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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2016 in all areas

  1. No drama necessary... @Meteo Xavier, the website is usually one of the last assets to finalize, and doesn't take that long ASSUMING all the other assets - music, copy, and especially art - exist. We've got a pretty functional & flexible template that I've gotten pretty good at populating & personalizing so that it doesn't feel particularly cookie-cutter, but there would have been no point in attempting to implement that template prior to the other assets being final or VERY close to final. Examples of the same template, customized for different projects: http://ff9.ocremix.org/ http://cartography.ocremix.org/ http://shellshocked.ocremix.org/ http://sevensongs.ocremix.org/ http://plumber.ocremix.org/ If you can send me (admin@ocremix.org) what you got, along with all the art, I can 110% take this over, I will *of course* run the final version by project management (as I always do), and it should theoretically be a weight off your shoulders and one less thing to worry about. SOMETIMES during the course of site development a need for additional artwork might arise, and that's the worst case scenario in terms of (usually minor) delays, so the sooner the better Sound good? I apologize if this suggestion is coming later than you would have liked, but I still feel like it will be the most expedient option and the option that will lead to a website that best reflects the quality of the music - from what I've heard, sounds fantastic.
    3 points
  2. I think another thing is people put too much weight on the term "director". I even see that happening now outside of OCR with other albums. I mean I get it, you're coordinating this thing, you like it, organizing art, gaining remixers and songs.. how much direction is really going on? Here's when I would call it directing.. when you're personally working with a remixer to redo a song 7 times because the pacing isn't quite right, or the atmosphere is a little off. When you specifically tell an artist what to make, and in what style, and throw it back at them a few times for specific revisions. Replacing people when something doesn't come out exactly how you want it. And I think The Shining is kind of a shitty movie personally, but you can't deny that is directing. I really wish people would move more towards the term "coordinator" because the way I see it, that's really what this is. You're coordinating a bunch of artists (both musical and visual) to create art in their own way, maybe with a small bit of instruction, but mostly letting them do what they do best and accepting that to be what is the eventual product. I'd like to use the recent Satoru Iwata album as an example. The artist just showed up in the thread and people were like "Yeah let him do it!" Then he did basically what he wanted for the cover. People as a community had some suggestions, but ultimately it was his thing what he did. The music had a lot less community involvement. At least for me, I made a song, and I sent in a WAV. That was the extent of our business relationship. I don't know, I don't guess this is really relevant to what is happening in the thread right now, but I find it interesting. It'd honestly be cool if Mirby reconsidered, and shot for an OCRA release with this, because it's possible to do that. Though if time is a concern, it is what it is. What I could say though is that in the off chance this actually did land on my desk, I'd have to evaluate what's already been done and who is involved, and possibly make changes to shoot for that OCRA release.
    2 points
  3. I figure directing an album isn't much different from directing a game or a project at work, so yeah, been there, done that. My main concerns are the time to keep people engaged and not having to chase people in my hobby time since my day job consists out of directing already Anyway, glad to see some activity and a volunteer for director. Now all we need is for Mirby to sign it off and we can get going again
    2 points
  4. What's really interesting is that the idea to master the whole album was shot down by G-Mixer because he didn't want anyone messing with his limiter It's a great album anyway.
    2 points
  5. I think you confused OCRI and OCRA
    1 point
  6. I'm not much of a rap/hip hop fan (except ERB) but I absolutely love Kingdom Hearts. I think you're remix is actually very good (your lyrics are cool, your flow is sweet, and the changes to "Dearly Beloved" itself were subtle but effective) and think you should try submitting this one (we need more KH remixes here).
    1 point
  7. Directing isn't has hard as people make it out to be. It's basically what I do anyway, which is sit at work all day and bother people on Facebook the hard part is getting people off their tractors and actually making their songs
    1 point
  8. Good remarks, Brandon. I still hope my track gets a high rank (for once lol), but will still post it on Workshop to improve its general quality. Then, to the panel!!
    1 point
  9. That'd be great! I love the concept. I've moved my Legend of Dragoon track over to the PSX album, but I would gladly do another track for this one.
    1 point
  10. The results are coming out today after the main concerts! Don't be discouraged by your placement.. that's the main piece of advice I can give anyone. Because for one thing most of my entries end up becoming DPs on OCR, or at least they pass. Not a gloat. I'm just telling YOU as an artist, not to put that much value into your numerical placement. The DoD crowd wants a specific type of straightforward metal, and the in-person votes during MAG are worth more than online votes, and most of the people are drunk and being goofy instead of taking it seriously. The in-person votes are worth more because (1) there's more of them usually, and (2) they're much more unfairly cast. Many 0s, many max scores. It's like Amazon reviews. It's not valuable to you as an artist. Not even scratching the surface of debate on production or arrangement quality, it's less important on DoD than it is at OCR. That's just a fact, and you will see examples of that when the results come out. No disrespect, I mean it has caused me to not enter DoD quite so often, because the feedback isn't quite as valuable as it should be. But you can still use feedback you get from there if it seems reasonable. But the fact that you have to question whether it is reasonable makes it less valuable. On OCR you will get valuable feedback. Sorry if I offended anyone.
    1 point
  11. Apparently there are some who want this album to continue. I may not be able to continue as full director, so is there anyone who'd like to take the reins?
    1 point
  12. Actually, MAG is that one weekend a year where music and game hybrid-nerds get crammed into a small space and any social awkwardness encountered is immediately forgiven. i'll admit tho AMAG sounds tempting....sorta.
    1 point
  13. Damn it Meteo nobody gives a damn about how fancy the website is. It'll look better and be more functional if DJP does it. And I'd really prefer my music not sit for 10 years, over 5 years is already more than enough. Out of respect for the music and the artists, just let djp handle the site, which generally speaking he said he can do. Do you realize what you're even suggesting with this Wordpress template stuff? What you're asking is for OCR to set up the configs, create a SQL database and install all that shit just for ONE album. The site doesn't need perpetual updates. They don't need to publish A BLOG for this album's website. AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE CONTENT DONE YET FOR THE SITE. THE ONLY THING YOU NEEDED TO DO. I'm leaving before I get mad
    1 point
  14. You'd better go next year, gotta play late night Tekken with me!
    1 point
  15. You're more than welcome at the Anti-MAGfest. It's going really great. I'm actually making a short list of themes and events present at the show: Personal couch, personal recliner, etc (varies by person) Easy-access beverages, water cooler (again varies by person) Special musical guest my cat No crippling anxiety No armpit stench for 3 damn days from people who don't know how to bathe Quality time with the person you look up to (yourself) The only drama is that which is on our over-sized TVs, which we also get to ourselves Easily drive out to get party food or drink, gas is $1.63 a gallon, lowest it's ever been here All the phonies, sycophants, and assholes are not allowed at your party, unless you are that People don't judge you when you want to get away from their noisy ass, because nobody's there All in all it's pretty ok Oh yeah, I forgot to add, saving roughly $1,000. That's good stuff.
    1 point
  16. This was a pretty decent and fun track that neither feels too energetic or too relaxing, thus creating a track perfect for both occasions. I love that this could sound so simple and upbeat even with the beat dropping wub wub in the background. The kind of balancing for this upbeat track is so exquisite, it can be blasted through the speakers at a jam of sorts, or it can flow through the headphones as chill music on your down time.
    1 point
  17. I miss when the average post on this site wasn't from an egomaniac looking to stroke their e-dick. Hey, Maestro. You should ask your counselor about how you can politely correct people without sounding like a complete asshole 20 year old who speaks like he has 35 years experience. Advice is cheap - you can take it or leave it. Nobody should be ultimately relying on posts by hobbyists on a random internet forum for professional music advice anyway. In that thread about YoungProdigy's FL Studio problems you talked about things that are "bad form" in public settings. Apparently, you don't consider going on a profanity-laden tirade against someone who made a post you don't like on the internet to be "bad form". We get it, you think you're hot-shit because you intern or whatever for Impact Soundworks. Why a software company would want to have someone with your attitude representing them is a mystery, but why don't you put all your knowledge to use and write an all-encompassing guide so that you can at least spare us your patronizing posts. Jesus Christ...it was Dan Reynolds who was talking about the CALM act, which is a U.S. regulation about the volume of commericials in broadasting if you're going to make a long post like this throwing around terminology for the sake of pseudo-intellectualism irrelevant to the topic at hand, at least read and properly quote people. Why is anyone even talking about this? Strader's post is talking about increasing loudness while limiting the output in music production. No guide I have seen anywhere else on the internet talks about the difference between dBTP or dBFS, whittaker-shannon interpolation and certainly not the CALM act because it is irrelevant information to most people looking to use a limiter on their music. IF YOU DON'T LIKE BRANDON'S POST, TRY THIS: 1) Ignore it. 2) Politely correct him or add to/build off of his post 3) Say, "Thank you for sharing this with us Brandon. I hope it helps someone out there!" I don't even give a shit if I get banned for mini-modding at this point. This site used to be the best around for useful advice and feedback and it felt like everyone worked as a team to help each other but guys like you are degrading it into holier-than-thou pissing-matches that don't help anyone and no one else seems to have the balls to call you out on it.
    1 point
  18. I would just like to give fair warning that I may not be submitting something up to my standards for this round. I've been dealing with a lot of pre-MAG anxiety and stress, and so far I don't have anything down for my track that I'm proud of. MAGFest is taking up most of this week, so I'll pretty much be submitting whatever I can get done next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday night. I will most certainly submit something, rest assured. On an unrelated note, who here am I going to see at MAGFest?!
    1 point
  19. I can imagine gamer couples slow dancing to this
    1 point
  20. I didn't know a better place to post this. I don't like navigating new forums or making accounts, but I did so solely so I could tell the artists that created this album how much I appreciate their time/work/dedication that was involved in creating an album that remixed my favorite game soundtrack of all time. And thanks to the crew of OCR that allowed this amazing collab to happen. I'm sure there are hundreds of other people who think the same, but just don't want to go through the effort to let you all know how amazing an experience you guys brought forth. Maybe, just maybe, in a decade or so, I'll have the fortitude to try this kind of thing myself to create content for my next favorite game and make a fan like myself. Again, Thanks
    1 point
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