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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Official status has been granted, @Darkflamewolf - good job on initial organization, let us know how we can help, and keep at it!
    7 points
  2. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Alright, looks like Kapden didn't check in. The spot goes to @Jorito!! Teams are filled, all remixers have checked in. Make sure you head over to your clubhouses on Discord and get those source selections and squad rosters to me by Friday!
    3 points
  3. Wow, congratulations to Darkflamewolf and to everyone who is working so hard for this project. Know your fans are excited and cheering you on!
    2 points
  4. Could be a separate project in theory.
    2 points
  5. SHAMELESS double-post, I know, but I wanted to say that I'm finally done with the first set of formal reviews. Looking back, it seems reviewing 20+ tracks in the space of two weeks didn't work out so well with everything life threw at me over the holidays, so we'll probably just review the tracks as we get updates moving forward. Great work everyone, and I hope some of what was said was helpful. Let us know if you need any help!
    2 points
  6. Me, Drumultima, and two scholars not on OCR (Dana Plank and Michael Harris) have begun playing through Final Fantasy VI while we talk about what's interesting in the music as we go along. The first quarter or so of the game is done and posted to YouTube here -- join us Thursday, 2/9, at 9:00 PM EST for the next session (likely to include the opera scene). Any particular things you're interested in hearing us muse over between leaving Narshe after Terra flies off and departing for Thamasa (as far as we're likely to get next time)? Let us know! EDIT: Our second session is up on both YouTube and Twitch -- we got as far as the escape from the Magitek Research Facility. Doug couldn't make it (thanks to the Northeast weather) so we called upon Julianne Grasso to sub for him.
    1 point
  7. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH FINALLY! You guys put this up, YES! This is great.
    1 point
  8. Eitzpii

    Lufia II: Of Gods and Men

    Okay. I'll send you PM when i have some good progress!
    1 point
  9. This is something I really wished for several years ago, I'm glad to see it's finally happening! One thing though: why call it 'Terms' on the remix pages instead of 'Tags'? The first time I saw it I thought of Terms of Use ("I thought OCR used creative commons?").
    1 point
  10. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Folks: a lot of the team discussion for this competition is going to happen in the Discord channels. Make sure you're idling and/or making yourself available to your teammates via that service. Discord has very good smartphone clients and custom alert settings. I would suggest using this thread here on the forums to coordinate team meetings on Discord.
    1 point
  11. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    @MegaDrive has checked in on Discord. If I don't hear from @Kapden today, @Jorito has offered to fill his spot. Once the teams are finalized here's what you need to do: Teams must assign one source from the source list for their team to each team member. There are 11 sources available to assign to 9 people (the 2 extra are to give people more of a choice). The source you're assigned will be your source throughout the duration of the competition. Teams must divide into three 3-man squads. Teams must provide me with a schedule of remixers for the next three rounds. Each squad will have one person remixing each round. Here's an example: | Squad A | Squad B | Squad C | Round 1 | Rock | Kalinka | Blues | Round 2 | X | Roll | Zero | Round 3 | Volnutt | Alia | Chaud |
    1 point
  12. I really like Hiroki Morishita's music for Heroes. If you like it, check out what he did for FE Awakening and Fates too, or vice versa!
    1 point
  13. I'm a little busy these days to do a full remix, but I'd love to contribute a guitar solo if someone needs one! Some examples of my shreds are here: Lead at 1:48 All of it Lead at 3:20 Lead at 2:53 Lead at 2:02 If you're interested, message me through here or email me at micahblakeslee@gmail.com (I'll be more likely to see the email). Cheers! Micah
    1 point
  14. A decent if standard gacha game. Art and interface are nice, good gameplay but some battles can be tough; becomes grindy early on.
    1 point
  15. Huh, I'll have to check it out / tell my GF about it. She's a big FE fan, and the latest game got quite a few hours out of me recently.
    1 point
  16. I was wondering where you went. It's been so quiet on the thread lately! This is probably just confusion on my part. In SF SNES, the Boll Roll plays while the ending cycles through boss stats and the Staff Roll plays during the credits - originally, you claimed the Staff Roll which I thought you were working with @classic_gamer_76 on; the WIP you submitted was for the Boss Roll, so I obviously assumed you were doing both when you dropped the Staff Roll. This was obviously not the case. No problem, I'll take off your claim and WIP. Just to amuse everyone, I did a double-take on this post. Then I remembered that Australia doesn't have reindeer... Good luck on finding a cool day, Siolfor.
    1 point
  17. Unfortunate that PS Online episodes 1 & 2 would not be covered, as the music is... pretty compelling...
    1 point
  18. I've got a bunch of projects that use various EWQL (multiple patches) and various Kontakt (multiple patches) all the time. No issues. Win10 pro, updates, drivers, all good to go.
    1 point
  19. it was almost definitely an issue with the system bus drivers not being installed correctly, or having multiple sets of drivers overlapping, so the VSTs couldn't requisition IRQ channels without getting overlaps or interrupts. reinstalling windows and reinstalling the system bus drivers likely would have taken care of it. reinstalling w8 had the same effect. also, bricking is a term that denotes damaging the firmware of a ROM chip meaning it can't be used. that doesn't sound like your issue...not trying to be a pedant but bricking vs. screwing up the os is a big difference =)
    1 point
  20. Nice atmosphere you've established here. Production sounds super solid. Nice work on the arrangement side as well with incorporating the themes. Agreed on the coins sounding like...coins. It works still, but just sayin. Nice use of bass and percussion to bring up the energy level around the 2:30 mark. The dynamics were spot on in this mix. Not much else to say except YES
    1 point
  21. I found the arrangement to be very evocative, great use of instrumentation to bring out the emotion throughout. The coin sampling didn't bother me like it did for Mike, but I can see his point. Overall the flow of the arrangement is very strong, and I enjoyed the overall ambiance. There's quite a few good tracks in all of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon soundtracks, and I always enjoy hearing some new mixes come through. BTW, PSMD is actually a step up in difficulty from the previous games, I found myself getting knocked out quite a few times due to not finding good items in the dungeon runs. Definitely try it out sometime if you looking for a decent challenge YES
    1 point
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