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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2019 in all areas

  1. Sorry, all. Timing didn't work out in the 28th and I got a bit distracted last week. I will be posting update later today or tomorrow.
    2 points
  2. Yay! Finally gonna wrap up Crysta, let me bug some people for the 2 performances I still need and wrap it up
    1 point
  3. **2019 UPDATE** As of today I am officially taking over as director for this awesome project. Huzzah! I've contacted everyone who was previously involved with the album to gauge their interest in returning to their tracks and continuing their excellent work. However if people are no longer interested in taking part then their source tracks will become available for claiming, so if you're not currently involved and are interested in signing up watch this space! On that note; we do still have 3 tracks that are unclaimed: Dr. Beruga Freedom Call at a Port If you want to claim any of these tracks drop me a message and we'll go from there. I've given everyone two weeks to reply to my messages, so I'll be creating a new 'state of play' post similar to Odai's original one once that time has elapsed. Watch this space, people!
    1 point
  4. Results time Bundeslang got 6 points and the last place wooden spoon. Silverpool gets the 3rd place with 7 points. Dudley Ghost received 12 points and 2nd place And the winner of PRC385 is TheVideoGamer with 14 points TheVideoGamer congratulations. You got the most points and your song has the most minutes of this round. With such a long entry, it's well deserved. You may pick the source for PRC387. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your sources as fast as you can, but before next Wednesday (16 January 2019), 10:59 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT). Dudley Ghost, as winner of PRC384 you also may select a source for this round (didn't receive it yet). PRC386 already started: You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site): http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).
    1 point
  5. UPDATED YOUTUBE VIEW COUNT 8+ years later. BRandon Strader - Town Music (Busy Life) Music Video - 368 views Biznut - Waking On Not So Distant Afternoons - 371 views Chernabogue - The End OCReMix (short edit) - 404 views Lessashamed - Dreaming Still - 832 views diotrans - Mario Paper Friends - 852,989 views GOOD GRIEF
    1 point
  6. O.o really? Lemme double check. Well, no wonder. Carry on then. Fixed the description and title.
    1 point
  7. Thanks! Yours was really good too. See you next round also!
    1 point
  8. I clicked the LIKE and forgot to listen. BAD HoboKa bad!! 'Queen of Electro' has such a kinky Axiom Verge meets Mortal Kombat vibe to it. This would work in a real game too, imo. Very loopable and high-NRG. Can I bet any feedbackz on my entry? Oh, also, I PM'd Rama's team to fix your first round's date-glitch. Cya next round mate.
    1 point
  9. Oh yeah, and happy new year everyone too xD
    1 point
  10. The UN seems to lean more and more to the Popular Republic of China, as the US continues to go full derp. So, maybe!! Better start leaning Chinese... (edit) and no worries, real-life sometimes sux. Often for me! Happy New Year dood.
    1 point
  11. Hey, couldn't post in time because of family stuff, that sucks. Well I'll still post my entry as a bonus mix in a few days, just need to correct some details. It's a DJ set of original remixes of all the sources from season 15, my way of making a tribute to PRC. ( People's Remix Competition, not Popular Republic of China huh rofl ) I'll post it as soon as I finish it !
    1 point
  12. To get the very best of what they are capable of you'll want to use a nice headphone amp but I use a Presonus 22VSL interface and they work just fine and are perfectly accurate for mixing.
    1 point
  13. That's fine. I can keep myself occupied with the help of my fellow colleagues! lol
    1 point
  14. arcadia legends was trying to get out in time for their 15y anniversary. since we're not aiming for a specific date, i agreed to let arcadia come out first.
    1 point
  15. Remixers - DragonAvenger (vocalist), Efields (arranger) Email(DA) - darlantandragonavenger@gmail.com Website(DA) - http://darlantandragonavenger.googlepages.com/home User ID - (DA)33038, (EF)49876 (I think) Final Fantasy X Besaid Island (Track 1-18) (Feel free to leave the link up!) (DA's Comments)I've been wanting to do a remix to Besaid Island for some time now. I finally got around to commissioning EFields (With dinner at Denny's) to arrange the piece for me, and I recieved a beautiful result (probably worth more than the dinner). I asked him to take the melody line twice as fast as normal, and to make it have a "pop song" feel, as well as add anything he felt like doing. The lyrics came after, based on Tidus and Yuna, the scenery of Besaid, as well as the love scene later in the game. This song has a special dedication to my parents, who just celebrated their anniversary a couple of weeks ago. HUGE thanks to The Prophet of Mephisto for doing work (reverb, echo, etc) on the vocals! (EF's Comments)After DragonAvenger gave me an outline of what she wanted (a very minimal outline, I was more or less free to use my judgement), I got to work composing the instrumental part of this song using Garage Band. It's not the best program for this sort of style, so I was limited in a small number of ways, but writing music with GB is still very manageable. I wanted a remix that was significantly different from the original composition, but one that also strongly evoked the notable characteristics of the original. I mostly used a warm synth pad, a gentle synth lead (which was later deleted and replaced by voice), an unintrusive bass, and a soft tribal beat. Unfortunately, the beat is a loop, so it comes off as a little repetitive, but I tried to blend it nicely through mixing and using different loops. The occasional high-toned bells in the background are my attempt at evoking rays of sunlight coming through the clouds. At the end of the piece, the drums cut out, leaving enveloping chords and a final repetition of the main vocal theme. The music dies away peacefully. Summoner's Love Lyrics - "Waves that lap across the beach, The soaring gulls and leafy trees. Sun, and so warm... It doesn't matter where we go, Just tell me that you love me so. I do, oh I do... Gentle hands and eyes so bright Please bring me close and hold me tight. Your arms, are so warm... Crystal lakes and waterfalls, Swimming under tiny stars. The night, So calm... Always mirthful, laughing strong Nothing ever gets you down. Please, smile, for me Tell me what you want to be Let me be in your story. I love you." Thank you, DragonAvenger, EFields
    1 point
  16. rofl, dude, leave the mouseclick. that's classy. or classic, rather. whatever, either way, that's awesome. seriously, that's trademark. Very pretty vibe. Nice warm synths, nice cool drum groove. Very pretty vocals. Giving me chills, now. Well, I guess I'm gonna stop there. I have no qualms with the mix--it meets the guidelines as far as I can hear, and it gave me little happy warm tinglies. Welcome Aboard
    1 point
  17. Umm...correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Driver 2 (PS2) lacks MIDIs to work with. N00Bs like me may struggle with that. Might wanna re-roll the round after you do your own investigation. But I'm pretty sure I'm right. Anyways, the round is tentatively up. I will alter it as needed. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/StW2
    0 points
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