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Meteo Xavier

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Everything posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Why is this even in Community? Put it in Off-Topic where it belongs.
  2. Better question: If the game is not-commercial and no money exchange is going on, then why are you still asking? Looking at the board here, you got your answer back in June. You can use the music for non-commercial purposes, but editing them is not allowed. Editing them to make them loopable or more like background music is ill-advised in the first place because these songs aren't designed to be in the background of other stuff going on in media and aren't designed to be loopable. You best options are to look for music elsewhere or just accept that there will be little gaps of silence in the game as the ocremix songs start over. Short of that, I don't know what else there is to talk about here with anyone.
  3. Might to give us some more information on what version of FL Studio you're using and what's playing the Soundfonts. FL Studio used to have its own soundfont player that was considerably easier to work with IMO (no dragging that I can recall in 15 years of using it) back in its 32-bit versions, but axed that out in more recent versions. It's one reason I'm still on FL Studio 11. These days, soundfonts are really outdated and I don't recommend them to people who haven't been using them as long as I have anymore. If you have Kontakt, there are ways you can get replacements for soundfonts that I would recommend instead that are free (if you don't mind wading through ancient CD-based sample libraries that have been converted). Another idea is a VST called "Xpand! 2" which is a pretty cheap synth and GM sampler (most places sell it for $15, I got mine for $1) that is a great modern budget-priced sample set for beginners to cut their proverbial teeth on.
  4. Dude, why are you so hung up on this? They have answered you many times more than the question needed. If you need videogame music so badly, there are literally tens of thousands of game composers in dev groups and Facebook and Youtube who are dying for someone, ANYONE, to let them do music for a game. You could pay them in sandwiches and head cheese and they'll deliver music quality comparable to Ocremix posts (a lot of them really are pretty skilled in music where they are not skilled in advertising themselves in a field that has 100x more supply than demand).
  5. What? No. No for-profit games. None storefronts. Zero monetary exchange. Bupkiss bartering material. Void of gain-exchange or personal constructionary trade on this planet and all others for which any kind of exchange system exists or can be expected including celestial bodies such as Sol, Betelgeuse, Alpha-Centauri, Beta-Centauri, and space-time punctures such as black holes and quasars. In a word: nope.
  6. It does feel weird to make topics on rather small subjects the same as I did 15-16 years ago as the community here isn't nearly as interested in those things as before, but I still feel compelled to contribute them here regardless of how adolescent it makes me look and feel. So one game I've become slowly addicted to as of late is one of the 112+ small-name SNES JRPG knockoffs that Kemco has been releasing as indie games for the last decade or so called JUSTICE CHRONICLES. It's the first of these RPGs that I've actually spent some dedicated time and effort into and by now it's paying out some dividends. JUSTICE CHRONICLES is not a hidden gem or anything, it's all stuff that's been done before and done better. The graphics and music feel like Chrono Trigger and other JRPG knockoffs that were made well enough to pass but not really provide any unique magic or identity to the game. It's a somewhat gussied-up appetizer trying to look kinda like a meal at TGIFridays or something, but on its own merits, I have found myself more and more wanting to play it at the end of each day. I've actually ratched up 30 hours on it when I'm pretty sure I could've cleared this game in 18 if I wanted. One major reason for that is an interesting little dynamic that doesn't get observed nearly as often is that despite taking a whole lot of stuff from other, better JRPGs, putting it in one game, giving a forgettable modern shonen coat of paint on it and calling it good is how ridiculously USER-FRIENDLY the game is - creating an experience that makes a rather bare experience look and feel more likeable and positive. Most every gameplay complaint I remember gamers bitching about over the last 30 years has actually been mitigated here: * Battles are quick and efficient. * Grinding does not come up that much. * Menus have stuff that remind you what's going on. * Very little padding of gameplay or plot that I've noticed. * Overworld maps are just points to go to, like in Super Mario RPG. * No fighting character is significantly weaker than another, everyone feels like they're pulling their weight. * Menu option to instantly leave any town or dungeon with no catch or penalty. * Automap that shows mining items and treasure chests (at least on the 3DS version I'm playing). * Can give magic and alignments to characters that don't naturally have them. * Can even double the speed of battles to blast through them quickly. * Side quests are a mission-based system that make it easy to keep track of. Additionally, the game starts out easy enough, but it gets more difficult as it goes on. My characters are on Level 75 and the basic battles in areas I need to go through to progress in the game and they come out battles needing healing more times than not. I don't know if I love this progression personally, but it's an intelligent approach nonetheless. What's actually been addicting me to the game is the weapon and armor CRAFTING system. I don't really love crafting systems as they add so many more steps to getting better equipment, but this one has addicted me. You have to gather items from mining points and occasionally enemies from dungeons to upgrade your equipment, but you have to find recipes in treasures as the game goes along that all go to a crafting "tree" of sorts. The mining spots are generally plentiful and the game keeps track of a lot of it for you while you can do missions that trade resource items for higher quality ones pretty easily - and then the original ones you traded in now become available for purchase at the item shop. I'd say 9 of the 30 hours I put into the game have been for mining and crafting purposes and I'm still not done. <:O Won't blow anyone away, but I do recommend checking out JUSTICE CHRONICLES for people like me that can't get enough simplified JRPG stuff and want one that takes a thoughtful approach to it. I think if this game had been released on the SNES, it would be one of the B-tier RPGs that nevertheless commands $200+ on Ebay.
  7. I usually find at least one major earworm every 3 months, but it's been over a year since I can claim that. This is the closest I got right now:
  8. So I have this new commission I've been gearing up for for some time and I think the last thing I need is an orchestral run library for Kontakt that can reasonably match up the 16th/32nd/64th note runs with the other libraries I have that have with the sustains and marcatos. More than just flourishes that go on during the sections proper, I want to get some string and woodwind (maybe horn?) runs that run up the last quarter or 8th note of a bar to introduce it to the next section. There are quite a bit of orchestral run libraries nowadays and ones that have come out in just the last few years, but I don't think any of them come with the sustain/marcatos/whatever that would be needed now that the instrument has been introduced and is in the bar and if they do, they probably don't have the flexibility that would come with making them leads or at least significant lines. I hypothesize that the nature of runs make it so that they could be combined with other libraries that have the usual sustain/marcato/etc. but I'd like to get someone's opinion on that first. Thank you!
  9. Hey, I recognize that name. You had that synth brass Mega Man X1 track I really liked. I'm perma-banned from the OCR Discord and that bums me out as I also like the chatroom environment to cut loose with new and old friends alike, but I hope you get to enjoy it all the same. I find Discord a rather bloated chatting experience, personally.
  10. Use a Youtube-to-MP3 converter to download the track as an MP3. Then Google something like "Identify song by upload" where you can upload the MP3 and see if they can trace it to something or somewhere. I did that for a few tracks back in May that I've had for over a decade and don't know anything about and they certainly solved those mysteries.
  11. Yer not a moron, Hobo, it just took you quite a long time to get your shit working. A LONG time. But you still got it working and that justifies the time spent on it. Not all of us get to be talents or savants. Not all of us get to be Zircon or bLiNd or Rebecca Trip or among the upper echelons of fame in this line of work - we have to trade our lack of early success for eventual success and be thankful for it lest God takes it away overnight. Today I can call myself a veteran in this art and act like it, but my decade-long dorky newbie era is just as fresh in my mind as they were then and scattered throughout this website for all to see as well. It stays as a constant reminder that there is blood, tears and torn flesh even in rearranging video game music for those that pursue it without the talent to start a fire on launch.
  12. If I lose my rank and get busted down to Newbie because of someone I've never met is mucking around in the code, I'm going to shit bricks until I can build an entire village of brick houses for low-income families that are not eligible for state financial assistance to contain my rage. Rage!
  13. Glad you could hear it, Clem Fandango. And yes, that is a wordplay reference on Toast Of London.
  14. Darkesword's just being curtly dismissive, as always. For me personally, I don't get the same impression but I can imagine how you might. Especially if I listen to it in my head as a slow solo piano song or something like it, I can definitely hear a lot more melancholy; specifically like someone or something trying to put on a bright, happy front while being far more down behind it. I feel like there have been songs I've also much later caught subtle emotional hints and impressions like you have though I couldn't name any examples of memory right now.
  15. The Seiken Densetsu 3 project - because I was on that project for 12 years and shit blood for it more than once in my sanity-defying, reality-molesting quest to finish that god-literally-forsaken project for you testicle-explodingly-pedantic listeners to like it less than any other project ever made. I feel like I permanently gave up a portion of my humanity to see it to the end...
  16. **sus, pisano, you really got the whole soundtrack in there (except for one missing video, but that aside). How did you get your hands on the entire thing? There aren't that many MIDI files of the soundtrack out and around that I know of and I can't believe you would've transcribed so many tracks by ear for such a project as this.
  17. I hadn't seen EW products on sale this low until I posted here. Like I say, I don't know if other stores are now meeting these prices as well, I just know JRR is.
  18. I signed up for JRRshop's newsletter and frequently get a lot of sales intel from them. THIS one I post on today does look like they are the lowest prices on East West stuff I've seen yet. I don't know if other stores are doing the same thing, but East West's stuff still measures up (if you can make peace with PLAY's sampler software) and I find them tempting even after I've already invested in orchestral samples elsewhere. https://www.jrrshop.com/computer-software?dir=desc&manufacturer=129&order=position&sale=1&type=2 Specifically relevant: EWQLSO Platinum Plus - $299.00 East West Silk - $149.50 East West Gypsy - $149.50 East West Goliath - $149.50 East West Hollywood Orchestral Gold - $299.00 Stormdrum 3 - $149.50 And even some diamond level solo stuff between $75.00 and $150.00. Worth sharing here.
  19. Why am I only now seeing notifications from Thursday and being quoted in Russian?
  20. Context: I long maintained a stance that I never wanted to master my own audio - learning composition, arrangement and mixing was enough and I wanted to trust others with a non-biased ear to handle it. Today is different as my music career has ventured into different directions than I had expected. I want to release a slatter of material and paying $100-$150 for mastering each release when I may never see $100-$150 come back for each release just isn't economically viable in the continued Pandemic age. At that same time, I learned that newer versions of Ozone had "smart" or AI-directed mastering in it and one place had Ozone 8 standard for $50. So I bought it. A lot of audiophiles likely bristle at the idea of AI mastering instead of a trained ear, but I don't. I think modern AI auto options have come a long way and can get me where I'd really like to be here. What I Want To Do: I'm aware that a $50 program is not going to be the same quality as a 30 year trained professional charging $100 a song. For these types of releases, I don't really need THE best mastering audio quality, I just need the bare minimum of getting it to sound good enough. 1. Getting frequencies all "colored inside the lines" and not bleeding out or being too much, etc. 2. Getting frequencies and song volumes all consistent within the same album release. 3. Getting the bare minimum amount of clarity for the instruments and accompaniment (maybe related to item #1 above?). What I'm trying to do is build myself a solid process for doing this like I have for my final mix-down and loop-point setting stuff so I know what to do and can just do it quick and efficiently. Again, this is just for "less significant" music tracks that I do - commissioned music and music that I think should have better mastering I'll still be trusting to professionals. This is a solution for me releasing other material that needs to be mastered but really just doesn't need/justify a busy expensive professional for that. Questions: I've played around with it some, but I have not really achieved much yet as, obviously, I have some questions. 1. What things do I need to get and put in Ozone? For example, I know I'm missing a METERING plugin that I read is supposed to be what helps me gauge and get volume levels consistent. I have Zynaptiq Intensity that I have a reliable preset for and use on everything. What other essential components like a metering plugin should I look for? 2. How do I get stereo width consistent on all tracks? Is that what I use the "Imager" plugin in Ozone 8 for? How perfectly aligned does each track have to have its stereo image with each other to be acceptable? 3. I have reference tracks that I want my tracks to sound like when mastered. Does Ozone 8 automatically try to get my track to match the waves/levels of the reference track when I use the Master Assistant. Am I supposed to get the output waves to physically (as it appears on screen) to match the reference track waves? 4. This might be a dumb question, but it is If I get one of my tracks in Ozone 8 sounding the way I'm satisfied with, is it appropriate or stupid to try to save this as a preset to process all the other songs I want to put in as a means of getting consistency in the frequencies? I might have other questions, but that's the main crux of it for now. Answers I'm Not Looking For: Almost every time I ask a question on an audio forum, if I get any responses at all, most of them are usually unhelpful and fall into these categories: "Just use [some other program/service entirely] LOL" "Just hire a professional to do it LOL" "Just learn how [every single tiny component of art] and do it yourself. Learn how compression works. Learn how limiting works. Learn how [xxxx] works. Read books, take classes, listen to lectures, train your ears, spend 5 years and thousands of dollars to do something from scratch instead of however you're trying to do it. I'm telling you this because this is ironically the preset answer any "serious" audio person should answer your questions with because I can't be bothered to actually read the topic or assume you have ever considered such a basic concept before LOL" "Ever heard of Google? LOL" Please understand these responses are not helpful. I chose to do a form of audio mastering with this program for a specific purpose and for specific reasons, I'm not going to go with a completely different direction at this point. I have already used Google and I still have some questions. If you haven't used Ozone 8 Standard or know what I'm talking about, you don't need to respond. Long post, very specific, but hopefully detailed enough that I have explained my context and my questions well enough. Thank you!
  21. This trainwreck, Jojo's-Bizarre-Adventure-meets-a-Cannibal-Corpse-album-cover-pandemic-existence I'm in has not slowed down even a little bit. It's been a new, high level gut punch every day. Highlights from the last five weeks include: * I discovered my best friend of 18 years, and one of the very few I have left at all, as well as someone who got me into Ocremix to start with, had waged a full-scale smear campaign against me to my ex-wife behind my back while he knew we had plans to get remarried. He sold me out as someone who's on the verge of going on a shooting rampage, telling straight up lies, misconstruing things I told him in confidence that he used as ammo against me. And for what? Just so he could exchange lewd videos with her. I can't even compare the sheer scale of that betrayal to anything. I'm just as jaw-on-the-floor shocked now as when I discovered it 5 weeks ago. It's explicit. I have screencaps of it. There is no ambiguity whatsoever. And he still had the gall to talk to me as always with his other face like he was justified for it. When I confronted him, he wasn't even sorry. "Why would I defend you?" he said. I called him a hedonist at one point, he took that title in cheerfully. It's the kind of thing that you go pay a local voodoo witch to curse so there is some kind of cosmic karmic reprisal, but there's no point, whatever karmic reprisal would be in store for him has already been going on his entire life. There's nothing to take back as punishment. It's the most senseless thing I've ever seen with my own eyes, and I've seen actual paranormal shit. * Oh yeah, and his efforts to derail my remarriage were pretty ***damn successful. My progress there went so far back that my depression relapsed into overdrive and I had panic attacks every night for two weeks. * My dad's cancer recovery has not been working out. He still can't talk and is eating out of a ***damn medical bag. * Two weeks ago, my dad also announced he was getting divorced from his wife who is not my mom. This is while he can't talk and can't eat anything. He lives 2,000 miles from me and I can't get to him to help him directly. * One week ago, I learned my dad's wife did NOTHING to help him during his cancer recovery. That's 8 months of leaving him to fend for himself. Also, he's the one that had to move out. My brothers just hauled off and drove across the country to help him out (though no one told me about it until they were already out of the state). * Got sick one day, non-COVID related, took a nap for a brief bit, woke up and somehow one of my cats got out again. Waited for him to come back for 6 hours, then spent 9:00PM to 7:30AM chasing him all around the mountainous woods trying to get his ass back inside because he refused to come back in on his own for some reason. You ever hike a mountain? Not just the trails, but all the ledges you're walking by that slope obtusely and are covered with bushes and trees? Yeah, do that chasing a fucking cat for 10 hours in the dark until the sun comes up. Literally walking through bushes. I got him back in but my body was cut the fuck up. * And my worst fear came to life - the cat contracted fleas with him. I lose even less time in the day keeping things COVID kosher and now fighting flea infestation (although I've almost won it). * Last week I woke up to several responses on Facebook and a few privates messages from a Trump supporter who was threatening serious, call-the-police violent interaction on me for a meme I posted in response to someone's pro-Trump bullshit. This wasn't the typical Trump-thumper chest-thumping, this dude was claiming to me privately he knew where I lived, making a countdown to when he was going to show up, and that he was going to murder me and my cats. So what did I do? I just responded by posting to him in PM the same meme that set him off to begin with. Dude blocked me on Facebook from there. Ironically, I'm pretty sure he really was Trump-thumping chest-thumping after all, he just wanted to go a few steps further than most. I've had dozens of folks tell me they're going to find me and fuck me up and not a single one has shown up yet. * Then came a gut-punch I really was worried about - I got a letter from the IRS saying I still owed them several thousand dollars even though I know I'm paid up for the year. A long and frustrating accounting journey to get into my IRS account while my tax guy is out of the state for several weeks and while the IRS hotline has "extremely limited capacity" to serve me showed that they received my money and still said I owed them that amount. They put my payment in the wrong fucking year. Eventually I got it straightened out, but after all the rest of the shit going on, something like that coming in just feels predictable and typical, right? * Currently operating at 15% reserves, functioning and power from already challenging atmosphere with depression and depression-medication complications and additional lifestyle complications from COVID-19 while living entropy continues to overclock at 178%. * Newest gut punch? Another of the last few actual friends I had suddenly died. Suddenly to me, at least, it turns out they'd actually been in a medically induced coma for 25 days. They relapsed into drugs and this batch was cut was something unknown, so it went straight to their brain and began literally eroding it. Then one by one all the organs shut down. Even if they had survived the MI coma, they'd just be a living corpse. So essentially they'd been murdered (and now the third of my classmates that has been murdered out of like 8 at most that had died), they leave behind an 11-year-old child, and what's left of the family does not have the $10,000 it takes to cremate them. I think I've reached the point where I can call this some "Marquis De Sade shit" without it being exaggerated melodrama. I darkly wonder how much more of this awaits before I have my heart attack or stroke or both.
  22. It already had a spiritual successor with Herc's Adventures as well as a direct sequel with Ghoul Patrol. The former was much less of a hit than ZAMN and people hate the latter for the same reason people think Donald Trump is the second coming of Christ. It looks kinda cool, but its banking on being the modern ZAMN dooms it and it looks underwhelming for what it is in general.
  23. Now entering the somewhat worn field of Ocremixers turning into sound design conglomerates is professional aspie Meteo Xavier with a set of 60 Omnisphere multi-instruments ("multis") for $5.00. Taken from my website: Fusion Dance is my first attempt to make a sound set the way I always go to look for sound sets. This is 60 multi-instruments for only $5.00. This is not a “bread and butter” sound set – you already have hundreds if not thousands of “bread and butter” sounds. No, this is for musicians like me who have lots of sounds that are supposed to generally work anywhere and not be too recognizable because many musicians have a hard-on about that kind of thing taking away the mystique or something. Instead, Fusion Dance is inspired by my love of late 90s/early 2000s romplers, particularly the Roland XV 5050 and 5080, which feature stacks of instruments programmed into a single sound that, oftentimes, sounds unlike anything else and those with trained ears can pick them out in a track once they hear it. Fusion Dance is more than just me trying to play Eric Persing, though, many of these sounds are designed to be enormous – in some cases you could make up half the track pressing a single note. I made them bigger than I normally hear and I made them sound like things I don’t normally hear. Fusion Dance is designed to emphasize multiple made-from-scratch presets together to form movement (hence the name) and have all manner of clever and avant-garde design plus a lot of use of the orb, so you have filters, rhythms, panning, timbre and all kinds of things doing more than just staying in one place as you sustain notes and chords. This set was built in Omnisphere 1.5.6 and is confirmed compatible with Omnisphere 2 up to recent versions. Sound Demo https://soundcloud.com/meteox9999/fusion-dance-omnisphere-demo Anyone who may be interested in purchasing it can PM me as I'm just doing a "Paypal me $5.00 and I'll send you the .rar set which is only 10.5MB" for right now until I get it up on more conventional VST store platforms. More information can be found on this post on my website. https://12mxmedia.com/2020/07/30/fusion-dance-by-12mx-media-for-omnisphere-1-5-6/ Thank you and enjoy!
  24. Are there new allegations against Soule? If not, I'm not sure how it's only now come to your attention. The news about Nathalie Lawhead* was back in 2019. * - As far as I know, I'm not related to Nathalie Lawhead. I did email her to ask if she knew any family relationship between us and never got a response.
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