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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2015 in all areas

  1. I liked it, it had a nice vibe! You had a nice bass line going there, next time maybe try adding just a little bit more mid range sounds to it and it would be perfect. Also, this is just personal preference, but the lead you used for the main melody was ok, but the way you did the stab effect was slightly distracting. But that's just me, I can easily see why others would like that sound. Overall though, great remix! The kick drum was very well mixed, and I really loved that bit starting at 1:23.
    1 point
  2. Oh no, everyone's ID changed? That means I've submitted remixes with the wrong ID in the email.
    1 point
  3. I started something for this, I just hope I can set some time apart from gaming to finish it.
    1 point
  4. Oh man is this track so good. I loved how the vibe of Eastern music blends so well with the electronic music you’ve produced. This track strikes me as something that could be used as a battle theme, or the theme of a fast paced action level. I didn’t even realize how short this track is, as I enjoyed it so much to make me lose track of time.
    1 point
  5. If you’re a fan of the Pokemon X/Y soundtrack (especially this battle theme, which might be my second favorite from the soundtrack), I would highly encourage that you download this. Incredible arrangement. I absolutely loved 1:20 – 2:05, as it sounded like it was retelling the moment one of those three legendary Pokemon is gearing up for a powerful attack, launching it, and then just standing there waiting for you to do something about it, but you can’t cause you’re too intimidated. And when the track slowed down a little, and then picked right up near the end. Flawless work all around.
    1 point
  6. I finished writing review 200 on Word last night. Will PM you once they're all actually posted here
    1 point
  7. Neat remix, very intense -- Tim knows how to create realistic guitar sounds with Shreddage (something I hope to master someday lol!) Some cool synth choices, especially during the creepy breakdown in the middle. As always, solid production and a crazy soundscape. I won't tire from Tim's mixes!
    1 point
  8. select count(*) from forums_posts where author_id = 935 This returns 5332, which is one off... I'm guessing that the 23K number was potentially based on posts contributed to myriad off-topic and older threads that were pruned back in the vBulletin days. vBulletin would have kept the count intact post-pruning, but IPS seems to have rebuilt it... at least, that's a potential explanation. Odd then that it didn't rebuild back when we originally converted to IPB 3.4.7, and instead the reset seems to have been triggered by IPS4... At least, that's the best I can come up with... your current content count DOES match up with what's still in the database, i.e. on the site... it's hard to imagine that 18K posts of yours have been pruned over the years, but if they were plentiful and in some of the threads that have gone bye-bye... does it sound plausible/possible?
    1 point
  9. Bandcamp is great. Loudr is great, especially since you can use their service to sell on iTunes, Spotify, etc., as well. Why not use them both? It's not like you're paying anything extra, and you'll theoretically get your music in front of more ears that way. 'Course, you have to be good for anyone to care, but hey, that'll happen with enough practice and luck.
    1 point
  10. I have to give Lucas credit for trying something different. As fun as Ep 7 was, the prequels take more risks and are more innovative. Unfortunately, they also show you that that doesn't equate to good movies. The problems go well beyond acting (which, btw, I blame completely on Lucas, since Portman and McGregor have been excellent in other movies). The prequels have been analyzed to death, so I'll keep my opinion short. Even though I can see glimpses of a great story in Ep 1-3, it's told so ineptly as to render it worthless. I often give the same criticism to subs on OCR: the execution does not sell the ideas. I'd even say the more different and out-there the movie, the stronger the execution has to be in order to sell it.
    1 point
  11. Fixed PW issue by removing that old sig image, and corrected songs (will be fixed on site the next time it syncs with the database), though when Pixel first released names for the tracks, the corrupted English was there.
    1 point
  12. One thing I've never really understood, especially after re-watching the entire saga before watching The Force Awakens, is the general apathy towards the prequels, and, even more perplexing because I thought it was part of the sacred cow original trilogy, Return of The Jedi. I'm sure there has to be some actual reasons other than Jar Jar Binks and ewoks, but I can't really see 'em. I've heard people railing on the acting (in the case of the prequels), which seems legitimate, but then, I was more interested in the overarching story than anything else I guess. I mean, I greatly enjoyed The Force Awakens despite my problems, but the prequels had a lot more balls than Episode VII by far. In the case of RoTJ, it seems like everyone just saw the "It's A Trap" episode of Family Guy and decided it was cool to hate on it or something. I don't remember ever seeing that much apathy towards it.
    1 point
  13. @Brandon Strader, @timaeus222 I'm pretty sure the renumbering happened with the original change from vBulletin 3.X to IPB 3.X and not with this recent upgrade to IPS4...
    1 point
  14. At the start of the fight between Kylo Ren and Rey, I thought for a moment that Rey was accidentally holding her lightsaber upside-down as she activated it, and I was like . I like how Kylo Ren's lightsaber is slightly more flamey-looking with a less cleanly defined edge than normal lightsabers. Really nice visual touch.
    1 point
  15. The piano doesn't sound as full as it should, there's a lack of low end to it, or it sounds more distant compared to the woodwind. The woodwind seems to be way more (4:00~ ouch!) in front compared to the piano a lot of the time, where this piece feels like it should be more of a duet, having both instruments in front or playing leads. 30 seconds of silence at the end can be cut too. 5 minutes seem too long as well. The parts where you kinda just go off in a random tangent feel unnecessary, like someone is saying goodbye and is about to leave, but then they forget one thing, then they start talking to someone, and they keep saying they're going to go but it's been 20 minutes now. Simplifying and shortening would make the overall piece stand out better.
    1 point
  16. I also wanted to mention how much I enjoyed how cocky Poe Dameron was regarding his piloting skill, and that it wasn't just mindless boasting. He was able to back it up. And we should've known Finn wasn't cut out to be a Stormtrooper. I mean he can actually hit things when he shoots!
    1 point
  17. Hoping to get back into PRC in 2016. Maybe this round. Oh, and Bundeslang always deserves a Bonus Point.
    1 point
  18. if you have reached a prize milestone, just let me know via PM at the end of the month; I can do a quick database verification and then give you all gold stars. I think then we can either have some sort of amazon voucher or something, or we just get your address and mail the prizes out
    1 point
  19. i loved it. i thought kylo's performance was stellar - he's not some implacable foe (which we didn't need more of), he's this deeply conflicted dude who is not necessarily the strongest of jedi, or even the strongest dude. i mean, look at him, he looks like he should be cashiering at a discount shoe store, and he's trying to live up to this galactic badass. his acting was fantastic, if you recognize that being awkward and difficult to get along with and riding the struggle bus emotionally is good acting (in this case, it totally was). i love the concept of finn's character, as well as rey. i like that there wasn't one major character who realizes that they're going to save the galaxy and becomes awesome just in time to suck in the sequel. finn's groundwork is set for him to eventually be a hero, but they didn't need to make him blossom in this film, and that'll make it better when he eventually does. and rey's just phenomenal. great acting, great character, great job fitting the role and the actress, etc. i don't think it's strange at all that she was able to pick up concepts of the force quickly (it's not like they had her creating a lightsaber from scratch, the concept of imprinting your will on someone else is something everyone wishes for and 'practices' from young childhood), or that she was good at dueling since she had the stick and was obviously trained at it. once she remembered to draw from the force - which, according to ep 5, comes as naturally as breathing to someone who has the potential - her actions were fluid, defined, and not desperate at all. conceptually difficult to render on a screen but i'm sure that a well-written book would be able to make that be clearer without assistance. someone else mentioned how lived-in the world felt. i think that's a great way of putting where the initial series succeeded and the prequels failed. they were so sterile, and here it was much more realistic that the areas had existed for a long time. i loved it. i want to watch several more of it. i wish my thread (which started on thursday night!) was the main star wars thread though
    1 point
  20. yeah it's totally disappointing that they didn't waste time explaining this totally mundane thing for needlessly fastidious people, what a bad movie, ugh
    1 point
  21. It was because he embraced the Force (though unlike Rey in her duel with Ren, he tapped into the Dark Side, which is what the Emperor wanted). Obi-Wan explains in A New Hope that you have to let the Force guide you - the overwrought fencing of the Jedi in the prequels is meant to demonstrate how out of touch with the Force they really are. Note the following; how of the four Sith in the prequels, Maul fights in a very acrobatic but very direct way (nothing he does is without purpose), Tyranus and Sidious straight-up fence, and only Vader relies on exceedingly acrobatic and flashy fighting (remember that one scene in Vader's duel with Obi-Wan where they're literally just spinning lightsabers around for no reason? There's a reason for that). how the only time any Sith in the prequels lose a fight, it's because a Jedi gave into rage or hatred or fear - Obi-Wan overcomes Darth Maul in a rage after he kills Qui-Gon, Anakin kills Darth Maul after Palpatine insists that he do so, Sidious loses to Mace Windu because Windu fully intends to kill him, and Vader loses to Obi-Wan because of Obi-Wan's rage and despair over what Vader's done. how Grievous is capable of fighting with lightsabers (exceedingly well, if you watch Clone Wars) despite having no Force powers, and Obi-Wan only manages to defeat him by shooting him to death. Luke doesn't become a full-fledged Jedi and then fight Vader - he becomes a full Jedi, and the first true one in decades, after he decides that life is sacred and refuses to kill his Vader or the Emperor. The prequels make it clear that the Jedi ideals are corrupt - even the sequels, so far, understand this.
    1 point
  22. (Haha, my mind read the title of this song as "Frosty Bitches," omg that's hilarious.) This is great! The saxes are mixed too dry and upfront, but I'll live. Guitars sound great. Accordion! Nice performances all the way around. What a fun idea to arrange this source like this. I agree it's a great holiday mixpost, you even outro'd with some fa la la la la.... LA LA, LA, LAAAA
    1 point
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