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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2016 in all areas

  1. What can I say.. David Bowie was a legend and shaped so much of what music has become today, in so many different genres. I count him among my influences. It is sad to lose such a, still active and amazing, musician... not to mention great actor. Labyrinth is a classic.
    3 points
  2. I think you should rename this competition to "CASTLEMANIA!!"
    2 points
  3. I'll admit that I wasn't really a fan, but I respect the influence he had on so many musicians across a wide range of genres all the same. RIP, Ziggy Stardust.
    2 points
  4. Not a "real" update, but my track currently is on the panel, I'll rework it if it gets rejected.
    2 points
  5. I'm heading to the MAG!!! I'm super stoked to get to meet everyone in person, so you can bump me off that Sub-tier out front! A Big Thank You To VinnyMac For making it possible for me to go to MAGfest. Truly, he is the Patron Saint of Video Game Remixers! I'm really looking forward to meeting all you amazing avatars in person (if I haven't already met you) P.s. If you see me, why not say Hi? I'll be the one wearing the Video Game Themed or Anime Themed article of clothing...........
    2 points
  6. I'm gonna be performing at MAGfest with my group V-Jams. I wanted to do this ever since I found out about MAG on #ocremix, so. woohoo! I know how MAG gets crazy with all the things to do and peeps to see, but I hope y'all have time to swing by and see us play, cause it's gonna be fun. http://magfest.org/magfest-2016-cabaret
    2 points
  7. So. Much. Yes. Also this.
    1 point
  8. YES! Then we can all do WWE-style promo's before each round to psych-out our opponents!
    1 point
  9. JJT

    David Bowie dead at 69

    i can't deal with this.
    1 point
  10. Bowie has always been one of my biggest musical inspirations. I saw Labyrinth as a kid and immediately dived into all of his stuff. Sadly, I never got to see him live.
    1 point
  11. I like a lot of music and musicians. But it's always been Bowie for me. Brilliant mind. And yet I'm not sad that he's died. I'm thankful that he lived. All I can think of is the wonder and happiness he gave me, and am pleased he left his mark. Maybe It hasn't sunk in yet, but it would be selfish of me to ask for more than he's given. Rest in peace David x
    1 point
  12. ^Sounds good. I only tried FL for a day, but does the step sequencer convert to MIDI clips/blocks at some point? So you can take one measure and add a fill or something without making a whole new pattern. I'm coming from basically a traditional composing workflow (in Guitar Pro though...) so I'd rather manually copy-paste things and be able to edit them individually than draw patterns. I guess just putting audio samples on the timeline is a possibility, haven't done that since I used Acidpro 5... I sorta got in the mindset that it was wrong, after using Superior Drummer. I guess with a track folder it wouldn't be too bad.
    1 point
  13. DrumUltimA


    Oooh! I should post my new remix here too! This is "Another Medium"
    1 point
  14. Oh man, is anyone doing the DD2 title screen (the revenge)? If not, I want to give it a shot.
    1 point
  15. I'm not really sure of the protocol with comments and responses, since this is all fresh for me. @nitrozsz First, your guess is as good as mine regarding the emotional shifts/representation in the track. Normally I'd be very conscious of those kinds of things, but I was in a bit of a fog doing this one. It's certainly clearer in retrospect for me, and I can't say you're far off in your estimations. It's all storytelling, and finding your own narrative is part of the adventure. Second, everything you pointed out as nitpicks were all issues I had with it as well. The choir synth was my backup because the other was on the fritz for whatever reason. The mixing of the drums bothered me then, and still does. I'm just really revisiting the track now, since I hadn't thought about it for a long time, and there are a bundle of things I take issue with. But the structure and sort of emotional core/pacing of the piece hold up, so I'm pretty satisfied with that. The Jeremy Soule comparison is interesting, and certainly flattering. I saw that one of the judges - @Chimpazilla - ask if the piano section you also mentioned was referential to Midna's Lament. While it clearly does not utilize the piece melodically, it was certainly intended as an evocation of the way that theme breathes, to further transition the track as it builds towards a release (when the drums come in). Finally, thank you for the criticism, as well as the praise. It's very cool, indeed, to have thoughtful considerations of something you create.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Session musicians are fine. DarkeSword's logic makes sense: having access to a musician is like having a sample library.
    1 point
  18. This sounds like something Chris Hülsbeck would have made. The fact that Chris is in the file name also lends credence to this. He was involved with developing audio compression technology for the GBA which was licensed out to various developers.
    1 point
  19. Well all right! Haven't seen you since... ...2004? 2005? Ten years!
    1 point
  20. two weeks AND its castlevania? this one is gonna be great!
    1 point
  21. I'm also in the retro branch, but I don't see any participant called 'Woe' in there
    1 point
  22. Wow, my bracket is stacked with classic themes and a pretty good obscure gem. I'm hyped to do some musics! Woe be to my first opponent!
    1 point
  23. Right from the start you establish a great pastoral vibe with the original piano writing and the extremely clever galloping percussion. The mood is strong but I feel like the execution is falling a bit short in some areas. The piano sample sounds ever-so-slightly thin and stiffly-sequenced when it's exposed in the intro, but it works a lot better as a backing instrument. The soundscape feels rather barren for most of the mix - not to say you HAVE to fill it out with sfx like Kristina is suggesting, but I do think that would help! The big issue for me is the very straightforward instrumentation during the middle of the mix, coupled with some unrealistic sequencing. I hate to be blunt, but everything from :38-1:42 is just so straightforward. I appreciate the slow, dynamic build you've got going, but the first few verses are so basic that it leaves me wanting more, and simultaneously highlights some of the unrealistic sequencing issues that Chimpazilla touched on. Conversely, everything from 2:44 to the end of the song is just splendid, and provides a really gorgeous climax that shows your true potential as an arranger. The soundscape is full and the arrangement really feels like it hits its stride. I can't say enough good things about that last section! The rest of the track just doesn't seem to be living up to that level of quality and I think you could take another pass at the first 2 and a half minutes of the track, improving the sequencing and also adding more "ear-candy" to bring those parts up to par. Tough call, you do have a lovely track here but I think there's enough room for improvement that I feel comfortable sending this one back for revisions. NO (resubmit please!)
    1 point
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