachment feature but I think it should have a cap on it for sure, maybe 10mb. And it should be limited to common image formats and mp3 / ogg I also like the built-in post saving for when you're thinking of posting something, leave, and come back and post it later. I don't know if I'd necessarily trust it for something big but it's cool nonetheless. The dropdown menu at the top is still showing up behind the forum frame for some reason, which makes more difference on the music and people tab than it does on the forum tab, which hasn't been too useful since changing forum versions It'd probably be functional enough as just a normal simple button Oh right, I like the automatic paragraph breaking by default now! No more pressing enter twice! It's the little productivity increases that matter most! The new forum is great, thank you and very nice work! P.S. I'd like to point out that I'm the first user to have an animated gif avatar edited again: Will there ever be a "site chat", I see a list of active users with links to their names.. makes me think site chat
    2 points
  5. Come one, come all, and do some reviews! This is the time of year when many needy mixes need extra love and attention, because it's a good month to do it! It's cold out, you are inside, now is the time to listen to some of the millions thousands of mixes that you can download for FREE and then write something about them. It can be a sentence, it can be a paragraph, it can even be a sentence AND a paragraph! GET YE TO THIS PAGE AND START REVIEWING! TRACK THE NUMBER OF REVIEWS YOU DO SOMETHING GOOD HAPPENS?! * COMPLIMENT MY REALLY PRETTY TYPOGRAPHY * There are bribes presents for people who review! There will be little signature badges for people to show off their awesomeness, and if you review MANY SONGS, there are even better presents! 50 Reviews in December: Download code for Mega Man 25th anniversary album 100 Reviews in December: add a Physical copy of Final Fantasy Random Encounter 200 Reviews in December: add a Physical copy of Final Fantasy VI Balance and Ruin OR Final Fantasy VII Voices of the Lifestream 500 Reviews in December: I will come to your house and act like your dog. I could be your dog! Helpful Review Forum Links: ReMixes with the Least Number of Reviews ReMixes that Haven't Been Reviewed in a Long Time
    1 point
  6. I started a few days ago on a remix of . I decided to go a bit on the more atmospheric side of things. The remix borrows heavily from the source but I found that stretching out the main chords while maintaining the original timing of other instruments makes for an almost totally different feel to the piece. I've still got a lot of work to do and I'm only on my second revision to the track right now. Listen or download rev 2 Listen or download rev 3 Listen or download rev 4 Listen or download rev 7 Listen or download rev 8 Some things I know I need to work on already: - The percussion is pretty minimal and I need to put some more variation in there; i.e. a few more individual elements and change up the patterns. *Something I noticed about the bass as well is that keeping these fairly minimal and the same adds a certain hypnotic quality I feel* **Some slight changes here mainly for accenting certain points in the first half** - The bass while I mostly like still needs work. Right now it is Synthmaster Player but I really want to change it to something else, but that is going to necessitate building a new sound from scratch. Just not something I'm in the mood for currently. Additionally, I really need to vary the pattern a bit more. *Changed the sound up, but haven't changed the pattern. It seems kind of hypnotic keeping it the same throughout the track* **Again some slight accenting, but primarily adding some more movement as it were in the second half of the track** - The main pads while exactly what I want I almost feel there is something else missing. Haven't figured out what yet. Thinking some pumping synth strings at certain times would be a great addition. Possibly a full on arp to add more texture. Have experimented, but nothing I've tried I really like. - I realize there is distortion at a few points. Haven't figured out what it is and probably has more to do with the individual instruments. - Mix has a billion issues, but it will change quite dramatically before I'm fully done with this. Any suggestions on things to try to make it an interesting listen would be appreciated. - The breakdown I want to make it more unsettling, but haven't decided on how yet. Really need to ramp up the volume of that section as it goes on though. *Did some changes here and feel pretty good about it now* So, yeah still long ways to go, but definitely turning out to something interesting yet. Let me know what you think.
    1 point
  7. Rarh. XD I am playing catch up now! And check out the album review threads as well: there are 4 without comments! I may review the Doom albums before the end of the month, if I can. They're great! ^w^
    1 point
  8. Well I mean, leaving all the technical solutions aside, being able to figure out the key of something is a pretty baseline skill you ought to have as a composer/arranger. Like when you listen to a song, can you tell if it's in a major or minor key? Can you figure out the tonic by listening to it? It also helps if you start thinking of melodies and chords not in terms of actual notes, but of scale degrees. So let's say you have this chord progression: C major, A minor, F major, G major. Think of it instead as I, vi, IV, V (1, 6, 4, 5) in the key of C Major. Let's say you have a melody, like the main title theme from Star Wars. That's in Bb Major: Bb, F, Eb D C Bb, F, Eb D C, Bb, F, Eb D Eb C Instead, think of it in terms of where the notes are in the Bb Major scale. Bb is the tonic/root, or 1; F is the dominant, or 5; the other Bb when the melody goes up is the octave so let's say for the sake of this example it's 1+. 1, 5, 4 3 2 1+, 5, 4 3 2 1+, 5, 4 3 4 2 Now that you're thinking of it in terms of scale degrees instead of actual notes, it becomes easier to think about the song in different keys. You're getting into your own head if you think about certain keys as "harder" or "crazier" than others as a composer/arranger. Keys are all relative, and they're only really "harder" if you're an instrumentalist who has some difficulties playing in certain keys because of the physicality required. Next time you listen to a song, like for Castlevania or whatever, sit down and figure out the key just by listening. Find figure out if it's major or minor (if it's CV it's probably minor). Then find the tonic/root. There you are. That's the key.
    1 point
  9. I also got you some Riot Points! PMed the redemption code. Merry Christmas!
    1 point
  10. just got my gift. jen/jade sent me all the DLC for Rocket League, and a copy of Planet Explorers! i am super excited for both =) planet explorers is also a cool one, an early access game that combines the blocky building elements of minecraft and cube world, the big dinosaurs of games like Ark and Turok, and an over-the-shoulder FPS view similar to most of the valve games. i played a little of it a while ago and always wanted to try it now that it's getting farther along. thanks so much!
    1 point
  11. I deeply regret responding to Strader's post now.
    1 point
  12. Right, but it's their editor, so if I complain to them, about their editor, something they are designing as their product, it's more effective than complaining here on OCR about someone else's editor.
    1 point
  13. He's trolling. No one's that stupid.
    1 point
  14. At this point I'm genuinely unsure of whether you're trolling or not. But it amuses me either way.
    1 point
  15. I hope you don't mind me asking, but why hasn't this already been sent to eval? As far as I know, they don't need the finished site to begin evaluating the music
    1 point
  16. Nah man, why would japanese people know how to speak english
    1 point
  17. That was actually a bad memory believeitornot. Because it didn't sound good and wasn't loud enough. You'll have to visit sometime on a good day. We can sit by the fire pit and spit fire.
    1 point
  18. A very nice pop arrangement, which is different from what Tim usually does. The percussion is cool, I liked the hi-hats with delay. The staccato strings were also a nice addition. I enjoyed it, it's that simple!
    1 point
  19. It was very smart of them to make the tempo of this track their own, as it really brings out the feeling of being part of an incredible challenge. An incredible metal cover of an NES RPG battle theme that does a successful job telling the story of a battle, rather than just converting the original into a metal as is, and calling it a day.
    1 point
  20. @djpretzel The "post your own..." issue is fixed on my side! I can also confirm for the fix on clicking on the "evaluated" link to see the Judges' decisions on mixposts.
    1 point
  21. The first error, with regards to the judges decisions not working, was 1S160/2 The second error I'm seeing, when I try and click on the PDF file i'm trying to view, is 2C171/1
    1 point
  22. Kat

    Fallout 4

    I'd recommend it just to see the consequences (or lack thereof) of joining the side that's usually portrayed as evil in FO4. It was actually pretty satisfying, seeing the long term results and what happens at the conclusion of the story. I'm not sure if I'd do it again - partially because there were some dire implications, but mostly because I already know what happens and would want to see what else could have happened instead. I'd go a bit more in depth and be less vague about it, but without knowing how far along the main story you are there are far too many potential spoilers.
    1 point
  23. I keep getting this when I click on Judge's Decision from a song Hell's bells, the link to the pdf isn't working, The error code on the PDF, of the screenshot I took is 1S160/2. Screen Shot 2015-12-13 at 8.09.25 PM.pdf
    1 point
  24. Timaeus222, I got that you were simplifying, but when the way you simplified it doesn't make any sense because it doesn't have anything to do with that. In general the knee of compressor can really be thought of like a car accelerating. You start at zero and then reach your desired speed. The ratio starts off at 1:1 and then gradually ramps up whatever you specified for the ratio. Also, I wasn't saying you're were calling compression evil. It just seems that a lot of folks view compression as an evil thing, and that makes a lot of people hesitant to use it. I wasn't talking about you and the overcompression issue you pointed out (which I do agree on) or anyone else for that matter. It was merely a comment to try and encourage the use of compression in a responsible manner
    1 point
  25. Gatts

    One Punch Man

    The live action version of One Punch Man aired last night on UFC 194. http://i.imgur.com/PUCqmgb.gif
    1 point
  26. Whenever I go to a mixpost page and click "post your own..." to write a review (at least on the latest two mixes, if not more), I get Error code 2S100/6. So, while we can still review, it tends to require clicking "complete thread" and then making a review via the reply box there. Also, when I click "complete thread" from the mixpost page, there is no link to return to the "ReMix Details page" as there had been before. The mascots disappear if the browser window width is below about... 1200px or something. But that's part of the integration with smart devices, I think. If you further shrink the browser window width, you should see a dynamic change in the layout. It's due to the CSS defining specific display options (display: none; or display: visible;) on various objects depending on the window width parameters. It probably looks something like this: @media (min-width: XXXpx) and (max-width: YYYpx) { tag.class { [...] display: none; } } @media (min-width: IIIpx) and (max-width: JJJpx) { tag.class { [...] display: visible/inline/etc; } } Thirdly, I take your z-index fix of the menu... and raise you another z-index issue! The userbar goes beneath the backdrop on the OCR title graphics (~/images/template/header_alt.jpg). I'm still testing on the latest version of Firefox, and though I'm on a MAC OSX, I'd expect the same issue at home on my Windows 7 Pro too.
    1 point
  27. Damn, dude, this is an exceptionally awesome! It's really amazing that you managed to create such a complicated mix in just 3 days! Definitely one of my personal highlights of DR Very tight stuff!
    1 point
  28. Email notifications for thread replies are FORCED ON. This is not good.
    1 point
  29. Oooh, I'm really diggin' the layout CSS changing with the browser window size.
    1 point
  30. 3 days... Christ. I agree that there is a lot going on here, lots of great cross-genre stuff and glitching to boot. Yeah, it's a shorter mix, but still. 3 days. Even without that, nice work.
    1 point
  31. Going out on a whim here but, Getting the most posted remixes in the history of the site? ...or deliberately screaming in my ear at MAG?
    1 point
  32. Just shipped mine through Amazon. Had something in mind I would have liked to include, but it would have been too awesome! (...or it would have put me past my budget ) There's a digital code to send your way too, so message me when you get the package and I'll reply with the second half!
    1 point
  33. Thanks to the tireless reviews you guys are doing, every mix on the site has at least 1 review! Excellent work! You are all one step closer to having me be your very own dog!
    1 point
  34. So yeah, this is actually "Masters of the Universe" from the band Juno Reactor. I just made the whole thing about "Rajesh Hattiangdi" up to see if I could get anyone. Poor bgc.
    1 point
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